My Thoughts About Winning The Worst Steemit Contest and Social Blindspots

in #life7 years ago

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First of all, let me first give a well-deserved kudos to @lepton for throwing the Worst Steemit Contest! Of the many contests here on Steemit, I have to say that this was one of those that I would've never thought of. I don't remember how I found out about it, but I'm so glad that I did. The concept itself was a revelation, and the whole mechanic provided a win-win scenario for everyone who got involved. The participation was through the roof and the entries were amazing!

Rightfully so, I might add. Imagine winning by voting other people's posts. Even if they get a couple of dollars, it's still better than nothing. I tell you what, it's a genius move on @lepton's part to think about a contest like this. Not to discount all the other contests, as I think there are many out there that are equally as awesome. This was just one of those things that I can't believe nobody else had thought about before.

Be sure to check out Round 2 of the contest by following this link:

Get your entries in before the deadline!

If you want a real shot at winning that though, take the time to read this post. Being the only 1st place winner so far, I think I'm in a rather unique position to share my strategy in winning the Worst Steemit Contest.

A Winning Tradition

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I don't want to brag (and I most certainly don't want to jinx myself), but I have a good track record when it comes to contests here on Steemit. You see I've won quite a few in the past, and sure, it's not a lot, but it's the efficiency that I'm proud of. Apart from a disastrous showing in the Steemit Photo Challenge, all the other contests I took part in were winners. There it is, isn't it? I jinxed myself bad now, didn't I? Damnit ... I should stop now. I'm stopping now. There are still contests to be won, and daddy needs some STEEM. Goddamnit...

I've already dug myself a hole, might as well see it all the way through to the other side of the planet. If my estimates are correct, then I might find myself in Cuba. Mojitos and cubanos by the beach, now that's carrying on the winning tradition. Anyway, I digress.

Quick disclaimer: This isn't really a guide to winning the contest, so I apologize if I misled you. But, since you're already invested in this post, might as well see it all the way to the end, right?

The Worst Strategy

Nice post.

That was the winning comment. Some might argue that it's not a joke, but as I explained to @lepton, that might be the most meta joke one could write. Looking through the other entries, it seems it is far from original, but let me just assure everyone that I did not copy it. The similarities are purely coincidental. I intentionally didn't look at the other posts so that I could avoid copying any of them. I just blindly voted on the ones I saw.

Let me provide a short explanation about how it's the worst joke. I mean, the worst jokes are the ones that need to be over-explained, right? Alright, I'm on the right track then. The compliment of the post being nice is akin to telling an ugly person that he/she is gorgeous. Or, saying that you had a lovely time when, in fact, you had the worst time. It's a joke because it conveys something that isn't believed to be true. I didn't think it was a "nice" post ... I thought it was a great one! People who know me here know that I always make it a point to leave unusually long, thoughtful comments, so that in itself is telling that it's a conscious tactic on my part to secure victory.

Following Occam's Razor, the simplest answer is always the best. Sure, it's a loose translation of it, but you get it. I didn't want to over-complicate the response, even though the thought process behind it is complicated as shhhh... Okay, okay, it took me 10 minutes to think about it, but still, it's about the intensity, not the duration. wink wink

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I submitted as near to the deadline as I can, since I didn't know how to automate my entry. Because of time zone differences, I was able to post hours before the designated deadline, as I would've been fast asleep at the exact deadline. This was a means to maximize my chances of getting few votes.

@lepton provided time to vote on other people's comments after, so that's what I did. After I submitted my entry, I peppered everyone's comments with percentages based on how I found the joke hilarious, to jack them up. I didn't vote on all of them, as I wanted my comment to sit in the middle. Being at the bottom would just make me an easy target.

Yes, there was a lot of thought involved. So, if you think I had it easy, think again.

Retrospective (and a bunch of expletives)

Many months ago, I have made one or two (or three, not sure, but who's counting?) rant posts about the lack of interaction here on Steemit. That imbalance still persists, but my expectations (thanks in large part to @lukestokes) have changed. These days, I just want to uplift others by doing my own thing. The love here on Steemit, I think, won't ever be spread around evenly, but there's no use stressing out about it. The best we could do is to just appreciate the love we do receive. Even though I don't let it bother me anymore, I still think about it sometimes.

