70 STEEM giveaway results and... my first drunk post. LOLsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #drunkpost7 years ago (edited)

Hey guys! I'm a few beers in and not feeling my teeth right now - so please...

Do NOT upvote or I would feel totally guilty about it. This is a junk post on the tail end of a 3-beer night

Man... When did I become a lightweight?

Oh wait...

I was drinking Dirty Bastard.

See? No lie. LOL


I made a promise that I would award 70 STEEM tonight, celebrating my 700+ followers on Steemit!

I tell ya - I'm still floored by the achievement and I am so humbled and happy...and drunk right now. Yeah. I think this might be my first drunk post on Steemit and I'm really okay with that.

Drunk post February 2017 Meredith Loughran
Not feeling my teeth right now - and that's okay too


I was giving away 70 STEEM in a random drawing and the only thing you needed to do for entry was leave a comment on my post. But hey - you snooze you lose but I had

23 participants!

how freakin' AWESOME is that?!?!

And -- because I am hardly impartial (in most cases), I employed the use of Random.org, placing all the names of said participants. And here was the result.

Congratulations @jedau

70 STEEM should be sitting pretty in your wallet.

Gotta get up early and get my 2 mile walk in. I will immediately commence with Water. Advil. Sleep. In that order. G'night bookies!

Have a Steemit day!

100% Steem Power by Meredith Loughran Steemit verified merej99, Meredith Loughran

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upvoted because founders is awesome, and like half of my time on steemit i'm piss drunk

no shame!

Founder's is not new to me (name recognition) but totally new to my palette. I've recently tried Imperial Stout and need to beg off because 2 of those replaced a few meals! -- which I'm not entirely sure is very healthy...but so smooth and rich. LOL
So - I can #drunkpost but will I be respected in the morning? HAHAHAHAAAA

you will always have my respect :)

Breakfast stout is one of my all time favorites! Upvoting your comment because you have great taste in beer ;)

Congrats, @jedau!

Upvoted, too, cuz I'm contrary that way. ;-P

Apparently we've got a bunch of contrary people (and bots) who don't read the stinkin' 'structions. LOL

Thank you! 'Twas a fluke really, and even though you're at the 9th spot, you could've easily won it as well :)

Congrats brother @jedau! Good things come full circle see!? Very generous of you @merej99

Oh, man, my brother, you are definitely right! I shall not waste this generosity and pass it along to at least 7 more people. Thank you!

You're most welcome, I'm happy for you, you shall bless 7 more individuals in the future, that's great, by the way Part 2 of Sea of Love is now here :)

I've already commented there, brother!

and I need a link to Sea of Love parts 1 and 2 please

Oh but of course @merej99!

Here is

Sea Of Love Part 1

Sea Of Love Part 2

And Lastly

Sea Of Love Part 3 Open Mic Night Entry Wk 20
Which I just posted right now. I hope you enjoy them individually and as a whole.

Thank you @verbal-d - it is a small token of my appreciation for Steemit and its community. It's been about 7 months to get here and I have to admit that I had a true dilemma when I was offered a full time job because I knew it was going to take me away from here. I am slowly learning to pace myself because Steemit is too important to me.

You're most welcome, and yes I completely understand how you must feel. Everything in moderation and appreciation, and I'm happy you were offered a full time position. Congrats, that's great to see. Steemit will be here standing strong.

Enjoy your achievements dear friend @ deserved you deserve it
Congratulations to the winner @jedau

Thank you! Everyone who joined is a winner in my book :)

I know! I was so happy to see 23 different people participate. A few people are completely new to me so I'm going to check them out. :)

That's a great way to discover new people--via the comments section, I mean. You'd know a person is interactive based on how he comments on other people's work. At least, that's how I judge a person's character haha

You are always full of grace @jlufer. I'll be having more drawings soon. I wish you all the best good luck.

I love Founder's, especially the breakfast stout YUMMY!! And this is Whiskey Wednesday, first time I haven't put up a post for that in, I'm not sure how long actually, you should add happywhiskeywednesday to your tags ;)
@jedau will be thrilled, and I'm super thrilled for him!! (He's reading my book too, speaking of--the chapter I have up right now leads directly into the prologue chapter ;) Though you may not be in any shape to be reading that after drinking founders LMAO!!
And I am definitely voting up the post.

