ᔕᑕᗷ Week Chit-Chat (31/8 - 1/9)

in ᔕᑕᗷ ᗰOᑎKEY ᗷᑌᔕIᑎEᔕᔕ8 days ago (edited)

weekend chit chat.jpg

Yes, the week chit-chat is late but if you follow me you know I am a busy bee just like you only with a lack of free time. If everyone leaves to eat, pray, go out, or needs an early night's rest I am still working things out or chatting. Chat? Yes, I chat and if I don't chat (mainly Steemians) I try to write. Writing is getting harder and I think about throwing my phone out of the window (read: throw away) but I need it to write unless I can use someone's laptop (the desktops are a big no) and can give my fingers a break (sort of break since they hurt if I type for many hours per day and many are 12+).

What did I do last week?
I can't remember, time flows for me but for sure it can be found back in my agenda or in the posts I wrote or the many comments I left behind (wait I remember we are practicing *script writing with very cool freewriters, people who like to try out something new and don't feel their days with writing diaries). To be fair: I don't want to be this busy and it's a good thing I have a brother who says he will take my phone away and I am restricted to 4 hours of internet per day.

Four hours of internet...
How would I spend them? I have to reduce the chats, better ignore them all, I have to because it is most time-consuming together with all the notifications. If you are disturbed every 5 minutes every task takes 40x longer (brother can I use my phone to type if I don't use the wifi?).
How to divide those 4 hours? If it comes to posting I only need 5 minutes (the writing I did offline) ok, I need a bit more... I most likely have to edit because I don't use a template and type all codes... if I am fast it's 1.5 hours later.

2.5 hours left.. I have no time to look for topics of my interest and I have to find a way to upvote those I like (the people of course not the content because I have not time to read everything. That timer goes fast...1.5 hours are left, or is it less? I leave a remark behind and tag @mikitaly and @stef1 or I post the same copy-pasted text in two different comment sections (sorry for not being original).

HELP HELP HELP I am running out of time... how to set a fanbase or upvote so I can save myself some time (my brother is watching me!) also I don't want to upvote idiot content. Can I set a hashtag as well because all I care about is stories?

One of my biggest pains is pictures! It takes hours to upload so all my posts will be without unless I always use the same. If I do that I simply copy and paste the code of the picture. It saves me a lot of time. No need to download, upload, and start again because those 4 hours of the internet are sloooow and far from steady (brother, there is no internet again, the clock is ticking, help, it isn't fair!).
I have not time to answer everyone so I scroll fast through the list with replies and see who says most of all. I make a few notes, my memory is perfect) and answer 3. Three is enough. If I do this daily there's more interaction than I can handle.
I believe my 4 hours for Steemit are up, I will have a quick look at my email. I can read and answer it offline and with a click it is sent.... )It will be sent next time if I have internet again, automatically. Since I have time left I go nag my brother or watch a film.

The weekend

How did I spend it?
My friend ignored me, my brother was busy, my child's birthday is today, the dog was operated on Friday and is in pain and I didn't eat, or go out except to visit the bathroom (an addicted Steemian has terrible health and lacks hygiene).
Sunday Team 2 started curating that was fun we just did something. No idea if we made anyone happy but we blunder on and keep reading comments.

@goodybest you didn't answer last week. I checked your replies, they are not very unique are you alright? @eveetim and @patudoh yes I had a look in your replies and comments as well and so I had many more some I never heard of but the go@od news is I saw an interesting line or is it a connection? For sure you can discover it too, there's no need to attend a school for detectives.
@solperez what do you say? Or how about you @gems.and.cookies? You all can share your past week, weekend, or thoughts with me. If I have more than 4 hours of phone/internet I might read you.