In a contest where you win by voting, interacting, highlighting other people's comments (otherwise known as "supporting others" in the normal context), you would think that other people would make a more concerted effort to vote on others. But, I guess not. Either people really didn't care if they won or not, or there are just some people who fell between the social cracks.

Alright, fine. I bet many people just submitted to have fun, and didn't really care if they won or not. Admittedly, I was the same thing, and I hope that my explanation above didn't throw you off and made you feel that I was only there to win. I didn't think that I had a snowball's chance in hell to win, and I submitted just because I really liked the concept of the contest. It took me, at best, 15 minutes to think about everything, vote and read all of the other comments. It was great fun, and I had forgotten about even joining until @lepton informed me that I won. I guess hell froze over.

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At the time the winners were announced, my comment received only 6 votes. Six. Seis. One of which came from the contest organizer (damn you and your goal to make it a fair fight for everyone!!). When I read his comment, I was completely torn. As in, my emotions broke off into two camps and recruited other emotions to fight in their twisted civil war. On one hand, I'm happy about the prize money and that my effort was appreciated by @lepton, who didn't just write it off as a non-joke and disqualified it. My strategy worked, and I keep my sterling track record of winning intact. On the other hand, I was a bit saddened. As I mentioned, it was a game where you win by voting others, and yet I didn't receive many votes. Heck, even a dot received more votes than I did haha! Wait, no, I shouldn't be laughing. It's either my strategy was fool-proof, lady luck was my mistress, or I was on a permanent stealth mode socially.

"!&(#&)%)!&@^$^@&$&%!)@(##&$^%@" I blurted out, to which my fiancee laughed at.

How the heck did my strategy work? I know I shouldn't be complaining (and don't get me wrong, 58 SBD isn't something to complain about ;) ) but there's a part of me that sighed...


This was a position I found myself in many a time before. It used to be that I would go into bouts of depression, constantly thinking about it, but nowadays I've somehow dealt with it. I'm not alone in this fight, but I just wanted to spread the word about it to help other people out. Put on your serious faces, 'cause we're throwing out the jokes from this point moving forward.

Navigating Social Blindspots

I plan to talk about this with more detail in a future post, but I wanted to provide a brief starter here because this contest made me revisit the topic. In my own experience, I'm almost always the blindspot in groups I belong to. What I mean to say is that I'm always the one people don't notice or forget about. I treat others normally, and yet I don't receive the same exact treatment like others. That's fine, sure. I don't mean to sound like I'm whining, and you won't fully understand it unless you experience it yourself.

Here are a few examples to better visualize the situation:

  • I make it a point to include others in conversations, but when I'm the one excluded, it's very rare that someone makes any effort to do the same for me
  • I always make sure that people arrive home safely, often times escorting them to their front door, but when it's my turn to go home, people just leave me somewhere to fend for my own
  • When someone is sick, I stay by their side and see to it they receive proper care. When the tables are turned, I remember one time at my first job, I was suffering a migraine and I had to walk across the busy Business District just to get to a drug store
  • I always lend an ear for other people's troubles and worries, but when I have a problem, I have nobody to turn to

When I don't perform any of my usual routines, people call me out on it and note that I'm not being a good friend. Maybe that's what people expect of me, and when I tell them that I don't receive the same treatment they just ignore it. I felt like I'm the one who needed to do a constant upkeep of friendships, while people feel they're entitled to it. I became burnt out by it, so I decided to just leave those bridges be, and let them burn. Suffice to say, I felt fine after that, but severing ties have left me with little to no close friends.

However, I digress. I didn't mean to sound like I'm complaining or whatever. I'm fine with it, but I'm currently writing a scholarly study regarding that, so yeah it's a social phenomenon that you can't just discount. The question "If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?" doesn't apply to this situation. If you bump someone because you didn't see anyone there, did you really bump someone?

During my exit interview at my last corporate job, my former boss and I chatted about this topic. He told me that he gets where I'm coming from and that his group of friends has someone like me. That got me thinking, so I started researching about it. The results are surprising, and one day I would publish all of my findings. But, I don't want to expound it here.