Oh man, if I did breakfast stout I may never eat real food again! Bad enough I had beer for dinner. LOL
I have Chapter 15 open on a tab. It's my bedtime reading. Must feed the soul too. :D

LOL!! I have definitely drank my fair share of dinners ;) We have a supermarket called Wegman's here that has a divine mix and match section, and last summer I made it my mission to try every single one...happily they change it up so I can make it my mission again this summer LMAO! (I tend to enjoy beer more when the weather is nice, bring on the spring!)
As for the book, (which I love that you love so much) my advice is that when you finish that chapter you re-read the prologue, it's where it fits chronologically in the story, but also there's something in it that you'll understand now where at the beginning there wasn't any context for it ;)

I will definitely read the prologue again.
I'm curious to know if you have the book somewhere self-published: smashwords, Amazon??? Teasing me chapter by chapter is a terrible thing to do. I need the whole book to devour. lol

I don't...actually I was getting prepared to do just that, but after talking to ericvancewalton I decided to put it through steemit first. The second book, Renewal, is also finished, which is definitely a good thing because book one ends on a cliffhanger LOL. I'm about two hundred pages into the third book ;)
I do have a stand alone book that I'm going to publish...actually that one started out as a project for Harlequin LMAO. I pitched it, they liked it, but the problem was the maximum page amount for them is two hundred. Well I wrote it, rough draft only took two weeks, but...there just wasn't enough room to make it a story I could be at least semi proud of. Lots of sex, not enough anything else. So I turned it into a new project-can I make this story good? I think I did a decent job. But definitely not a steemit oriented book. So yeah, I am currently working on self-publishing that-Unproven-and when I finish putting reborn through here I will do the same with it. But that doesn't help you does it? I can recommend a super fantastic series-the fever series- to you by a woman who is partially responsible for inspiring me to write my series...actually there's a website where you can read it for free. http://www.freevampires.net/authors/Karen_Marie_Moning.html
Start with darkfever :)

Thrilled is right! I'm super pumped right now! Though, I think I owe my victory to the alcohol. Perhaps the randomizer got drunk along with @merej99 :D

I am so thankful for the impartiality of the randomizer! All I did was put in the names and click the button. I may have been drunk but my finger was sober. lol

I still think the alcohol went along with my victory! hahaha! OR Lady Luck was a drinking buddy that you weren't aware of :D

You should do all your posts drunk ;o)

Congratulations @jedau!!

Thanks, dude! :D Me thinks the food post influenced the randomizer's decision! Bribery really goes a long way.

I totally agree, and I think everyone should do the same! Maybe with that, STEEM will flow more freely lol!

If only my liver was as young as my spirit. :D

Woohoo! This is such an awesome addition to a spectacular start to my year! It used to be that I never win contests, now I'm on a bit of a roll. (I hope I didn't greet it prematurely and lose all the luck :S ) Thank you for this, @merej99! You put me in for the heck of it, and I won it by a fluke haha!

I will not let this generosity go to waste, and I'll make it a point to do something awesome for a random stranger in need every day for a whole week as an IRL #payitforward of sorts. It's going to be a crazy couple of days, but I hope to document it and put it up as a post, but I can't make any promises regarding the post. I do intend to keep the #payitforward promise though, documented or not :D

Let's continue the win streak for... ever! (or at least the end of the year :D )

Continue, we shall!

I'm just getting home from work. I am so glad to see that Lady Luck is in your corner. May those blessings keep coming! As for the STEEM - it is to do what you please. The #payitforward initiatives are GREAT but*** take care of yourself too*** - maybe a power up boost or just convert it to a tiny bit of fiat because you can. LOL
I try to be all-inclusive in these kinds of giveaways. If you were a whale I still would have transferred it because it's fun. Anyway - congratulations, love. :)

I'll power it up in the near future and just convert my luck to real-world actions :) I can't wait to see who I'm going to help today! Just because of the randomizer, I've decided to exclusively turn my attention to random strangers. Would definitely be weird to someone eventually haha!

You found one of our standard podcast beverages! I love Dirty Bastard!

Drunkulations are in order



I must upvote... ;)

lol - we don't need stinkin' 'structions. Cheers! :D

who is reading instructions those days? :)

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