in #knowledge6 years ago

Preamble: How old is our civilization? The answer to this question keeps changing over the last 2,000 years and will continue to change as we learn more and more about “our past”. One thing is clear – our “civilization” isn’t the first to have existed on this planet.

Just how many civilizations existed before us? The “oldest” civilization that is widely accepted at this time is the Sumerian which is believed to have existed around 4000 BC. Not everyone agrees though since several other pieces of “history” are not accounted for. The giants mentioned in the bible, the “fluvial” erosion in the body of the Sphinx in Egypt that could not have occurred before 10,000 BC, the Nephilim mentioned in Genesis (6:4) who took earthy women for wives who gave birth to the “giants”, the Anunnakis - believed to have created humans by altering ape’s DNA and ruled over earth for over 400,000 years plus the recent discovery of a 700,000-Year-Old Stone Tools found in the Philippines used to butcher a Rhino.

History as we know it is incomplete and convoluted with mythology. But advances in technology is allowing us to separate history from myths.

Who or what created us and for what purpose? I think this is the ultimate riddle that sentient beings like us should strive to get an answer for. Imagine that you woke up one day with no memory of who you are. Would you not spend the rest of your life finding out who you really are, who your parents were, whether you have a family etc.? In a way, this is what happened to us. We forgot. Or maybe something tricked us to forget our true nature and our rightful place in the universe.

It is clear that "higher knowledge" has been deliberately hidden from us for thousands of years. Therefore, you and me are beholden to uncover and bring this information out to enlighten the world. To end the battle between knowledge and ignorance. To free us from the obstruction caused by established dogmas and lies; for this knowledge could lead us to a greater understanding of our universe and of ourselves.

Almost all cultures on Earth have a version of the flood story described in the Scriptures. While the dates of when the flood occurred vary, the story is fairly consistent except for the two other versions: (1) The Gnostic and (2) the Sumerian.

Historians now agree that many of the stories describe in the Bible originated from the Sumerians. The Sumerian writings were translated into Akkadian, then to Hebrew, then Greek and from there, multiple translations were made into multiple languages.

Because many of our languages were relatively young when these translations occurred, the translated text may well be a victim of primitive translations. Take for example the word internet and computer. Before their discovery, all the modern languages on this planet did not have an equivalent for these words to accurately describe the inventions. So imagine a Hebrew or Greek monk trying to translate the Sumerian or Akkadian word for DNA or a spacecraft. Because the DNA and manmade flying objects were not yet invented at the time, the best they could do is to find something in nature that would closely resemble the "thing" they are trying to describe. My favorite example of what I call very artistic and creative translation is the "broken bracelet" describing the asteroid belt found in the English translation of the Sumerian tablet called the "Book of Enki". The Mahabharata, the oldest book of the Hindus, also provides examples of poor translations of the ancient Sumerian text.

It's no wonder then that there are huge discrepancies between the original Sumerian flood story and what we now have through the many religions and cultures around the world.

Foremost among these inconsistencies is the description and size of Noah's boat. Noah's ark as described in the scripture is gigantic in size. The size would make sense in the context that Noah brought into the Ark a pair of every animal on Earth. Of course, this account already creates a big problem from a "common sense" standpoint. How did Noah and his family build such an Ark in a short period of time? How did they manage to find and "control" each of the animal pairs to come to the boat? The answer that we truth-seekers often get is "through the miraculous power of the creator". While I believe in miracles I still find inconsistencies in such a godly act. The miraculous hand of the one true God would have easily plucked Noah and his sons and transported them into a high mountain where they can be safe rather than building a boat.

According to the Sumerian text, Noah (Ziusudra in the Sumerian text) was helped by the people in his village to build the boat and they finished constructing it in 5 days. Noah brought with him his kins and some livestock which makes sense as food for the journey.

The morning was not yet gone when the people about Ziusudra gathered; To speedily for him the boat build they each other encouraged. Timbers of boat-wood the elders were hauling, the little ones bitumen from the marshes carried. As woodworkers the planks together hammered, Ziusudra in a cauldron the bitumen melted. With bitumen the boat he waterproofed inside and out, As in the drawing upon the tablet the boat on the fifth day was completed.

Also, Noah was instructed not to reveal the forthcoming calamity to the people. Instead, he told them that he needs to travel to the house of the lord Enki and Enlil to make offerings to appease them:

The lord Enlil with my lord Enki has angry been, To Enki's abode in the Abzu I am sailing, perchance Enlil will be appeased! For a while a silence followed. Ziusudra from behind the reed wall came, A tablet of lapis lazuli, in the moonlight shining, he saw and picked up; The image of a boat upon it was drawn, notches its measurements gave;
Wisest of Civilized Men was Ziusudra, what he had heard he understood. In the morning, to the townspeople he so announced: The lord Enlil with the Lord Enki, my master, angry has been, On that account to me the lord Enlil is hostile.

