FAQ (Frequently Accepted Qualms) from Minnows to Experienced Steemians

in #steemit7 years ago

Rene @world5list and I have been putting a lot of effort lately into bringing more people onboard the Steemit train. But during this process we've come across several important roadblocks we've often encountered when showing minnows the ropes. Therefore, we ask you—the community—for advice on ways we can solve these problems in order to streamline a newbie's process into joining this amazing platform!


The first and most major challenge is the signup process. Accounts can take up to two weeks for approval. Such a delay can cause one to lose interest once they've finally been approved, which will lead to lower “conversion rates” and wasted marketing efforts. We understand this approval process is important in reducing the creation of spam accounts as well as verifying real users, but the only way to speed up this process is through @anonsteam, which also requires payment using BTC, LTC, or STEEM, all of which our potential users may either not have or aren't willing to make the small financial investment for (due to their lack of knowledge on how smart of an investment it really is!).

In addition, although it's truly simple in nature, I can see how the user interface can be slightly overwhelming to a newcomer. I always tell others that the FAQ is a great place to start learning the basics, but when it comes to the platform's more algorithmic functions (i.e., voting power, payout jumps, etc.), it's necessary to dig deep into others' posts to learn everything; which even then can be a daunting task in and of itself. A more improved user interface in which a quickstart guide or “New to Steemit? Start Here!” section is centrally located would help immensely with smoothening out one's transition to Steemit. I was fortunate enough to be able to apply my knowledge of social media and cryptocurrency to this platform, cutting down the time required to get familiar with the ins and outs of Steemit. But for someone like my mom @offoodandart, for example, as well as the majority of the population out there with little to no experience in Reddit-like platforms, the entire concept of Steemit may be a little difficult to wrap your head around. This may be the reason why there's such a large user base (170,000) but only a fraction of whom are active (30,000); people sign up and get motivated but end up not signing in ever again after spending a few minutes clicking around.

We have been putting in a lot of time into showing people the ropes, but most others may not have as much guidance. Some people may discover the platform on their own (as was the case with me). These are the same people who may not know where to even begin in getting involved with the community. Additionally, a lot of people aren't even aware of Steemit.chat or Discord, both of which are extremely useful tools in enhancing your Steemit experience. Nevertheless, Rene and I are still taking out a lot of time to bring on quality content creators and highly encourage others to do the same...because after all, this is the most effective way of truly spreading the word and growing the platform :) Happy Steeming everyone!


It is easy !
Dedicated people will always gain money and gain followers
I like your post
Thank You for sharing

Slowly but surely I'm beginning to realize that this platform is more so about quality over quantity. Had it not been for articles like these, I would have given up. Its content like this that hep encourage users such as myself press on. My best advice is take your time and pride in the content you put out there and you'll be a top earner in no time. What's that quote from that old shitty movie 'If you build it, they will come' Accurate breakdown of this platform.

Indeed !
Now I'm working on quality for my post and it takes more than 2 hours to complete one post and more than 5 hours to collect information and quality for my post

All the best for your future posts and followers.
Help them as much as you can

Thank you. Same to you :)

You had me right up to the point where you called Field of Dreams shitty. For shame! (That's not a gun, it's your finger--I mean come on, it's James Earl Jones!)

I agree, I keep telling everyone it's all about persistence and hard work. If this were an easy game, everyone would be doing it! Thanks for taking the time to read my post & I'm glad you enjoyed it :)

Yes, yes, yes. I just replied to a frustrated fellow-new-steemer today, and said something to the effect that you've just got to do the work, there's no getting around it.

Here's a link to the response I made, for anyone else who is new and nearly ready to high-tail it out of Dodge:

https://steemit.com/new/@juliany/being-a-new-person-here-is-hard-someone-need-to-create-a-noob-friendly-tutorial-and-sticky-it-lol#@joanroberts/re-juliany-being-a-new-person-here-is-hard-someone-need-to-create-a-noob-friendly-tutorial-and-sticky-it-lol-20170626t223745812z - and now you've got my 2 cents worth twice!

To be fair steemit is still in beta and all the people which are here are early birds imo.
I started my 4 th week now here and bought in as a dolphin. For me it also felt like forever till my account got approved and I kind of got frustrated a bit and since steem was rising I was flirting with the idea of selling it again.

By far I dont understand all now or even a lot how certain things work but I am enjoying my steemit experience for the most part and figuring out which features I want to use and how much I want to throw myself into steemit and therfore if and how active I want to be on steemit.chat or different discord groups.

