
Such a cool vibe here

I'm glad u think so too!

I guess people are getting in the mood for halloween

Happy Halloween. where are u tuning in from?

seems like Japan. is this the real konami?

thanks d-prn.

hey Foxhound, thank u for the support.
unfortunately, I lost my master key and will no longer be as active on here as I will be on my @ketochef blog.

hope to see u there! and thank u for all the support getting me started :)

it should just be "sup boo!"

Lol. Boo!!!!

happy halloween!

I am sorry for being a bit forward. But you got some sexy eyes. Gggrrrrrrrr

that's not me. this is a resteem

Haha. I'm glad I wasn't the only one thinking it. Yum

lol, you girls are funny!

I support you and all your American friends!
please keep fighting to justice and truth.


hi konami.
thank you for the support from Japan. much appreciated

true warrior of American patriot @nideo

Warm regard from Aceh

he is such a cool cat!

sorry for I am a new here. what is Aceh?

Good question

nice to meet you @konami

Aceh is One province in Indonesia, and Aceh have big Communities here on Steemit, have a nice day sir

omg, can you please post a picture here? I would love to see :D

thanks for the information, I didn't know either

Yeah man. Thank you. I wasn't aware of that either. But I have been seeing it a lot recently.

same here, I became curious as well

Neither did I

I guess this is what makes platforms like these so powerful and transformational to the world ahead

thanks for that information. I had no idea

it would be cool if a link is used to take this article to another related one, huh? try it nideo

hey thanks for the advice, but I don't know if this link remains editable now? :/

Interesting. There are definitely two sides to this we have active enlisted service members and former veterans that are on this side or against the issue you are discussing.

yes, there is good team and there is bad team. @nideo is on good guys team with good and brave heart

anyone who chooses their allegiance to A MAN over their allegiance to their fellow Americans is a traitor, regardless of their job.

There are two sides,
I suggest you pick yours wisely.

Sorry nideo. I'm a huge fan of your blog but I have to disagree with you

"There are two sides,
I suggest you pick yours wisely."

I commented as a reader who read your post and left feedback. I'm not a component of division but freedom of choice and opinion.

I disagree in the aspect of you seeming to label a "traitor" to any active, reserve, or combat-veteran, veteran service-member that are on the side of the issue you aren't satisfied with if they don't align with your views.

These men and women are not traitors. They have every right to choose what they want to choose (opposing or non-opposing side) calling them a "traitor" is very dismissive on the amount of suffering they deal with through sleep-deprivation, hard physical labor, and fitness requirements, and the tasks they need to do to perform their job, and the majority of deaths that occur in suicide, or in training that aren't combat related (all on a very minimum wage).

They being part of anyone as well as everyone has the right to choose either side. Is that not liberty, is that not freedom to be able to do so?

Each choice (as long as it is non-violent) should be respected to create discussion not division (from military members, and military families to minorities, residents, and citizens) because progress can't be obtained through hate, the inability to not listen to either side, or not having the skill to communicate peacefully stunts being able to find resolution.

Even just welcoming conversation on the topic seems hard at times.

My bad, my intention was clear and meant to let you know "I am listening." That's it.

thank you for the thoughtful and passionate engagement. you have every right to your freedom of thought and expression and I thank you for engaging me.

my criticism is of the idea, and it is not exclusively yours, that just because someone serves in the military or because they are a veteran of the military that their opinion or position is considered automatically to be patriotic or superior to my fellow American civilians. who work thousands of hours, day in and day out to keep this country thriving. I know many great soldiers, I've worked with veterans who've seen their best friends killed in battle, and I have also met horrible violent savages who wore our country's uniform.

I reject the notion, completely, that a man in uniform is superior to a mother or a daughter or a janitor who work and contribute to this great nation of ours.

blind patriotism is dangerous, and I have no tolerance for it. appeal to authority and ad hominem have no place in my mind.

thank you for your contribution.
I have nothing but admiration and respect for your voice,
you have my vote.

may you live long and prosper.

I thank you for engaging with me back in a discussion that is respecting each other and healthy. Thank you, and you are welcome. I honor and value this discussion we are having as it is peaceful.

