Magick and RebellionsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #occult7 years ago (edited)

"Do what thou Wilt shall be the whole of the Law"


The study of Magick is a never ending adventure. The word occult has been given a reputation and criticized by usually people too ignorant to look into the word itself. it is obviously hidden from people too distracted by football or whatever else may spew from their DirectTV satellite with a thousand channels of misdirection. The growth in the number of people losing interest in Christianity and Catholicism and claiming atheism has opened new doors for liberty and the search for something more than disbelief. people want to believe in something.

Learning about the history of Magick and the occult has brought me wisdom and skills that i had always known i had and allowed me to sharpen those tools needed to build this life of mine. Seeing that you have potential and not having the proper outlet may cause discomfort and depression and sometimes even psychological disorders. Some of the greatest artists and magical people turn to drugs, usually living a life of despair, because they are broken spiritually and mentally. the church has been failing to deliver.

There is a rebellion of lost people with a craving for a revival of spiritual awakening. When people rebel they will do whatever they can to achieve their goal. Even if it means turning their back to the church but they never fully turn away from god. they keep good in their back pocket for safe keeping when things go really bad.

You have to tear out the old roots and prepare the soil before you plant the seed. spiritual growth comes when you have had you're fill of doubts. Doubt is the first step to questioning and all wisdom is found in the answer to those questions.

Depression, Anxiety, and Alienation are only some of the few things that comes along with a born again perspective. One's previous view of reality may seem completely different after they have exercised doubt until the point of exhaustion.

"Love is the Law, Love under Will

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