The point why I brought it up is that I want people to be aware that there are some people who fall through the cracks and skate by unnoticed. I do my best to make everyone feel noticed, even though I suffer from the same thing. For any of you who see this post and know of anyone who's the same way, it wouldn't hurt to spend a minute or two to engage them and make them feel seen. That small gesture goes a long way, and it would definitely make the world a better place.

In the context of Steemit, it could be a vote or even simply reading and commenting on someone's posts, especially those who seemed like they spent some time crafting a well-thought out entry. The world could use a little more compassion, and you are the best person to make the first move. Who knows, you might gain a new friend and follower.

So, what I'm saying is, go out there, join @lepton's contest and vote the hell out of everyone else. Good luck!!


Whoa, that actually sounds like a cool contest!

I think you do a fantastic job of making people feel noticed on this platform and I a sure in life mate! :O)

Thanks, dude! I do try my best to make everyone included, for sure! It is a cool contest haha So fqr I think it's the only win-win contest on here. Everyone benefits from it.

I do tend to like those win win type of affairs! :OD

For some strange reason, those type of affiars are the best, aren't they?

I appreciate you and I see you. I came to your page because I realized it had been a couple days since we last interacted, and I missed you.

Hahaha! Aww man. Tears in my eyes. Tears! I've been vacationing last week, but I'm back now. Chin up, man. I'm back.

You know I've been thinking of topics for a freewrite. Hoping to write one out soon!

Come by and pun if you get a chance, too. I just started my third week punning contest.

It's the third week already?? Last I checked, it was the first week, but it was two weeks ago, and last week I was out of the country so yeah ... I guess that makes sense. Punning all the way to your post as we speak!


I made an entry! :O

Congratulations on winning the contest XD

There is a possibility that I may be That Person as well however a lot of the time it's deliberate on my part. All my current friends keep looking for me if I accidentally disappear on them though :)

Those other friends of yours...I don't even. Probably better those bridges burnt. You have better ones now right :D

It used to be that it was deliberate on my part when I was younger. But, when I opened up and started to socialize, I discovered that it was inherent for me, and that maybe it wasn't deliberate at all, rather it was a natural thing for me. I haven't found a definitive explanation as to why it is, but I'm working hard to find out. It's not attitude or physical appearance, because I've experienced and heard stories about being prejudiced before they even met. Definitely strange.

I don't have friends I could call whenever I'm in a bind in the middle of the night, but I guess that's better than being at other people's beck and call, even though said other people aren't in mine haha! Saves me all of that trouble :D

I did finish reading! :D Took me some time. I was expecting one paragraph or something like that. Thank you very much for this in-depth look at my contest and also your depression :D Dont stress about it too much. If people are not giving back they are not real friends anyway...

Sorry about that! I appreciate you powering through and finishing the whole thing though. Don't worry about me, I'm not depressed about it anymore :) I just don't want other people to fall into that same hole I did. You're right about not wasting time on people who don't give back. That's what I follow these days :D

Coming from the maestro of interaction and support, I seriously hope people read and learn. What you discuss here is why I prefer spending time here and not at FB. More comments, when things go well and are done right, and those comments are more meaningful. Mostly :)

Maestro! Haha! I like that :D Since my votes aren't worth that much dollars, I try to reward people's efforts by taking the time to write a thoughtful comment about their post. It's a long winded version of saying "Your effort in writing this is appreciated", with the added kicker that proves that I read and digested the whole post. It's the least we could do for people who spend time to write well-thought out posts, right? :D

I really do hope that the new members realize it sooner than later. Come to think of it, many of the old members still haven't learned that same lesson, and just comment to get people to view their own posts. While that's not a bad thing, at least take the time to read other people's posts and comment on them thoughtfully before shoving their own posts down people's throats haha

I think there is a certain percentage of each group that get it, and those that don't. I hope more do, and take the time to communicate more than 1 line (except where that is actually appropriate). It makes for better communities. And I would love to see and participate in a flourishing writers community here at Steemit.

A decent comment usually makes me want to view their material. A throw away line doesn't.

