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RE: Snow Covered Ragtag

Ugh. I'm so sick of snow. I don't feel this way about it every year, but we've had just enough snow, then melt then snow get the idea, that our backyard is a saturated mud pit. It had just dried out about a week ago, dry enough we could walk over it without it squishing up the sides of our shoes, and it snowed yesterday, melted off today and more coming in tomorrow. I'm over it.


Agreed! I wouldn't even mind if snowed and stayed there, but when it gets all sloppy & nasty.... I'm done.

The snow gods are laughing their asses off right now at my not minding if it snowed...

They're predicting 8-12 inches starting tonight. Schools, gov't offices, stores, etc - all announced they're closed tomorrow.

Me and my big mouth...

Well, I’m just putting it out there, that I would most certainly mind if it snowed and stayed here. You hear that, snow gods!! @aunt-deb doesn’t mind, but I do!

Thanks for the warning!;)

Sic 'em!

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