Revved Up Ragtag, Part 8

in #gardening7 years ago

When last we saw the raised bed, it had just gotten its first layer of leaves for the compost-in-place experiment.

The tomato cages hold a lot more leaves than I expected. That was a nice surprise! The rest of the leaves were divided evenly in the spaces between the cages.

Since the last report, we've had some rainy days, so the leaves have really settled into place. The first decent day with minimal wind afforded a great chance to collect another batch to add to the pile.

So, I topped off the bed with more leaves, plus the remnants of the Ragtag Garden for some green material. I'll probably go shred those to help with the decomposition. I'd have done it at the time, but I'd lost my light for the day. Winter garden situations are a whole new world to me, so this should be a great addition to my education!

Today's lesson:

You never have as much daylight left as you think.
Work quickly before it fades!

Key Features in The Revved Up Ragtag Project.

Stay Tuned For The Next Installment - Coming Soon!

Latest episodes of the Ragtag Saga:
Revved Up Ragtag, Part 1
Revved Up Ragtag, Part 2
Revved Up Ragtag, Part 3
Revved Up Ragtag, Part 4
Revved Up Ragtag, Part 5
Revved Up Ragtag, Part 6
Revved Up Ragtag, Part 7

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decomposing leaves is smart!!!!

True dat! Best parts are I have lots and they're free!

All your preps are working. Next years Garden is going to be fantastic. Looking forward to seeing it. 🐓🐓

So far so good. We have two days of warmish weather, then the winter bite sets in on Tuesday. After that we'll have to settle for inside activities like planning. It's fun thinking about our next chance to play in the dirt even when it's too cold to follow though. I'm looking forward to yours, too!

I have to take some more pics. My plants are re-emerging from the dust. Fun comes in all sorts of ways to homesteaders. I used to keep a daily diary about what happened in the garden and my plans. Sound dull but it did give me ideas about what I could have done better. Don’t forget to prop your feet up to warm them by the fire!

Ooooh, good! Love pics and ones with new green are great! I think Steemit is becoming our daily diary, preserved for all time.

Here's a giggle for you... since I don't have an indoor fireplace, I rigged up an over-sized heating pad on the floor in front of my computer chair. My toes are toasty warm as we speak. The perks are I don't have to chop wood and it's almost instant heat. Yes, I'm a dork, but I'm a dork with warm feet. ;~D

You do own the rights to new creative foot warmers. It never would have crossed my mind to use a heating pad as a foot warmer. I had such a Norman Rockwell scene in my mind.

Norman Rockwell did do a spectacular job capturing those sorts of scenes. Love his work!

The foot warmer, I found, was a must-have for where I sit - which is the furthest northwest corner of the house. It's also the coldest spot in the house. We're on a crawlspace, too, so there's no insulation underneath me. The heating pad was the perfect solution and has worked well for years. As a matter of fact, this is the second one. The first one finally croaked last month.

This is not my favorite time of year, when it gets dark shortly after lunch. If it's dark, it must be bedtime. Let's hibernate 'til spring!

I'm with ya!

You've reminded me - I must go and rake leaves to bag up for leaf mulch! And yes - light fades WAY too quickly especially at this time of year. You've got a nice mound of leaves there though.

Our gardening work is never done, it just changes colors from season to season. ;~D

It looks like those tomato cages are working really well!
It takes leaves a while to compost so you might want to turn the pile a couple of times once spring hits.

Thanks! They're doing a better job than I expected, in that they hold so much. I was afraid the leaves would just fall out the sides. Glad to be proven wrong. I'm also hoping to use the cages to 'agitate' the pile without much turning. If I can get away with a lazy version, it's worth a try. Lol!

One nice things I enjoy about living here. Don't have leaves to rake up! Its so true bout daylight. Some days I don't even see the sun anymore.

Glad you are keeping up with ragtag! Looking forward to see how next year growing season looks.

It's a love-hate kinda thing with raking. I surely appreciate the shade they provide all summer, especially keeping the house cool and my A/C bill low. But, inevitably, they come down. At least this year they can be useful.

Y'all are such good motivators! Don't know what I'd do without you... Thanks a bushel and peck!

I'll second that! ;~D

Look how far its come, its going to look great when finished :)

I think I'm going to try for some early veggies in there next spring - lettuces, radishes. They've done well years ago, so we'll see if it work again. Thanks for cheering me on, @karenb54!

Always hun, right behind you :)

I'll give you a call next autumn... Bring a rake!

Right now it's getting buried under a few inches of snow.

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