A great week to all,

#steemit #week #chat #engagement #steemexclusive


Hi hi dear, my bad for not getting back to you earlier. The truth is that I always work around the clock, especially during school holidays like this in which kids are home all day. At times I will be typing replies like this and before I can conclude, they will need my attention and I have no option than attending to them, and one thing will lead to another, and before I realize hours are gone 😩 do you know that it takes me two days to make a single post now? Hmm, I normally wake up around 2 AM to start writing, and I will sleep again around 5 in the morning I'll then continue writing and working throughout the day whenever I get the chance, hahaha. Guess what? I tried something new which was pretty cool, though I'm sorry I didn't tell you about it earlier 😔. Well, School will be starting again in two weeks, so I should have about four hours to myself each day. That means you'll be hearing more from me soon. How have you been?

 8 days ago 

Reading your story reminds me to my daily routine too. My university is also opening in two weeks and thinking what will happen if we are too busy in vacations too.

I sometimes feel like 24 hours is not enough, Hehehe. Wishing you a successful semester in advance!

A little tip... Pretend you are bored to death and have more hours to kill in a minute than hours in a day.
Sleep is a necessity, not a luxury.


Hooo sounds interesting!

 2 days ago 

I had to laugh as you said: 4 hours for yourself.. I know exactly how that feels, finally time for me.. nope.. house chores and all those things that can actually wait and in the end, you are days behind with what you should do.
I'll have a look!

 8 days ago 

Mi apreciada amiga, he estado complicada con el tiempo. Al igual que tú he tenido que lidiar con problemas ajenos a mi voluntad: apagones eléctricos, una hermana enferma que necesita de mi ayuda, un vestido que estoy bordando en punto de crus para la Virgen del Valle, que debo terminar antes del sábado. Luego que trato de poner todo en orden, ingreso a la plataforma, leo las notificaciones, las respondo; y cuando miro el reloj me percato de que han pasado las horas y que mi agotamiento mental y físico no me permite escribir una idea coherente. Cuando trato de descansar mi cabeza escribe cuentos que no me dejan dormir. Me obligo a descansar, pero suena la alarma a las 5:30 de la mañana, entonces me doy cuenta de que aún mi mente sigue agotada. Definitivamente, Steemit nos ha robado hasta los pensamientos; y lo peor de todo es que aún consciente de ello, no lo evito, sino más bien me estreso por no tener más tiempo para el trabajo. ¿Será esto masoquismo virtual? Jajaja.

Un abrazo, mi apreciada amiga.

 8 days ago 

It is absolutely right that when we get after sleep our mind are still exhausted. It is fact because of stress we took.
Physically weakness can be sort out after resting but mentally stress makes us exhausted.

Moreover ALLAH bless your sister with health🍀❤️

 8 days ago 

Mil gracias por tu cálido comentario. Un abrazo.

 8 days ago 

Welcome dear🤗❤️

Mi querida Sol.

Y a pesar de todo, sigues allí constante.

Creo que es un mal que sufre un docente. Siempre seguir dando lo mejor de sí.

Espero, que con la ayuda del Dios todopoderoso tengas muchas fuerzas, para seguir ayudando a tu hermana y te de sabiduría para equilibrar tus acciones.

Bendiciones para ti 🙏🙏🙏

 8 days ago 

It is happening to everyone who is caring about their blog, their feed and also their friends. You are an example of a person who reads posts and also reacts to posts. Often we read posts and react with upvote with the hope that this way the user knows that I visited the blog and like posts. The more we do and more we do it thoroughly the more time it costs and our family suffers because like my hubby says: "there is also life beyond Steemit" and it is true. We need to think about us and try to plan what we will do and how. It is not easy and to tell the truth it is not possible to give an advise because again we are all different.

Setting up the automatic Upvote is very helpful, and I would advise you to do so. I myself have no idea how to do that because my hubby does all these things for me. I think @mikitaly might help out as there is an autovote system n Fanbase.

Starting as curator that will take even more of your time, that is why be ready that you will not have much time for writing your own blog or for reply, because we know that you should dedicate some time for your family too.

