in #knowledge6 years ago

Preamble: How old is our civilization? The answer to this question keeps changing over the last 2,000 years and will continue to change as we learn more and more about “our past”. One thing is clear – our “civilization” isn’t the first to have existed on this planet.

Just how many civilizations existed before us? The “oldest” civilization that is widely accepted at this time is the Sumerian which is believed to have existed around 4000 BC. Not everyone agrees though since several other pieces of “history” are not accounted for. The giants mentioned in the bible, the “fluvial” erosion in the body of the Sphinx in Egypt that could not have occurred before 10,000 BC, the Nephilim mentioned in Genesis (6:4) who took earthy women for wives who gave birth to the “giants”, the Anunnakis - believed to have created humans by altering ape’s DNA and ruled over earth for over 400,000 years and the recent discovery of a 700,000-Year-Old Stone Tools found in the Philippines used to butcher a Rhino.

History as we know it is incomplete and convoluted with mythology. But advances in technology is allowing us to separate history from myths.

Who or what created us and for what purpose? I think this is the ultimate riddle that sentient beings like us should strive to get an answer for. Imagine that you woke up one day with no memory of who you are. Would you not spend the rest of your life finding out who you really are, who your parents were, whether you have a family etc.? In a way, this is what happened to us. We forgot. Or maybe something tricked us to forget our true nature and our rightful place in the universe.

It is clear that "higher knowledge" have been deliberately hidden from us for thousands of years. Therefore, you and me are beholden to discover and bring this information to enlighten the world. To end the battle between knowledge and ignorance. To free us from the obstruction caused by established dogmas and lies. For knowledge could lead us to a greater understanding of our universe and of ourselves.

The Bag of Power

Below is a stone tablet unearthed in Mesopotamia depicting the creation of Adam by the Sumerian gods Enki and his brother Enlil. The tree at the center is believed to be a representation of the human DNA strand.


There are several things in this tablet that baffle archaeologists and historians to this day and one of them is the object that looks like a bag.

What's very interesting is that these bags appear not just in Sumerian archaeological relics but from other civilizations all over the world. From the Aztecs and the Mayans to the Incas in Peru and the civilizations in Asia and Africa.

Assyrian relief carving from Nimrud, 883–859 B.C. ( Metropolitan Museum of Art ) Source

Olmec Monument 19, from La Venta, Tabasco, shows a "god" holding a handbag Source


The Dogon tribe in Africa (still surviving to this day) believes that a Fish god came down from heaven and taught them science, metallurgy, husbandry etc. Source

Some claim that the Pope's hat was inspired by the Fish god Source

The oldest depiction of the bag can be found in the pillars of Göbekli Tepe temple in Turkey. Göbekli Tepe dates back to approximately 11,000 BC and was discovered only in 2014 (Tinfoil Hat, 2014):

Pillar 43 from Gobekli Tepe in Turkey shows three ‘handbag’ carvings along the top. Credit: Alistair Coombs

We know very little about what this object is despite the numerous research conducted. An oral tradition among the surviving descendants of the Mayan civilization shed light on what the object can do:

During the Spanish invasion of the Mayans (at least what's left of them), the last Mayan king who was in possession of a similar object (bag) escaped to their sacred place they call Amaru Muru.

Amaru Muru - often called "Portal of the gods" Source

Upon reaching the site, he inserted the object into a "key-hole" found at the center of the "doorway" and then he step into the wall of rock as if it was a door. He and his companions disappeared into the wall and were never seen again.

What do we know about this bag of power?

We know that these bags exist. We also know that these bags are either made of granite rock or metal alloys both of which are high conductor of heat and electricity. But as to their uses, all are but pure speculation at this point. Word has it though that several public and private organizations around the world including the CIA have been in pursuit to discover the true purpose and supposed power associated with the bags.

Several of these organizations are already in possession of these bags. Below are examples of the bags found throughout the world (all images below are from pinterest):


Do these bags hold the key to interdenominational travel? Perhaps they are keys to the Stargates found somewhere around the world? Maybe someday, we will be able to unlock the mysteries surrounding these bags.

Other Sources
Source 1; Source 2;

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Great post. Just one observation (proof that I read the whole post). Amaru Muru is located in Peru, near lake Titicaca, close to the Bolivian border. The Mayas did not live in that region.

Thanks for reading the whole post. History as we know it says that the Mayan empire only covered Mexico, Belize, Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras between 2500 BCE and 1500 CE. I believe it's an understatement. Their empire may have stretched as far as Puma Punku in Bolivia and the Incas and Aztec may have been their descendants. But you're right since the Spanish empire did not flourish until the 14th century and they conquered the Incas who were populating the region at the time.

The master's piece 👏

Ugh. It did not answer the question about the "bag", instead tickles our mind more. Damn curiosity.

Curiosity is the mother of all Inventions. Continue being curious.

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