I also think in the long run it would be better if more happens not behind "closed" curtains since it makes it even harder to get involved.

Anyways good post.

I am curious about your opinion about commenting after the fork.
Before it used to be the tool to earn your first upvotes and followers, since people now dont upvote so many comments anymore.

Also I am totally upvoting my own comment :-)

I think you're going about this platform in exactly the right way: figuring out how involved you want to get while still keeping the experience as enjoyable for yourself as possible. A lot of people are signing up for this platform for all the wrong reasons (money) and therefore get frustrated after a few weeks and a small handful of dollars. Take what you can while giving back as much as possible but at a good balance that you're comfortable with. Steemit.chat or Discord--I've personally found--are not absolute prerequisites to improving your Steemit experience.

Regarding commenting after the hard fork, I honestly don't know too much about this or how HF-19 impacted the commenting process. Although I've spent a lot of time on this platform, I'm still learning more about these technical aspects on a day-by-day basis, so it's difficult for me to give my opinion on these things. But as soon as I know more I'll be sure to fill you in on my thoughts ;)

Btw, I upvoted your comment too & I'm glad you enjoyed my post!

To be honest, money was exactly the reason I signed up here also at first and I am guilty of follow4follow shit also in my first week.

After realizing it didnt bring any upsides and wasnt fun at all. I decided to change this and engage in content and catogieres I enjoyed and tadaaa....it changed my experience 100%. Suddenly I was learning about stuff I was genuine interested in and from time to time I was even able to teach or add some value to their post, which is waaaayy more fun and also earned me more followers and most importantly engaged follower.

I would be lying if I said I dont care about the money at all but if you have fun and engage in an "honest" way money will follow. At least this is my experience for now.

Come for the money, stay for the community

When people put the time and effort into putting together quality content and get cents on the dollar users will definitely stop using the platform. Steemit is very top heavy and will always be in my opinion. The same people are always at the top, well deserving, but it doesnt give the newcomers a chance to get known. I believe there should be another tab at the top that has quality content, but not many upvotes. Not sure how this would be possible, but im sure can be done. It will give people more hope and drive to writing better.

Something like the would definitely 'make the process easier', but I'm beginning to appreciate it in its current state because it motivates me to be as creative as possible. #ChallengeAccepted

Oh. Thank you very much for your rich information about steemit! As a newbie like me who seldom using online English platform like Reddit. Sometime will feeling very very uncomfortable haha. But this community is very warm, people in chat room are nice they help me a lot! It is wonderful!

Yeah it's awesome here! I'm glad you're enjoying it :)

You have made some very important points and i hope steemit look into them. However this world is always in a hurry and expect everything to run like a movie. You should Vick out tending there is suppose to be a blog on HF20- some real kool stuff will be happening. It's a great post by the way and its informative too. If there is a waiting process, and people could be researching and start formulating things before hand. Ill upvote because you want better for steemians and minnows like me. Im still barely a week old.

Welcome to Steemit! I agree, everyone is all about instant gratification these days, without realizing that this place is more about quality rather than quantity. Anyways, I'll definitely be looking more into HF-20! Thanks for making me aware of it :) Best of luck Steeming!

Your mom ... hey, that's me @offoodandart. Glad I'm reading your posts.

Seriously, it's been helpful for a minnow like me. Case in point, I'm not aware of Steemit.chat and Discord. I'll check them out.

Thanks again, son!

Love, Mom

The biggest challange is certainly not the signup process. It is a newbie writing his impressive 3 pages post he spent 3 hours on cause he heard he needs to "contribue value" and then it reaches 4 people and makes $0.02. Then he sees people posting a picture of their cat saying they took it for SteemIT get 400 usd. You can take a guess if he would ever waste his time here. That`s the biggest barier.

I love this freakin post!

Thanks! Glad you liked it :)

Thanks for the post

Thanks for reading it :)

I had the same problem when telling my biggest fans on facebook... they were confused. I have yet to tell my 22k+ followers on FB on a post but only individually.

I started 3 weeks ago and I picked it up real fast but your right the week delay made me forget about it and I did lost interest for a few days.

Steemit will fix the issues soon I hope, great post man! 💪🏼😂💯

Thanks, glad you enjoyed it :) I lost interest for a few days too, but thankfully I decided to follow through! Being active on this platform was the best choice I've made in a long time!!!

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