Snow Covered Ragtag

This is what greeted us when Tink had to go out this morning. She hurried. Sorry for the shakiness. It was cold!

The darker flecks in the video were actually the snowflakes that made it inside. I was standing in the utility room, looking out the back door. The hum is the furnace running, because I had the door open.

Tink even brought in some examples of how huge the snowflakes were!

Thankfully, I had no appointments today, so I got to spend it hanging out with y'all most of the day.

That's always a win!


It started here - Reclaiming The Backyard Firepit
Which turned into this - Ragtag Garden

The expansion of these two projects has now become The Ragtag Saga:

Latest episodes of the Ragtag Saga:
Revved Up Ragtag, Part 1
Revved Up Ragtag, Part 2
Revved Up Ragtag, Part 3
Revved Up Ragtag, Part 4
Revved Up Ragtag, Part 5
Revved Up Ragtag, Part 6
Revved Up Ragtag, Part 7
Revved Up Ragtag, Part 8
Revved Up Ragtag, Part 9
Revved Up Ragtag, Part 10

Stay Tuned For The Next Installment - Coming Soon!

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Gardeners Badge created by @daddykirbs.
Ragtag Brand Logo created by Michelle @slhomestead.
Steemit Badge created by @grow-pro.


I always feel bad for the pets when it's cold out. Nothing worse than a bathroom break outside in the snow. My cats hate it. Hope you're keeping warm.

Same here! Especially the ones with short coats - like the cats. At least Tink is furry enough to fend off the worst. Still, a cold whizzer can't be pleasant.

Hunkered down and toasty, thanks! Hope y'all are cozy, too!

Poor Tink, what a way to start the day. Glad you got stay hom and steem. How is @uncle-dan doing with his posts? Has he started writing yet? Not much longer before you can plant. Lol🐓🐓

I know... she looked at me like... 'Really?!? You want me to go out in that!?' She does have potty pads to use inside, but she chose the blizzard. Goof.

He got side-tracked getting ready for a coin show, so he hasn't done any posts yet. His vision issues (nerve damage) make reading a chore, so getting him motivated is a challenge. Still workin' on it... ;~D

A few more weeks to go before starting seeds. Brainstorming for my indoor set-up, but have a few things to work out first. Fun times!

Ugh. I'm so sick of snow. I don't feel this way about it every year, but we've had just enough snow, then melt then snow get the idea, that our backyard is a saturated mud pit. It had just dried out about a week ago, dry enough we could walk over it without it squishing up the sides of our shoes, and it snowed yesterday, melted off today and more coming in tomorrow. I'm over it.

Agreed! I wouldn't even mind if snowed and stayed there, but when it gets all sloppy & nasty.... I'm done.

The snow gods are laughing their asses off right now at my not minding if it snowed...

They're predicting 8-12 inches starting tonight. Schools, gov't offices, stores, etc - all announced they're closed tomorrow.

Me and my big mouth...

Well, I’m just putting it out there, that I would most certainly mind if it snowed and stayed here. You hear that, snow gods!! @aunt-deb doesn’t mind, but I do!

Thanks for the warning!;)

Sic 'em!

Looks like you have had a decent amount of snow this winter. We have had it a few times but never more than a few inches.

Yeah, we have. Much more than last year, which was just ultra cold all season. We had another batch added last night and we probably have a good 4 inches total from the past couple of days. They're predicting a few more waves with 1-3 inches each over the next week.

Oh boy, yippee...

At least the drought conditions from last fall will be remedied when this melts.

I wish the same would happen for us cause I know spring will be here soon.

We had snow move in from nowhere yesterday and cover the ground. Be safe

Thanks! You, too! The surprise ones are no fun.

Winter in our part of the world is slowing down. It seems a bit rough in that part.


It can be. I'm near Chicago, so we get crazy stuff because of Lake Michigan.

Tell Tink to find some sunshine. lol

No kidding!

For about 6 months of the year I feel like an idiot for not considering the weather when I adopted 2 hairless dogs. It really didn’t cross my mind. Rain? Nope not going outside. Snow? They won’t even come when I call them even though they are dressed to go out. I even bought dog snow boots but I quickly said forget this when it took 20 minutes to put 8 boots on 2 dogs. It’s a good thing I love them so much 😂

LOL! The things we do for our four-leggeds and the things they put up with from us is nothing short of epic at times. They are so worth it, though, and wouldn't trade a minute of it for life without them.

Btw, we're practically neighbors... I'm just at the southern tip of the Lake in Indiana. I totally get the wicked weather.

Looks like winter isn't done with you yet! That little dog sure didn't waste any time getting her outdoor business done. Cute!

No kidding! It certainly left no doubt today. Thnaks, that was Tinker. She's a Lhasa Apso and supposed to be used to this kind of weather. She prefers her cozy nest.

This is too cold, to be honest, but it is beautiful too. Do you people stay home for the whole day and night when it is snowing as heavy as this? Because there is no snow in our area.

When it's blowing like this, most people prefer to stay out of it because it's dangerous to drive in. However, if I had to go to work, then I'd put on lots of layers of clothes and travel very slowly. Luckily, I got to stay home today!

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