Final Week Curation Report (August Month) || My Life Category || Global Curators Team || @steemcurator06

in Steem POD Team2 years ago (edited)


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Greetings, from the Global Curators to the Steemit team and all other Steemit users of this platform, today is August 31 and we are submitting our 4th and final report of August month for tags in the "My Life" theme using the @steemcurator06 curation account. We did our best to support quality content under the "My Life" category in our 4th week of curation.


In the 4th and final week, we voted for a total of 192 posts by users from 15 different countries worldwide and 30 different communities of this platform. We also covered 9 different languages in our 4th week of curation. In the 4th week our team got a lot of posts on #thediarygame tag. We tried hard to cover other tags as well, but those tags didn't have as much traffic. The amount of #mytown10pics and #news posts also decreased this week, but #actofkindness tag posts increased a little bit as compared to the third week. We encourage users to post quality content on our all tags.











The above statistics give all the details of total communities, countries, languages, club status and tags that we covered in the 4th and final week of this month.



Post Link

Writer : @jotase
Club Status : #club5050
Selected by : @malikusman1

REASON: @jotase is a renowned science teacher from his country and shows us a special event, as well as a great bride and groom exhibition with very neat and culturally rich pictures.

Note : This Post will expire within 5 days.



Post Link

Writer : @zubaer
Club Status : #club5050
Selected by : @solaymann

REASON: In the post, zubaer recounted one of his days. The day was his exam day. He informed us that he had passed the exam very well. After completing the exam he went from his hostel to the village house. There he spent a lot of fun time with the beautiful environment of the village. In the afternoon enjoyed the boys football game in the village field. This post shows a lot of beauty in a rural life.

Note : This Post will expire tomorrow.



Post Link

Writer : @yonaikerurso
Club Status : #club5050
Selected by : @malikusman1

REASON: He is a very active Bloggers, who shares his experience with trx trading and also tells his tour of the city of Maracay to show it in a post of #mytownin10pics in its previous edition.

Note : This Post will expire within 6 days.



Post Link

Writer : @radjasalman
Club Status : #club100
Selected by : @ridwant

REASON: The author is a person who actively writes, not only as a CR for Indonesia, Admin and Mod in several steemit communities in Indonesia. He is also a school principal who constantly tries to involve himself in various school activities and does not neglect time for his family. This is a small picture of the author who in our opinion is a great person and a good role model without neglecting some of his activities in the real world and on the platform every day.

Note : This Post will expire within 3 days.



Post Link

Writer : @aaliarubab
Club Status : #club100
Selected by : @wase1234

REASON: An ideal diary game of a young woman who expresses her love for shopping. She also let's us know why she chooses to buy the different accessories she she chose and also let's us know the problem with prices in her country. The economic situation isn't good which almost made her not to purchase a certain good.

Note : This Post will expire within 4 days.



Post Link

Writer : @bellana
Club Status : #club100
Selected by : @graceleon

REASON: @bellana is a renal patient who has recounted her pre and post-operative kidney processes.
In this publication she takes us on a tour of the great city of Buenos Aires, showing her experience as a patient, as a foodie and as an excellent photographer of the European-style architecture that characterizes the capital of Argentina.

Note : This Post will expire within 6 days.



Post Link

Writer : @franyeligonzalez
Club Status : #club5050
Selected by : @malikusman1

REASON: Going out once or twice a week or a month saves us from a boring routine. In this post, the writer plans to visit his friend. They do many activities in this post like lunch, shopping, hair coloring and many other cute activities. The author's day with his friend shows us a very good friendship spirit.

Note : This Post will expire within 5 days.


@malikusman1- #club100 || @graceleon - #club75 || @ridwant - #club100 || @wase1234 - #club100 || @solaymann - #club100 || @sachin08 - #club100 || @josemen - #club100

Best Regards,
Global Curator's Team

 2 years ago (edited)

Hola amigos, una pregunta ¿Cómo es que este post que no tiene nisiquiera el voto de la cuenta curadora ni mucho menos el comentario de la misma fue seleccionado entre los 7 mejores de la semana?

Me parece muy raro porque todos aquellos que quedamos en estos tops mínimo recibimos un voto y un comentario de la cuenta curadora haciendo acotar que nos visitaron

Se supone que para estos tops se debe seleccionar post que hayan Sido votados por el equipo y de allí se debe escoger el top 7 pero este no lo fue


 2 years ago 

Por otra parte para estos tops no se deberían seleccionar entre los 7 mejores a familiares del operador de guardia y la sra pandillaeneida es la esposa de josemen

¿Todo queda en casa entonces?

 2 years ago (edited)

Thanks a lot for commenting on my post dear friend I am from Pakistan and I don't know who belongs to whose house and who belongs to which family. As a team leader I always try to do my work with full passion and honesty. But next time I will try to work on it thanks for your guidance. And today I was very sick and couldn't check the posts properly.

 2 years ago (edited)

Amigo pero debes estar pendiente a la hora de redactar un top. En especial porque no es primera vez que josemen sube a un familiar

Además fíjate que el post no tenía voto ni comentario de steemcurator06

Es como si no lo hubiera visitado y quiera darle el top, eso no es justo para los cientos de usuarios que suben Contenido con la etiqueta #thediarygame o #mylife porque le quitas la oportunidad de recibir apoyo

Dear friend, I was very sick for the last two or three days and due to which I am not able to upload much post on steemit. I apologize to all of you for the mistakes made by my team and posts have been changed.