Yeah, you're probably right. I do hope for the same thing. At least a surge of those kinds of people would tip the scales positively. With the communities feature on the horizon, it would be so toxic if it was filled with the 1-liner crowd.

I do the same thing for people who makes decent comments. I make it a point to check out their page, vote and comment on their own work. I really don't know why some people don't get that it's the most effective way to market yourself, especially to those with lower reps.

They probably get confused by the instant gratification concept that gets played out in the world around us. Fallen for the trap of believing that Life is a reality TV show. Its hard work, but it can also be satisfying work.

I guess the problem lies in setting expectations. In hopes of gaining a lot of new followers quickly, it seems that Steemit has attracted the attention of the wrong crowd. I hope it normalizes sooner rather than later..

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. I really love the psychology of his post. U upvote people to make them lose whereas U make them earn. I love the part that insults is not even annoying instead its funny and I wish people would live life like that. I saw a post that says "I know you are a racist if you upvote me" and people agreed to be a racist and still
Kudos to @lepton and @jedau you are my main man on steemit. Keep the good work too.

It was all @lepton! :D Amazing idea, isn't it? The other comments are way funny, but being funny gets you noticed in the contest, so I opted to be subtle haha I hope you got the chance to join the second round of that contest :D

haha. 6. Six. seis. That got me for some reason.

I have my own contest (geared towards writers) here if you wanna check it out : ). Although with a super detailed write up like this.. gotta make sure I deliver xD

Haha! Maybe it was because of the utter disbelief with which I blurted out that number three times :D

I'll check it out in a while, man! Thanks for letting me know :) I'm currently experiencing internet woes, so I can't make promises that I'd be able to submit an entry.

I do not participate in contests that I know will just take a lot of my time tho.

To each his own, I guess. Personally, I join contests if they're fun or if organizers are great supporters.

Yes if it is benefiting you then it is great.

Again though, it all depends on the person. If that's your metric for it, then that's totally fine. Personally, I prefer joining contests that I enjoy participating in, whether it benefits me or not. Everything is voluntary, so no need to force yourself into something you don't want to do :)

Yes you are right in those points!
Enjoy the weekend.

Enjoy the weekend as well! :D

Good post

Did you seriously finish reading everything in less than 10 seconds? Haha!

Hahaha. But seriously, it was a 'Nice Post'.

Ahahaha! Heck, my winning comment to the Worst Steemit Contest is even longer than that. What with the period at the end and all haha! I sincerely hope HF19 deals with these sort of comments.

The irony was lost on him though, it would seem.

Or, he just doesn't bother checking replies and just tries to lead people to his page haha

A Steemit Arch-villain and his devilish plan. I'm sure there is a story in there. A Steemit exclusive.

More like a group ... a group of invading conquerors trying to invade our beloved Steemitopia. They seek to drain our resources by leaving scripted one-liners in hopes of drawing us to their page. But, we are too battle-hardened to fall for their traps, aren't we? Aren't we?? Oh God, are we really? :/

My voting power is taking a long &^&^%%% time to get back to snuff grr. But I couldn't hold out on commenting any longer, it was like an itch that had to be scratched. I decided I can comment and continue to leave the post up in the browser to vote, lol. I may have to do this for awhile actually, until I get this voting thing right. Well right for me.
I used to have a photo album of myself and my friends where I taped funny little captions on the pictures. I told you about my friend Jude (Jenna), one picture stands out in my mind after reading this. She's standing between two other people, her arms slightly up at the sides, her face slightly frustrated, and I wrote "Helllooo, is anybody listening to me??" Because she really was that person, everything you just described. She was the first to call on a birthday and she would remind all of our friends in the group to do the same. You could count on her to not only be there when she said, but generally five minutes early. She was always DOING for everyone and finding that it wasn't reciprocated. She also got burnt out. I'm sad to say that I am one of her only old friends she didn't slam the door on. Because of course she was never invisible to me. And even when I did overlook something, I would make up for it. On the other hand there is me. I am still close to every single close friend I made in high school and college. And even though Judie slammed the door, she can never burn the bridge because I am the bridge. I even managed to pry that door open and get one of our friends back inside haha! Maybe someday I will get more of them back in, she's starting to thaw to the idea...

