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in #politics7 years ago

Why We Stand (For the Flag and the National Anthem).

Either NFL Football Players have been hit a few too many times in the head, or they didn't learn anything from the tutors that their coaches paid for, when they were coasting through college, on a football scholarship.

The National Anthem was written when the colonies were once again fighting for their freedom and from oppression and forced slavery against England, during the War of 1812.

So protesting the anthem, the flag and the country, as symbols of "oppression", shows the mindless lunacy being perpetrated by the Liberal agenda, using "group think" to get athletes who make millions for simply playing a childhood game, to protest against the very symbol that allows them to make fortunes and live as free men.

Find out the truth about the flag, the national anthem, and the war that made the United States of America, the bastion of freedom, that these useful idiots are now disrespecting.

Constitutionally Conservative Viewpoints in a Liberal World Gone Mad.
We are just three guys who like to talk about current events, politics and self-reliance. Each week we pick a topic and try to stick to it in the main show. In the After Show, we like to go a little deeper and are more conspiracy minded. We aren't professional pundits, just some guys having a good time shooting the breeze.

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yeah sorry but i'm with the players, you do not have the freedom you have been brainwashed into believing, you have the right to do as you are told or get shot, its starting to turn that way over here in england too and this needs to be stopped, those so called disrespectful players have my full support and my full respect. your government has gone rogue in their attempts at world domination, and they need reigning in. Then you have all the extortion enabling legislated clap trap that needs to go, but thats a whole nother discussion :(

Did you watch the video?

About half of it so far, keep getting distracted mate.

Hopefully, you will see is that we don't have an issue with their freedom to protest.
We have an issue with the protest itself. The reason is false.
Also, as private employees, they can be fired for doing it and it wouldn't violate their freedoms.

I dont think you know what the word Freedom means mate, im sorry but when you only have the right to do as you are told or get shot, you have zero freedom, over here if a uniform terrorist masquerading as a police constable wants to talk to me, i am not obligated to converse with it and i can tell it to fuck off and walk away, currently without getting shot. Yet you guys have been brainwashed into respecting symbols using stories, a flag is a flag it is no different from a company logo, like a national anthem is no different than a companies jingle.
UK USA even china, are all companies who do not employ us the average joe, if you check on dunn and bradsreet or even companies house, all these countries are listed as "for profit organizations" that profit is extorted from the common man who has nothing to do with them, even those who do not vote or partake at all, governance comes from the individual, yet guberments are becoming the new slave owners and the countries are becoming the plantations. And this has only become relity because they have been allowed to print money on the back of nothing, and then say "here have some money (welfare / benefits) but live by our rules..." This needs to change, guberment need to go, as does money, but the latter is going to take some painful transitioning that needs to happen now, other wise it will be harder for the next generations to deal with :s

I'm not sure how your rant has anything to do with a communist pretending that the national anthem was about glorifying blacks being killed.

I'm not sure how you believe you are free, but hey ho if you want to worship a piece of cloth or a silly song thats your choice mate ;) I'm not much different in that respect as i respect "god save the queen" simply because the alternative is the slavery you guys live under :(

Again, you are missing the point.

And am I as free as back in 1780? No, I am not. Our freedom has been eroded for the last 100 years. Am I freer than people living under the Queen? Yes, most definitely.

America has long since stopped being the bastion of freedom. There's a problem. People have a right to protest too. It may make them an asshole for doing it, but that's their right. The more we ignore the blind nationalism, the worse the problem will become too. How many more freedoms do we have to lose before people wake up?

They have the freedom to protest all the want. They shouldn't be stupid about it. They don't understand the history of the poem and the significance. We cover that in the first part of the video.

But... you'd force them to stand? Is this Nazi Germany, and not providing the proper salute will get you arrested by the secret police? What happened to liberty? One of the key concepts of liberty is the ability to offend someone without the risk of violence in response. If you cannot offend, you are not free.

No. But, they can get fired for protesting, they are private employees.

The protest is false. People are following this false protest thinking it is one thing when it is not.