By the way, in my opinion the best to make all your work a bit easier get a laptop, because you can type faster, provided you can use at least 4 fingers of each hand and also use different windows open. The upload of photos will be also much easier. That could make it possible to finish your planned work within 4 hours a day :)

 8 days ago 

By reading your comment. I also came to know about the things.

like my hubby says: "there is also life beyond Steemit"

By reading this I came to know except my family others say too. Everyone in my family tease me by saying hello Steemian.😅

Yes, it is true we are Steemians, only need to try to spend a little less time so that our families are happy

 8 days ago 

Yah! Family comes to first. We earn to support them. We are struggling to make ours and theirs life a bit comfort.
We love our family we are trying to fulfill their needs. We struggle for them besides this they are true on the aspect of them. They also need our quality time to spend with them.
We should know that how to balance our work and family side by side. It is a bit difficult to manage but we should try.
I have seen many people who earn and work hard but donot spend time with their family parents. And some people realize after their family members are gone they miss the quality time that they wanna spend with them.
We are not going to everlasting live here this is not our permanent place to live. So we should give them part of our day.

May ALLAH bless you❤️🍀.

Minimalist Thank You Card _20240903_020035_0000.png

 6 days ago 

Just for growth of ᔕᑕᗷ ᗰOᑎKEY ᗷᑌᔕIᑎEᔕᔕ community I delegated 5000 Steem, hope the community will continue to grow :)

 2 days ago 

Thank you so muvh! i hope so too and it will stay a place where freedom of words will stay alive.

How are you? It's a stressful start. I commented.

Leerte me hizo reír. ¿Por qué? Varios puntos coinciden:
Desde febrero que volví a Steemit decidida a tener éxito, no ha pasado un día que Steemit esté en mi vida y pensamientos. Lo del internet, pensé que eso sólo era cosa de Venezuela. Hace poco tardé 10 horas en subir las imágenes de la clase de patrón para niñas, y ni hablar de la tortilla keto.

La salud la cuido, como tesoro. A ratos me paro de mi silla y realizo algún movimiento para mis piernas, o pedaleo unas 100 veces en la bicicleta estática.

Visito Facebook o X sólo cuando comparto el link de una publicación, aunque X está bloqueado para mí país. Alguien me sugirió usar una VPN, pero me deja sin datos, porque no tengo wifi. Así que tú historia se me hace muy familiar.

Pero, es inevitable toparse con buenos artículos. Ya estoy aprendiendo a buscar las ostras que tienen perlas 👍.

I sure do love your strength and inspiration to write. I understand the way writing goes sometimes, it starts with just a brief comment and as you begin, new ideas start popping, that's how I usually find myself writing more than I'd expected.

This just got me:🤔

I have no time to look for topics of my interest and I have to find a way to upvote those I like (the people of course not the content..

Your weekend was occupied, thank God you're doing great. Have a rewarding week. I hope I'll be able to share my weekend activities too.

 8 days ago 

We are eagerly waiting to see your weekend activities.☺️

"🙌 Oh my goodness @wakeupkitty, it's so wonderful to see you back with another engaging post! 🎉 I'm sure many of us can relate to being busy bees, but your dedication to sharing stories and experiences on Steemit is truly appreciated. 💕 Your weekend chit-chat was a delight to read, and I loved the bit about spending 4 hours online trying to save time 😂.

I'd love to hear more about your script writing endeavors with @freewriters - that sounds like an exciting project! 📚 And of course, I'm curious about how you spent your weekend despite all the chaos 🤯.

As for me, it's been a great week too! I've been enjoying the comments and stories from our amazing community. Shoutouts to @goodybest, @eveetim, @patudoh, @solperez, and @gems.and.cookies - keep sharing your thoughts and experiences with us! 🤗

And hey, don't forget to take care of yourself amidst all the Steem chaos 😉. Your health and well-being are just as important as your online presence.

Now, let's get interactive! What about you? How was your week, and what stories do you want to share with us? Let's keep the conversation going! 💬

P.S. Don't forget to vote for @xpilar.witness by going to https://steemitwallet.com/~witnesses - every vote counts towards our growing Steem community! 🙏"

Thanks for the shout-out 😊 I really like the PhotoChain contest and try my best to participate and engage the other participants, despite my busy schedule. Maybe when my schedule relaxes a bit might do a post on the subject. Anyway, thanks a lot for the mention 😌😌😌

Upvoted! Thank you for supporting witness @jswit.

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