I will tell you this, and I hope it comes out right. What I found with Jude is that she didn't just do things for people, she did far more than she ever needed to. Far more than most people have the patience or time for. She ran herself ragged doing things that she never had to do. I do know what you mean about being called a bad friend once you stop doing all of those things, it's because people are selfish and they had a certain expectation of you because of the things you did. It's sort of a catch twenty two, because I wonder if she had never done so much to begin with, perhaps she wouldn't have become that person that everyone relied on to be the rock. That everyone piled on top of until it began shattering beneath the weight of it. I think she waited far too long to tell everyone to get the fuck off. Because by the time she said it, she felt used and abused and therefore she was really angry, but because she kept it to herself until she blew up, no one saw it coming. they were all confused about it, it put them on the defensive which was disasterous. And the truth of the matter was that the only one who had changed was her. Not that she wasn't entitled to, of course she was. She was most certainly entitled to say "I'm not doing jackshit for you anymore, do it yourselves!" I felt like BRAVO. I didn't get defensive because I knew she was doing too much and it wasn't healthy. For me, I think what it is, is that I unconditionally love each person that I truly call a friend. And I do mean unconditionally, there is nothing that someone once they slip into my heart as a friend can do to lose my friendship. I can get mad at them sure. I can choose to have some space from them when it's healthy. But I will never, ever abandon them. I will forgive them everything. Because I know I'm not perfect and I believe strongly in "Do unto others". I want for people to forgive my faults, therefore I forgive all of theirs always.
And I also always SEE everyone, no one is invisible to me.
Anyway, I'm basically just 'typing out loud', this is really making me think of her and also helping me think of some new ways to approach her about our old friends.
It's good that you figured this out at a relatively young age. She waited too long and became the opposite of who she was. You are still the thoughtful guy who would help someone in need--you just have a line in the sand that says that they have to be the kind of person who would do the same for you. That's perfectly reasonable.

She was the first to call on a birthday and she would remind all of our friends in the group to do the same.

So me. For my very close friends, I even try to text at exactly 12MN >.<

You could count on her to not only be there when she said, but generally five minutes early.

So ... Hmm.. I wouldn't say five minutes early, or even on time for that matter, but I would always be there, and be the last one to leave.

She was always DOING for everyone and finding that it wasn't reciprocated

(crying emoji) "Me," he whispered softly. He being me, so what I'm saying is that is totally me.

She ran herself ragged doing things that she never had to do.

Replace "She" with "He" and yes, you're right. I did. You're probably right when you mentioned people having certain expectations. I try to make a concerted effort to adjust expectations with every new group, but sometimes I let the all-giving side of me loose.

It's sort of a catch twenty two, because I wonder if she had never done so much to begin with, perhaps she wouldn't have become that person that everyone relied on to be the rock. That everyone piled on top of until it began shattering beneath the weight of it. I think she waited far too long to tell everyone to get the fuck off. Because by the time she said it, she felt used and abused and therefore she was really angry, but because she kept it to herself until she blew up, no one saw it coming. they were all confused about it, it put them on the defensive which was disastrous.

Wait, what? Why are you narrating my past? Oh, wait, we're still talking about Jude. I thought for a second you were talking about me, as in U to you. Jude. Jde :O Mind blown!! Is it the name?? Tell me it's the name! Hahaha! It would be an easy fix if everything was just because of the name hahaha!

It's always horrible when the group gangs up on you. I know from experience. Nobody ever talked to me about it. They just realize after I blew up or up and left, but even then nobody talked to me about it. I was just ... I don't know, an acceptable loss? Screw them then. They're all acceptable losses to me as well.

The names did occur to me actually, haha, my mom always said There is something in a name. For me, since she named me after a romance novel character (SURPRISE, lol!!) with the spelling of a bird, I would have to agree :)

I have to agree, if they made you feel like an acceptable loss than screw them. They are the ones who lost in the end. Their loss is my gain, I know people of real worth when I meet them, genuine and real.

HAHA! If that's the case, then it might be time to start looking at changing my name. I don't know, maybe something like Reginald Farnsworth or whatever haha!

I'm just glad I'm fortunate enough to stumble upon people who have great taste in friendships, however few you guys are :D

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