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RE: The Old Dog Asks: How Much is Too Much? Should I be Concerned?

in #life7 years ago

I love kiwis ! 💙 Wish i could grow them up here in Canada ! Mabe in a green house !? Hummm ! 🤔 Im sure your juice tasted great ! And I have always been told , any amount of vitamins you over do , you will just pee out ! Lol ! So drink away ! I wish I had one of those , well maybe tomorrow morning ! Haha im drinking beer right now ! Cheers ! 😆🍺🍻


Thanks for the visit and enjoy your beer!

Kiwis are pretty resistant to cold, up to -10. I was used to grown them in the italian appennini, and it worked: they resist to snow and ice. Just remember to have one male and one female...

Thats really cool to know ! Thanks ! I dont see them much here in Kelowna and its stange because this is the okanagan! We have tons of peach orchards and wineries ! I will have to look into it maybe the nursery sells them !? But they would be expensive there ! Thanks for all the info !👍

I don't know about canada, because I used to grow them in the northern italy. Italy is the bigger producer of kiwi in the EU (don't ask me why: the plant is chinese) , so almost any flower shop is selling them.

They are not so good as it seems, in my opinion, because:

  • They stink. When the plant is big, it stinks. If you plan to use it for a gazebo, then forget to have a dinner there.
  • They grow like hell, and there is nothing stopping them. They drop leafs, which are pretty thick, so you must clean a lot.
  • Fruits are a lot. And they get ready in a very short time. I was at the point to have 150Kg per year with one male and 4 females. Forget to do a marmalade: the result has the color and consistency of shit. It tastes good, but you cannot eat it until you can see it.
  • Phosphore. They eat phosphore. And they eat a lot. So the grass and other plants will start to suffer. You need a phosphor-rich plant food for that.
  • They come in 2 genders. You must have at least one "male" and one "female", but you may have lot of females for one male.

I just removed it and put a "fox grape" (hope the term is ok: it is a grape which tastes like strawberry ? ) plant in its place. It grows fast too, makes funny things too, but at least is not smelly and you can control it.

Oh wow ! What great information ! I have a pice of property in the country that in the future i will build on , there wont be grass and part of the property faceing uphill and far from the house would be good place to plant them ! I guess 1 male 1 female ! 😉👍im going to bookmark this page for future reference !!

I forgot: to compensate the drain of phosphor and potassium the plant does, I used this product :

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