in #nigeria4 years ago (edited)


Employability: What it is.

Employability simply refers to your ability as an individual to secure new employment, maintain the employment and if need be, change your employment for another one.

Take note of the three key definitions there; Secure new employment, Maintain the employment and Change the employment (if need be).

Now, understand this and never forget it:

"What makes you employable is the degree to which you are able to create and contribute value towards helping an organization achieve its goals."

Every Organization exists for a set goal(s) or objective(s).

While basically Businesses exist to make profits, there are some Organizations that exist not for profits but for service.

To what degree can you help an Organization achieve its objectives and goals? That is what determines whether or not you could be employed there.


One way to increase your degree of employability is by increasing your value offering. What do I mean by value offering?

Value offering here simply means the quality or quantity of contributions you can make per time.

That is: Your Knowledge (what you know including your experience and trainings) plus (+) Your Skills (what you do or can do with what you know) plus (+) Your Attitudes (how you see, react and handle things) equals (=) Your Value Offering.

So the questions bothered on EMPLOYABILITY is basically; what do you know? What can you do? How much control do you have over YOU? And how can you influence limited resources at your disposal to achieve a result?

See module 1- Understanding The 21st Century Dynamics

More to come... Follow so you don't miss any. Meanwhile, you can check out some of my recent series 👇



Identity Crisis and Purpose Discovery- 1
Identity Crisis and Purpose Discovery- 2
Identity Crisis and Purpose Discovery- 3
Identity Crisis and Purpose Discovery- 4
Identity Crisis and Purpose Discovery- 5


  1. Introduction to a Leader's Emotion
  2. Leadership & Emotional Intelligence
  3. Leadership and Self Awareness
  4. Leadership and Personality
  5. Leadership and Values/Conflict
  6. Intelligent Leadership Styles
  7. Conclusions on a Leader's Emotion

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