I doubt their contracts state, "You must stand during the anthem." Perhaps future contracts will however. If people don't like how much these guys get paid, they should stop watching. My main life motto applies. Stop playing or watching the part of a hero, and be one instead. :)

The contract says that they can't do anything to their uniform that would not be consistent with the message of the NFL. This is the reasoning the NFL gave that Dallas couldn't wear the shoes that supported 9/11 first responders nor the ones for the cops shot at the BLM rally.

So, if the players really wanted to own up to the protest that they supposedly follow, then put it on their uniforms and actually be brave about it. However, they will not, because they don't want to get fired.

And, yes, people are stopping watching and that is why they will stop doing this, because money talks. The NFL will only put up with it until it starts hurting their pocket books.

Spot on with your logic. God Bless the United States of America.

it is necessary to have the courage to tell the truth, the flag and the national anthem are sometimes used for political reasons and manipulate the people

However, if you watched the video, the reason for the protest is false.
Saying that the national anthem is against black people ignores what was written and why.

yes you are quite right.

I'm mixed on this topic. People are free to do whatever they want. Should they be able to kneel to express whatever objections they have, yes.

However, I find it hillarious that all those who probably support these folks kneeling on the field are probably the same ones that judged Tebow for kneeling on the field and told him to keep his beliefs off the football field.

The people supporting this are also the people who said the bakers had to bake a cake.

People have become so self centered and think nothing of the consequences their actions bring on. These football players are at work, it's their fricken job. What if I was at work and decided it was wrong to play elevator music because it offended me. I protested by sitting in the middle of a hallway with a sign, would I still have a job? Hell no! It's not about rights, its idiocy pure and simple.🐓

They are paid to play.

But, on top of it, the protest in itself is based off of a false premise.

it's the The National Felons League
As of September 25, as Joseph Curl points out at the Daily Wire, it had been a mere 23 days since the last NFL player had been arrested for a crime. The average is about a week between NFL player arrests:

  • The average time between arrests is just seven days, while the record without an arrest is slightly more than two months, at 65 days, according to NFLarrest.com, which "provides an interactive visualized database of National Football League player Arrests & Charges," the site says.
    Players get arrested for a variety of crimes: drunk driving, drug offenses, domestic violence, assault and battery, gun violations, disorderly conduct, resisting arrest, theft, burglary, rape and even murder

I saw a Tweet with all the mugshots yesterday.

Regardless of that, the idgit that started the protest is just a communist trying to pull one over on everyone.

I dunno if I'd give him that much credit.

Well, to be honest, most he most likely got the idea from his girlfriend who got the idea from Linda Sarsour.

he HAS a girlfriend?

To put it simply, Americans all have the right to freedom of expression. The players are citizens and certainly fall under the protections of the constitution. They surely can do exactly what they are doing and have no government recourse to fear.

You and others certainly have the same freedoms. In this case, the freedom to turn the channel, or turn it off entirely. That's how this whole experiment called the United States is supposed to work.

Personally, I don't watch the NFL nor do I care what they do. If you or anyone else is a fan of the NFL and this is the direction they are deciding to take then you should consider if that is something you wish to spend your money and time on. If a store doesn't sell your product, do you continue to shop there?

Lastly, on their employment. Granted, some freedoms are certainly suspended while under employ. Anyone who has had a job can certainly testify to this. Given that they are free men, working in a free society, should they be taking dangerous steps to unemployment, that's their prerogative.

I agree.

My biggest issue is that the reason for the protest, focused on the anthem and not the flag is false. It is a lie. And I would say, that the underlining reason is actually anti-American, because it supports ideas that are against America.

Anyone is free to oppose everything about American society and culture, this includes history. They may be hypocrites or a glutton for despair, but it's completely ok in the eyes of the constitution. As long as there are no laws broke, then it's part of expression.

There are plenty of anit-Americans who are living here.

For you to say that you don't like it is all fine and good. To want or hope that something happens that makes them do something different, that they don't want to do, could be construed as anti-American as well.

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