The Food Diary Game | Season 3 | November 1st - 2021 | sfcharity50pc | Coffee, Coffee Everywhere

in SteemFoods3 years ago (edited)

Hi, dear Steemians and SteemFoodies!

It's my DAY 1, first day of the Third Season of the Food Diary Game.It's Monday, only a month left until Christmas celebrations, so I've started cleaning out the cupboards. I have to start somewhere.

I share this post in English, from the #SteemFoods community, led by @steemitfoods and @alikoc07 on the occasion of the Third Season of the Food Diary Game, now promoting #Club5050.

50% of the rewards from this post will go to @sf-charity, in order for me to help more families benefit from medicine and food.

I have joined #Club5050. Have you? Learn the NEW RULES HERE, and if you are a candidate, Join in!


My day started earlier than usual. The early morning caught me rummaging through old books in the study. Then I couldn't sleep anymore. I had my first coffee at 4:40 a.m. I pulled out the meager arsenal of varieties, and decided to have it with milk, mild. An hour later, I was sleeping like a baby. I don't know what time it was when I woke up, but I needed a lot of coffee to stay awake from then on.


I drank a strong black coffee sometime in the morning when I regained consciousness.


At some point I prepared mocaccino...


For breakfast, I wasn't really in the mood for cooking, but I made arepas anyway and fried eggs. As usual, I added some oat flakes in the dough of the arepas.


We were expecting visitors, so later at noon, I reheated soup for a quick lunch and also brought out some eggplant vinaigrette and pita bread.


We had more mocaccino in the afternoon...


See the cover to find more coffee, lol. There were too many of them. Good thing I was encouraged to cook some pasta to share with our friends over a casual dinner and a nice chat.


It's a very tasty pasta, with tomatoes and white sauce. I sautéed tomato slices in butter and seasoned with salt and freshly ground black pepper. Then I added this mixture to the penne. Separately, I prepared the white sauce.

For the white sauce, I sautéed the seasonings (green onion, green pepper and sweet bell pepper) in butter and then I added the bacon in small pieces and the crushed garlic. I added **a bay leaf **and white wine. I did not use cream, but ordinary milk with a little cornstarch.

To serve, I placed the penne with tomato on the plate, then the white sauce and finally, grated manchego cheese. It was delicious, very, very tasty (with an aftertaste of rissotto, due to the butter and white wine). We were all delighted. We ate snacks and drank cocktails;no pictures of that; I was disconnected and felt relaxed after a hearty and delicious dinner.

Now, this is how I end my food-day, with more coffee. And this is also how I begin this exciting 3rd Season of The Food Diary Game.


Wish you all the best and see you tomorrow, on my next entry.

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Some of my most recent recipes on #SteemFoods

Algunas de mis recetas más recientes en #SteemFoods

My Father's Fish Soup Recipe (cocina cumanesa)


My Recipe for Homemade Pizza with Crunchy Crust



Gofres de auyama



Tarta rústica con crema bávara



Crepes con crema pastelera de chocolate oscuro Savoy de Nestlé



Postre cremoso de limón


Pimentones rojos con relleno clásico de arroz y carne, con sabor extra


SteemFoods Contest -23-| Homemade Delicious Ice Cream Recipe | Helado casero cremoso de piña con base de arroz



Join us on #SteemFoods!

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Join #Club5050, the intiative by the Steemit Team, now on SteemFoods, too. Learn about it and its new rule HERE!

 3 years ago (edited)

¡Cuanto café madre mía! ☕😅 Probé la presentación de café molido Della Nonna y es muy sabroso, imagino que con los granos recién
molidos ha de ser más exquisito.

La pasta se ve de lujo, especial para ese compartir entre amigos!

 3 years ago 

Mi esposo me preguntó si iba a poner ese montón de fotos de café, que si no me daba pena quedar por drogadicta en la blockchain, ja, ja, ja. Sabes, Della Nonna es sabroso en granos y en paquete de 500 gr (molido), pero las dos veces que he tenido que comprar paqueticos de 200 gr no ha sido así. De hecho, me pareció bastante, bastante malo. Recuerdo que nococí a un maestro tostador de Caripe hace un par de años y me comentó que la calidad de las "papeletas" de café era de suerte. Desde encontes, tengo mi molinito y lo compro en granos.

Gracias por la visita, @morenaluna :D

 3 years ago 

Tranquila, no eres la única de la blockchain, conozco a una que no diré su nombre propio, pero por aquí la conocen como @dianakyv que toma más café que agua!🤐 😅

Eso de las papeletas de café no lo sabía, agradezco que compartas tus conocimientos con nosotros! 😉

 3 years ago 

Hi : @marlyncabrera

Thank you very much for sharing your Food Diary Game Post you prepared in detail in the SteemFoods Community. The Food Diary Game Quality of your post & You have successfully used the hashtag #club5050. Wonderful ! :) Keep producing content for Food Diary Game Season 3. :) I added this post to my list of "Best SteemFoods Posts of the Day" on 03-11-2021.

#club5050 😀

 3 years ago 

Thanks a lot for the apprecciation :) I really enjoy the Food Diary Game :D

 3 years ago 

#club5050 😀

 3 years ago 

Wow, thank you so much. Sure I will keep powering up #Club5050

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