Raw Oil Free Beetroot Hummus - Food Photography

in #photography6 years ago (edited)

Happy Saturday friends! Hope your day is going well! I enjoyed my day hanging out at a vegan potluck and met some new friends! And, we played a game of kickball! My 12 year old self would never believe my adult self would be playing games like that ever again but it was actually really super fun... once I remembered the rules 😅 haha!

For the potluck I made this raw beetroot hummus which is oil free, and people loved it! Because it’s raw and oil free, the consistency isn’t AS smooth and creamy as cooked hummus, however it’s still really good as a veggie dip, chip dip, or however you usually use hummus. YUM! 

This recipe requires you to soak dry chickpeas, as canned chickpeas are pre-cooked. You can also sprout the chickpeas to enhance the nutrition!

Raw Oil Free Beetroot Hummus


  • 1 cup soaked chickpeas (about 1/4 cup dry)
  • 1 medium sized beet, diced
  • 1 tbsp minced garlic (more or less depending on how much you like garlic!)
  • 1 1/2 tsp cumin powder
  • 1 tsp onion powder
  • 1/2 cup water
  • Juice of 1 lemon
  • 3 tbsp of sesame seeds (or 2 tbsp of tahini)
  • Salt & pepper to taste


  1. Place dry chickpeas in a bowl covered in water, leaving 1 inch of water above the chickpeas as they will triple in size overnight. Soak for at least 24 hours, I soaked mine for 36 hours and changed the water half way through to ensure maximum softness!
  2. Once chickpeas have soaked, place all ingredients into a high speed blender and blend until as smooth as desired. Add more or less liquid depending on your desired consistency!
  3. Enjoy! ❤️

If you haven’t yet, check out my other delicious raw vegan recipes below!

  1. Mango Pineapple Fruit Fluff Smoothie Bowl
  2. Raw Vegan Creamy Alfredo Sauce Recipe + Kelp Noodle Hack
  3. Colourful Summer Rolls w/Sweet Chili Sauce 
  4. Raw Vegan + Oil Free Mini Lemon Tart 
  5. Raw Vegan Vanilla Lime Cheesecake 
  6. Raw Vegan Chocolate Caramel Pecan Brownies 
  7. Raw Vegan Chewy Twix Bars 
  8. Raw Vegan Deep Dish Pizza

All photography is mine, taken with my iPhone 7+ and edited by me! For more info about me, check out my intro post!


I love hummus @therawfoodie and this one looks delicious and like a tasty idea

Thank you! Yes it is so tasty :D @michelnilles

Great recipe - I love the oil-free part. I myself always try to substitute oil with some healthier alternatives 😉

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