The Old Dog Asks: How Much is Too Much? Should I be Concerned?

in #life7 years ago

Our family garden produces a lot of kiwis and we have baskets full to keep us going. Last weekend a friend brought a big bag of kiwis from her dad's garden. What to do?

Did I Really Just Juice 20 Kiwis? Should I be Worried?

This are just some of the kiwis that I juiced along with some of the strawberries and some of the ginger

20 Kiwis A Few Strawberries And A Knob of Ginger

This recipe was for three of us. A huge beer mug full of juice for me son and two regular small drinking glasses for @lellabird60 and myself. I added the ginger because I like the taste and also because it clears up my son's breathing!

Here are the other ten that I juiced.

In they go with just a quick rinse skin and all! We never spray our kiwis. I've never had any insect or bird attacks!

The final result was quite sour so I added this secret ingredient. 

The Color is Not as Nice I Had Hoped For!

The final result didn't look great as the red of the strawberries turned the beautiful lime green of the kiwis brownish.

The taste and consistency of the juiced kiwis is fantastic. I added the strawberries as an experiment with the color and it's much nicer without them. The question remains did I overdose?

Others Have Worried About Kiwi Overdose!

Obviously I'm not the first one to think about this!

So How Much is Too Much?

According to a post by the home-grown Steemit star @papa-pepper here is the nutritional data from 2 kiwi which is the recommended daily dose or limit:

Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA):

The recommended dietary allowance for vitamin c for instance is very low according to conventional medicine. After doing my own research I regularly take at least 3,000 mg of vitamin c and much more if I get sick. 

Here's a Short Funny Video About Serving Sizes on Packages From One of My Favourite Comedians. 100% Family Friendly Brian Regan!

What do You Think? 

  • Did I over do it?
  • Will I harm Myself?

I hope that you enjoyed this post about kiwi juicing.

Until next time,

@kus-knee (The Old Dog)

Remember, I reward the best comment(s) on each of my posts with my "The Old Dog is Throwing You a Bone" program! So please re-steem and follow so that we can spread the wealth!     


Great post! I enjoyed the pictures and most definitely the nutriments stats as well. I am also a bit of a health nut and your type of concerns are definitely legitimate. That's actually the title that totally hooked me on coming for a visit to your article today/tonight on my time. ;)

I think you have had a big dose for a one day drink, but surely worthwhile. #1 question to ask, how do you feel after drinking it? What about 30 minutes later? And, finally, how were you feeling after 6 hours? I don't personally know if I would drink this amount every day, but the combo you have chosen is a very potent anti flu and cold I'm assuming. The super high level of Vit C would do them a serious job, as we say! In relation to the other nutrients, I don't know how much would be to much as this is not a mix I have ever studied. I trust you'll be fine and thrive and, as long as you keep an eye on how you feel over the course of this exercise, you'll stay aware of your physical and mental conditions in relation to the effects that your power drink is giving you and your family. May the force stay with you.

All for one and one for all! Namaste :)

Thanks a lot for your great comment!

I love kiwis ! 💙 Wish i could grow them up here in Canada ! Mabe in a green house !? Hummm ! 🤔 Im sure your juice tasted great ! And I have always been told , any amount of vitamins you over do , you will just pee out ! Lol ! So drink away ! I wish I had one of those , well maybe tomorrow morning ! Haha im drinking beer right now ! Cheers ! 😆🍺🍻

Thanks for the visit and enjoy your beer!

Kiwis are pretty resistant to cold, up to -10. I was used to grown them in the italian appennini, and it worked: they resist to snow and ice. Just remember to have one male and one female...

Thats really cool to know ! Thanks ! I dont see them much here in Kelowna and its stange because this is the okanagan! We have tons of peach orchards and wineries ! I will have to look into it maybe the nursery sells them !? But they would be expensive there ! Thanks for all the info !👍

I don't know about canada, because I used to grow them in the northern italy. Italy is the bigger producer of kiwi in the EU (don't ask me why: the plant is chinese) , so almost any flower shop is selling them.

They are not so good as it seems, in my opinion, because:

  • They stink. When the plant is big, it stinks. If you plan to use it for a gazebo, then forget to have a dinner there.
  • They grow like hell, and there is nothing stopping them. They drop leafs, which are pretty thick, so you must clean a lot.
  • Fruits are a lot. And they get ready in a very short time. I was at the point to have 150Kg per year with one male and 4 females. Forget to do a marmalade: the result has the color and consistency of shit. It tastes good, but you cannot eat it until you can see it.
  • Phosphore. They eat phosphore. And they eat a lot. So the grass and other plants will start to suffer. You need a phosphor-rich plant food for that.
  • They come in 2 genders. You must have at least one "male" and one "female", but you may have lot of females for one male.