In this city I no longer reside can, nor in the Edin my foot anymore set; To the Abzu, the lord Enki's domain, I will there a-sailing go. In a boat that must quickly be built I will away from here depart; Thereby the lord Enlil's anger will subside, hardships will end, Upon you the lord Enlil abundance henceforth will shower!

Regarding the animal pairs, the Sumerian text uses the word "essence" - a primitive translation of the word DNA perhaps. How we got into our version of "all animal pairs" could be due to the poor translation and deliberate omission of a certain part of the story.

In the Sumerian tablet, it is said that the townpeople brought livestock and food for Noah and his family to sustain them during the long travel. In addition, a box containing the essences of all the animals on earth was also brought inside the Ark by a 'god' who was handpicked by the gods navigate the boat to safer ground. It appears that during the translations, the second part of the story was omitted and only the first part was kept:

Eager to see Ziusudra depart, the townspeople to the boat food and water brought, From their own mouths sustenance they took; to appease Enlil they were in a hurry! Four-legged animals into the boat were also driven, birds from the field by themselves flew in. Into the boat Ziusudra his spouse and sons made embark, their wives and children also came. Any who to the abode of the lord Enki wish to go, let them too aboard come!

So did Ziusudra to the gathered people announce. Envisioning Enlil's abundance, only some of the craftsmen the call heeded. On the sixth day Ninagal, Lord of the Great Waters, to the boat came, A son of Enki he was, to be the boat's navigator he was selected. A box of cedarwood in his hands he held, by his side in the boat he kept it; The life essences and life eggs of living creatures it contains, by the lord Enki and Ninmah collected, From the wrath of Enlil to be hidden, to life resurrect if Earth be willing!

We've Been Looking for the Wrong Boat

For centuries, various expeditions have been launched to find Noah's Ark but all were unsuccessful. Many historians theorize that it's either because the event never occurred or we've been looking at the wrong place! My research into the subject rejects both theories. I believe it's because we've been looking for the wrong boat!

If Noah and the townfolks built the boat in just 5 days instead of several months (Noah's Ark starring Russell Crowe) then the boat could not be gigantic in proportion. Also according to the Sumerian text, it wasn't a boat but rather a submersible watercraft that can withstand the onslaught of the deluge:

Now heed my words, observe the message that to you I am speaking: Abandon your house, build a boat; spurn possessions, save the life! The boat that you must build, its design and measurements on a tablet are shown, By the reed hut's wall the tablet I shall leave. Make sure that the boat shall be roofed throughout, the sun from the inside must not be seen. The tackle must be very strong, the pitch strong and tight to ward off the water. Let the boat be one that can turn and tumble, the watery avalanche to survive!

Sources:The Lost Book of Enki; source 2; source 3; source 4; source 5.

Related posts:
Part 1: The SPHINX
Part 2: The GARDEN of EDEN Wasn't a PARADISE
Part 4: ADAMITE vs PRE-ADAMITE Bloodline
Part 5: The FLOOD Story
Part 7: GIANTS Who WALKED on EARTH Part 1
Part 8: GIANTS Who WALKED on EARTH Part 2
Part 9: The MAN BAG
Part 10: ATLANTIS The Beginning
Part 11: ANTARCTICA The TRUE Cradle of Civilization?
Part 12: The DOGON Tribe
Part 13: The CREATION Story of the DOGON Tribe
Part 16: GIANTS Who WALKED on EARTH Part 3
Part 22: The LOST BOOK OF ENKI Part 1
Part 23: The FACE on MARS
Part 24: The LOST BOOK of ENKI Part 2: The CREATION OF MAN
Part 27: NUCLEAR WAR IN 2,000 BC

Follow me @sandalphon for more esoteric knowledge.


I love these posts of yours. It really explains the inconsistencies in the religions handed to us from Abraham.

The idea of the infallible God who is all powerful, except when he encounters iron chariots (Judges 1:19)

The admission that the all good God has evil thoughts (Exodus 32:14).

I found many things when I researched to strengthen my faith years ago that instead destroyed any ability for it to exist. More advanced beings creating us makes much more sense. Even in Genesis it begins by implying God is plural, an admission many Jews have made to me in my dialogues with them.

The essence part also makes more sense, and as you point out would require a much smaller vessel for transport.

Agreed: "Plural" gods, using chariots of fire and are very temperamental destroying those that do follow his rules with fire and evil wind - doesn't seem to fit the description of the one true God that is omnipotent, all knowing and all loving.

If only we could pull out our brain and use only our eyes @sandalphon, you so fantastic here .

well said @emmanueltare. sometimes, the truth is staring us right in the face and we still don't see it.

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