Let's Collaborate! -steemCreated with Sketch.

in #music7 years ago (edited)

Steemit creators are the best!!!! There are some amazing collaborations happening around here.

lets collaborate small.jpg

I have had the opportunity to collaborate with some amazing creators on Steemit. Some Steemians have told me that they would like to collaborate with others but they do now know how to start.

I would LOVE to collaborate with you! Have a look at my video and leave me a link to your content below :)

Here is the link to the PAL Discord - https://discord.gg/KZmp8v

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I'd love to work with you and make some sounds! I wrote out how to play it if anyone else wants to collaborate!

Hey @corganmusic sounds cool. Do you have music you have already written? If you do can you post a photo of the chart here? Do you have a recording of you playing it? Post what you can :)

Hey @corganmusic I recorded a violin track for you today for Bedroom Wall. You can download the WAV file here. I start playing at 16 seconds into your video....

This is awesome! I'll go ahead and put it in

Holy crap, I love how this fits with the song!

I want to post this and split the profit 50/50. Good with you?

Hey @corganmusic Glad you like it. Thanks for the offer to split, but you go ahead, post and pocket it. A lot of my posts are doing real well. I'm cool. Maybe another time. Go for it!!!

I love it. This is a fantastic remix. Very well done with a unique sound. Wow! I'm sharing with @heymattsokol Be sure to come to the PAL Discord Music Channel -

A great initiative! I've been giving a little thought to collaboration here lately too. I write snippets and stories. Here's a little fantasy piece of mine for example https://steemit.com/writing/@tinajordan/battle-cry

I love your writing @tinajordan. Very well done. :)

Thank you :)

Very helpful post thanks so much! Anyone in need of a photographer to collaborate with I'm your girl! (especially if you're looking for a film photographer)

All the love Steemit friends you guys rock!

Hey @kirrakimbrell. Thanks for posting. You're shooting film! Very cool. I'm following now. I checked out your blog. I saw your trees photo the other day and really liked it. I shoot with a Rolliecord. Hard to get film developed here.

I think it would be cool to connect with some photo editors in here. We have some really good ones. Check out @juliakponsford and @yusaymon There are many others. :) Keep me posted??? Thanks for connecting!

Thanks I will! There are so many talented creators here it's wonderful thank you for the suggestions!

Getting film developed is hard here too I try todo as much of it as I can myself. The Rolleicord is a lovely camera too!

I am definitely interested in collaborating! If you ever need a dramatic female singer, I'm your gal. :)

I've posted two of my tracks on dsound so far, more to come:

Criminal: https://steemit.com/dsound/@derosnec/derosnec-criminal

Chains: https://steemit.com/dsound/@derosnec/derosnec-chains

Looking forward to hearing some amazing collabs from the musical community on Steemit!

Beautiful music @derosnec. I would love to do something with you. I think @stickchumpion might be looking for a vocalist for a project he is working on. You can find him on the PAL Discord Music Channel - https://discord.gg/KZmp8v Also, I suggest taking tracks like @gnashster 's music. You could take something and lay some harmonies over it. THat would be sweet

Awesome thanks! I'm on there on and off when time permits, so we'll all chat more for sure and see what we can come up with. I'll definitely check out @gnashter as well, thanks for the tip!

What he said come on all you closet musco's lets hear you .

I love that one!! I'm on it!

Thank you very much for sharing inspiring content.

Thanks photography-2018

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