POETRY CONTEST - Runaway Rhymes 7: Let's See, Why Me?

in #poetry7 years ago

Welcome to Runaway Rhymes 7

Here is another round of this growing poetry contest and I can't wait to read all your poems!

RUNAWAY RHYMES 7 TOPIC: Let's See, Why Me...


I'd like you to write a poem that asks the question why me. It can be about anything as long as it addresses the question "Why Me" and it rhymes.


Why Me?

I always find the mud in the grass
Or cut myself on the only pieces of glass.
I lose the best of things
Like keys, money and rings.

Schoolbooks disappear on their day
If my room was tidy that would pay.
I seems that I always ladder my tights
On groovy party or disco nights.

I sometimes rip my coat on the fence
or lose my last vital 50 pence.
I miss the films that I really want to see
But that's because I'm just me.

(another poem dug out of the archives)


Not so big a prizepot this time I'm afraid...

First prize 5 SBD
Second Prize: 3 SBD
Third Prize: 2 SBD
Honorable Mentions: 1 SBD


The rhyming poem has to be 8 lines or more.

It has to rhyme (or almost rhyme).

Please add your poem or post link to the poem into the comments of this post. (If its not in the comments, or linked to in the comments it won't be included in the competition).

1 entry per Runaway Rhymes Round


Please let as many poets (or anyone who might want a go who then discover they are poets but didn't know its) know about this competition as possible by re-steeming this post, and/ or including a link back to it in your Runaway Rhymes post.


Midnight Saturday 29th July
I will judge and do all the payouts on Sunday 30th July
Let's make this the BIGGEST and BEST Runaway Rhymes round so far, so please do spread the word far and wide.

Good Luck.


Hey @hopehuggs, thanks for having this contest, It is an honor to have the opportunity to enter. My poem was written when I was having one difficult day after another that turned into several years. For a while life seemed hopeless and as I battled with a toxic relationship I also battled with a deep bout of loneliness. So the relief came by writing out my feelings, which normally comes out in a poetic flow. This is my entry for runaway rhymes 7

Beautiful poem. Touches the soul.

Reading this poem made my evening. Still smiling.

Why is My Life so Great?

Why do I have so much more than I need
I've lived a life never bending to greed
Whispering dollars I never did heed
I bow to no one 'cause I have been freed

I found the life that I've wanted to live
It's great to receive but it's better to give
You don't need to struggle, you've only to dream it
So get off your ass and get onto steemit!

I also did a post and resteemed.

This poem is awesome! It inspired my entry. Have a great day!

The best kind of life to lead. A great "why me" we should all think about.


Thank you for hosting a lovely poetry contest. You encourage me!



P.S. Re-Steemed...

Thank you. The more entries the merrier. Will I be seeing one from you?

I hope you will, my friend @hopehuggs...

I'm contemplating attempting to write my second sonnet on the topic you've suggested...

Just in case you're interested, here is my first sonnet:

"Old Hands"

I always appreciate constructive comments. ;)

I really like it. I notice the age in my hands. I'm not what I would consider old, but I already have arthritis in one of my finger joints. It always catches my eye when I look at my hands. Inspiration to write comes from so many things.

Thank you so much for reading. :D

Why me?

I sigh and lean against a tree
Why am I alone at this party?

Why did I get all dressed up?
It's not as if she'll see my getup.

The dance floor's empty, but wait
Maybe she was just a little late

She boogies and spins and hops
Thump, my heart almost stops

I shimmy and shuffle my way towards her
She smiles and the rest is a blur

13 years later as we expect our first
There's a query the answer for which I thirst

"Why me?" in tones of angsty grown man petulance
"Simple," she replies, "because you dance."

That's a sentimental and lovely why me. Thank you for entering

Also pleasantly based on truth :)

Hello. I have created an entry here :-)


Good morning @hopehuggs :)
here is my entry. I hope you like it! I had fun writing it!

Why me?
Did I really have to win the lottery?
Now I am rich, alright!
Spend money day and night
and have to look good when I do.
Oh, if you only knew
how hard this is.
Sometimes I even get frizz
in my hair.
This is not fair!
Why me?
I just wanted to be happy
but this is so much work, it´s hard
I wish for a new start!

I think giving a million away would make me more happy! I'm content with my lot. I could get a lot of nice things, but I have the essentials already. Love the poem.

Dear @hopehuggs. Thank you for this opportunity . Hope I win this contest:). Here is link to my post.

Draws out powerful emotions. Good job.

Here is my entry for Runaway Rhymes 7 poetry contest :)

Another superb entry. Thank you.

Thank You , and thank you for providing this contest :)

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