
You cleaned up the title to my little article there. :)

Well it wasnt as if you were gonna clean up after yourself .... hhhmmmmfff

LOL! @breezin, are you out trolling again!

Thats what you get for leaving me under a bridge!

(plus i figured that you must miss me by now... and I cant sleep!)

Mm, yeah, did you want me to put the actual title? I can :)

It's all good. You're actually adding to the shock value.

Nice pics by the way. I like the bench in blue.

Haha, that occurred to me. I loved your post.

Thanks! It's the first time I played with the color on photos, was trying to find a way to make the night shots stand out :)



This Man's magical hand just reached inside my world.

OMW!!! Did you go to the police station yet??

I thought this was an ad! NICE job!

This thing is fucin cool! How much to make me one? ll pay you 4 SBD for one with @ackza in it and please this image of a kathara grid

Please use that image in the thiing...IF you wana make me on! I really need my own custom GIF like yours! but make my background white so it blends into steemit or chainbb ...if u want more than 4 sbd just lemme know

Thanks...but the Gif is from @son-of-satire, he made it for me. If you go to his page and follow him, then offer him the sbd in his most recent post I'm sure he'll do it for you...though maybe not with the design, that looks a bit complicated lol

Ah thats a clever way to compile them links!

YEP, Blows on knuckles and polished them on shirt lol

I love taking and posting pictures, but it just feels like something needs to go with them :)

Absolutely and its such a nice change of an accompaniment!

A refreshingly simple post so well put together, very clever and useful! I now have a new tool thanks to @papa-pepper and you. Now I'm off to visit some new links

Thank ye Franky by and by. Actually I have several new tools I've gathered lately, I'll link them to you after I get caught up ;)

Stunning post, all the help a newby needs... with a added hint of "with friends like these..."

I fucking love nature. Ill be waking up at 7am to go on a morning hike. Ill do around 3-8 miles tomorrow. You know how excited I am? Enough to wake up at 6:30 on my day off lol

I fucking love it too ;) I hope you're bringing your camera along.

All guidelines in one post ☺️ plus nice photos 😊 good one sis, resteeming it😊

I was uploading the pictures and I thought...why not add another feature to the post :)

Yes.. It is a good idea indeed ☺️ viewers can enjoy pictures as well as get information though links

This looks like an awesome place to picnic :)

It's the side yard plus across the street from my parent's house :) Though I agree, it is a cool place to picnic.

I might be weird but I enjoy seeing fallen trees in nature. I have a fallen tree in my yard that is surrounded by ivy and covered in moss. It's so pretty. The orange flowers in front of the fallen tree is beautiful. Great pictures as usual.

Actually, fallen trees always make me think of childhood, where I definitely loved seeing them because I would climb all over them.
The one in these pictures fell recently, in fact it was just after the death of my parent's neighbor of thirty years. My dad named the tree after him.

That's sweet to name in in their memory. There's something peaceful about a fallen tree. Makes me just want to sit and look around at nature.

Nature is such a beautiful one, nice pictures. But in case of the night photos, there is much room for interpretations.

Have a nice sunday :).

ᑌᑎᑭᖇEᗪIᑕTᗩᗷᒪE ᑎᗩTᑌᖇE
Fabulous photography

Why, thank you :)

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