 2 years ago (edited)

Saludos amigo @yonaikerurso

Comparto su apreciación, además existe otra publicación que no muestra una calidad aceptable de su contenido, la cual es, ya que debe mejorar la presentación de sus imágenes.

Las otras selecciones si cumplen con una presentación bien desarrollada.

 2 years ago 

Para estos tops se debería tomar más en cuenta la calidad del contenido y las fotografías captadas. El mal uso le resta valor a la plataforma

Totalmente de acuerdo con este comentario! la calidad de contenido debe ser lo que se premie, cuando este tipo de cosas suceden, es normal que los creadores de contenido se desanimen o desistan de seguir acá.

 2 years ago 

Sin duda casos para revisar, parece que las camisetas estan de oferta últimamente.

Apostamos siempre por un espacio justo y equitativo, si nosotros no enderezamos la situación nadie mas lo hará, ese es el punto de la descentralización 👍🏻


 2 years ago 

Así es amigo, debemos apreciar la confianza brindada para manejar éste tipo de cuentas, mostrando responsabilidad y ética en la ejecución de los beneficios.

 2 years ago (edited)

Sir we always try to do our best. I think our team leader is very good. He helped us work through the guidelines very well. I hope you will give positive feedback to our work. I can say with confidence that we have tried to do the utmost good. Even then, people make mistakes. So we apologize. May Allah keep you well.

Dear sir you are very respectable to us, now these posts have been changed.

 2 years ago (edited)

@malikusman1 always remember that with great power comes great responsibility. As a leader of your team, you should have an absolute check over your team members as not everyone works with integrity on Steemit. Lately, we all know that Steemit has been facing a lot of abuse in the form of account farming, curation teams, vote buying services and much more.

It's the people who have been given a responsibility, who'll have to make sure that we get rid of abuse as much as possible.

It's sad, that you were sick and it's also really appreciable that you changed the posts, as soon as you were pointed out on it. We should all work on getting steemit free from abuse and use it's resources to the best of our capabilities in the best manner.

 2 years ago 

Greetings friend @ malikusman1. I appreciate the gesture, we must fairly manage the resources or tools provided for the benefit of all.

Este tipo de cosas vienen sucediendo hace mucho, y para evitar abusos con las cuentas curadoras hay que tomar en cuenta estos episodios a la hora de volver a elegir a estas personas que no se ve que están tomando en serio la calidad de los post para selecciones .

Buenas tardes @yonaikerurso abiertamente estoy trabajando en la plataforma sin ocultar mis vínculos familiares: esposa, hijos, y hermanos. No tengo nada que ocultar

Desconocía y desconozco alguna norma para no apoyar a la familia, pido disculpas por la postulación de mi esposa sin haber sido votada o comentada por nuestro equipo, de haber sabido no la hubiera postula ni cometido el error.

Aprecio y le agradezco su buena voluntad por velar de nuestro buen trabajo.

Hola @josemen, lastimosamente no es la primera vez que se ve este tipo de comportamiento de su parte lo cual está mal visto desde cualquier punto de vista. Es una cuestión de sentido común, como usted va a tener un cargo de la plataforma y la va a usar para beneficiarse usted y a los suyos pasando por encima de las normas, pues además de que es su esposa el post no califica para entrar en un top por los errores ortográficos y de tipeo. Sin contar los otros comportamientos irregulares de su parte.

Espero las cuentas curadoras o alguien dentro de la plataforma haga algo al respecto porque esto no puede seguir sucediendo.

 2 years ago 

We have had a great day with you @malikusman1 . Thank you very much my brother for the preparation of this amazing by Global Curators Team Report for 4th week.

 2 years ago 

Thank you very much our dear team leader. You have created a very nice report. You have cooperated with us very nicely for a whole month in encouraging work. I thank you from my side. ❤️

This is good report. Global team is doing great.
Thank you so much Global Curator's Team & @wase1234 for selecting my post. Thanks a lot for your support.

Felicidades al equipo Global Curator's Team y a nuestro líder @malikusman1 por culminar una semana de trabajo.

Antes mi error causado pido disculpas a todos los presentes, a @steemitblog por confiar en mi este cargo y que con poco profesionalismo asumí por desconocer algunas pautas, a mi equipo por las molestias causadas.

Acciones como estas no pasaran de nuevo.

Está muy bien de su parte amigo las disculpas presentadas, pero creo que al inicio del mes se tuvieron que dar las indicaciones para curar cada post y más aún para la selección para los reportes semanales, su líder estoy segura de que así lo hizo junto al resto del equipo dotado de experiencia, así como yo muchos otros usuarios ya no creemos que haya sido un error por falta de experiencia con las cosas y movimiento que hemos observado en usted .

Como dicen por ahí : aveces menos es más, eso debemos tomarlo en cuenta aquí y en todos lados para poder gozar de una buena reputación y confianza.

Lamento que el equipo pase por esta terrible situación pero mientras estén haciendo su trabajo bien no deben temer .

Saludos .


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STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.14
JST 0.030
BTC 67364.26
ETH 3322.90
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.71