I am listening is something I definitely want to bluntly state, again. My ears are open to both sides. As a critical thinker I need to make an informed choice by observing both sides while respecting both side's freedom of choice as long as it is non-violent that is the etiquette necessary to any topic.

I can respect your views in having that sentiment.

I do want to note that these service members in the military, the majority of them are minorities (or even generations of poverty filled Americans(white)) that knew poverty, were hard-working Americans in the civilian labor force (were McDonald's workers, Wal-Mart workers, Janitors), or earned their citizenship from another country (Puerto Rico, Mexico, so on) by passing their training to earn their title in whatever branch of service they chose.

All labor whether civilian from a janitor or (even the labor done from a recruit in the military) from a private in the military I respect their labor, because their labor comes with pain, and it is a struggle on both sides the way they are physically worked by capitalism in exchange to find a way to provide for themselves, and their family.

Military service-members do indeed acknowledge your hard-working janitor they know their roots they had parents that came from that or they themselves came from that position 'janitor' as well. They will defend their Americans without a doubt in a way that aligns to their ethics, morals, values, views.

I just lightly want to say, please don't disregard our service members in the military. There is far too much agony, pain, suffering, dismissive notes (even within their family: wife, child, husband, spouse) of misunderstanding when it comes to noticing them outside of their duty station which is why suicide rates are so high within the military community. Let the men who have served and serve not be a shadow we walk away from or do not listen to. Military and civilians need each other in union to defend our country not in division. We all have a heart and we all yearn to understand and clear misunderstanding within our community to strengthen the American spirit.

Good night! It is too late for me. Thank you for this discussion.

I wish upon you prosperity too and a long life.

Excellent point


You speak the truth. I went to school in a lower-middle class area and in high school, we always had military recruiters come in and sell the army to us as an easy career opportunity and a viable economic option. Those appealed most to those of the students who were economically and socially less fortunate than the rest of us.

hasn't it always been this way? the poor and the weak, giving what little power they have to serve the corrupt interests of the few rich and powerful.
I say no more.

I have nothing but respect for any man, regardless of job. unless that man begins to abuse their power. I do not disrespect our servicemen and our soldiers, on the contrary, it is one of my missions to find a way where we can incentivize their rescue when they come back to our homeland. I live down the street from a homeless shelter and many of my friends there are veterans, abandoned by the federal government, and forced to take their experimental drugs in order to stay here.

the war is not between you and me, us and the military men. it is between us and those who actively work to divide us across the world. and while we are busy arguing, they are getting away.

by the way, the word "listen" had become one of my favorite words this year :)

My uncle died serving in the military. This is a sensitive AI kect for me

It's a hard eco time for all. Please be more understanding.

Definitely agree with you on that I do not justify the blind abuse of power being distributed amongst people intentionally (sad to say sometimes, uninformed people don't have or take into account both sides of an issue) because when it's unintentional then there is room for improvement by becoming aware and then reproaching, correcting, amending violent behavior.

I didn't intent to sound argumenative. My apologies.

I sincerely was only discussing. As if we were both in a coffee shop conversing over tea. :)

Digital media is rapid and spreads a message that is far-reaching. However, at the end of the day it is a very fragmented conversation, not really realiant on real-time response or physical body language translation.

Enjoy your Monday :)

thank you!
and I agree.

there is no substitution to an in-person conversation! :]
I wish you a good week

For ALL is key..

US is in a strange state at this moment


exactly, otherwise it is no longer a democracy.
I am glad now we can all have up-votes that matter :)

thank for stopping by. unfortunately I lost my master keys to this account, so I do not know how active I will be on it since I no longer have access to my steam power. any suggestions would be appreciated

That sucks! Going for a new account? Start from scratch?

I am so relieved and proud to see that so many Americans are wonderful and brave souls who will stand for justice.

I am with you

I appreciate your optimism brother.
it is all for the better

Hey man. Nice to meet you welcome to steem it

you too @konami. I am a huge metal gear solid fan and a bid admirer of all your publicans. I used to play Contra when I was a little boy, I have so much respect for what you did to the video game world.

I also want to say that I really love what you are doing with enhancing your classics and re-releasing them.

best of wishes to you and I hope we run into eachother on the block!

ja matta1. :)

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