I just removed it and put a "fox grape" (hope the term is ok: it is a grape which tastes like strawberry ? ) plant in its place. It grows fast too, makes funny things too, but at least is not smelly and you can control it.

Oh wow ! What great information ! I have a pice of property in the country that in the future i will build on , there wont be grass and part of the property faceing uphill and far from the house would be good place to plant them ! I guess 1 male 1 female ! 😉👍im going to bookmark this page for future reference !!

I forgot: to compensate the drain of phosphor and potassium the plant does, I used this product :

Ahh, I saw the bottle of maple syrup from costco. Wow, we miss that a lot. We have kiwi's coming out of our a## here (exact climate as New Zealand). If there was danger of O D, I think we'd have evidence here.

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Great sense of humour by the way!

Old Dog, you make me laugh. January has been a really difficult month for my family (details I would never post to a blockchain), so much so that my Dad is throwing a party tomorrow celebrating January being over. Your note to me today with the SBD is helping me send January off with a smile on my face. Thanks so much!!

Celebrating the end of January sounds good to me. Keep smiling and greetings to your family!

Thanks for you comment and support. I had a look at your web site the other day. Very nice! Keep up the great work which is a blessing to your entire family!

Super kind words, Old Dog, thank you very much!! All words of encouragement are greatly appreciated

Well, this is an interesting topic. I'm not in a position to say if you overdose yourself with so much kiwi's in a juice, but I remember a guy who make a daily smoothie with over 10 bananas inside from over 4 years ! He even said that in a TV show.

At first everyone was laughing of it because they thought that the guy was silly, but after 4 years of doing the same stuff every day, he came out with a video and medical analysis and everything was FINE !

By the other side, he is 49 years old and look better than a lot of people at his age.

Make medical analysis and let the results say to much or no :)

I will let you enjoying his video :

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Thank you Old Dog ! For me is a pleasure to comment on your interesting posts !

Very cool answer and thanks for the video!

Hi kiwis are my favorite fruit best eaten whole!!! Followed and Rs

You're right they're great whole. Thanks for the visit!

@kus-knee any pure smoothie is a very healthy smoothie plus ginger oh that's really great!

20/3 = 6.... something? and kiwi is not really that sweet and so is the strawberry. If you should be worried about the sugar - adding lotz a cinnamon would help reduce the fructose in the smoothie.

I like your juicer cause it looks like a slow juicer. For the color, I suggest that you peel the kiwi to make it look pretty green. I peel my kiwis even though they are always organic. That's cool to have your own kiwi plant, I'm waiting for mine to fruit.

As for the overdose worry - you should :D sorry to break this but kiwi has a laxative property and just one of it could help anyone having constipation to egg in the toilet. 6 - might be good for detoxing but don't forget to take water and cinnamon tea. I hope it turns out okay though. It's not always the same effect to everyone - our bodies all have different reactions to a certain food intake.

Good info, thanks!

According to me it depends on your consistency of having food!

You're right!

Juicing gets rid of fiber. So in theory you are getting hit with a lot of fructose all at once. Fructose content is something to always be aware of when eating A LOT of fruit. Fructose is not good for you.

Yes Inhad heard that. I won't be doing it every day but it tasted great!

Shouldnt be a problem there is probably as much sugar there as in some packaged sweets, plus if he's healthy it won't harm him for years, then you might get diabetes or fat liver at the worst, as far as i know you can't overdose on vitamin C , you'll just get a "high" out of it and I bet it was as sweet as orange juice , which pretty much like pure lemons is very very strong in taste ,

@kus-knee only thing left is to add 10 bananas and a few raw eggs and you will be Rocky in a summer :D some steps and stairs :D and a sunset/sunrise montage :D

as @denisoi said too much fruit won't be a problem unless you have some , if you are healthy and move about it's just juice to keep you going :D , best sugar available(coupled with vitamins, fibers and some metals perhaps ).

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Is the picture accurate? Did you actually juice the kiwi with the skin on? I don't have a juicer and I love kiwi but never ate the skin. lol
I was just curious about that.
I had also read somewhere that you cannot take in too much vitamin C because your body will naturally reject it (pee it out of your system), though I'm not certain how good that much natural sugar or the acid from the fruit is acceptable without throwing you into sugar shock or rotting one's teeth. Still - I wouldn't mind a daily dose of kiwi smoothies. :)

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Yes I just threw it in skin and all but the juicer spits out the skin. Or so it seems!

You do not need to spray kiwis plants. This plant is not european, so there are almost no parasites able to take advantage of it. I had 1 male and 4 females before, and I needed to remove them : too big , too smelly, and too many kiwis in a small time interval.... remember to put phosphor in the ground if you want other plants around to keep ok...

Yes we've never sprayed them but they do stink!

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