The Food Diary Game | Season 2 | 27-Oct.-2021 | sfcharity50pc | My Dad's Fish Soup Recipe

in SteemFoods3 years ago

Hi, dear Steemians and SteemFoodies!

It's my DAY 27 in the Second Season of the Food Diary Game. It's Wednesday, and I used a lot of sweet bell pepper today. I used my father's recipe for fish soup and it was a success. I can still feel it in my mouth.

I share this post in English, from the #SteemFoods community, led by @steemitfoods and @alikoc07 on the occasion of the Second Season of the Food Diary Game, now promoting #Club5050.

50% of the rewards from this post will go to @sf-charity, in order for me to help more families benefit from medicine and food.

I have joined #Club5050. Have you? Learn the rules HERE, and if you are a candidate, Join in!


See this soup above? Just for the record, soup of this quality does not come easily. The fish was fresh and of excellent quality. The root vegetables were tender and the seasonings tasted as only what comes from mother earth can taste, that is, delicious and healthy. I estimate that I spent less than 0.75$ per plate and I must tell you that they were super bowls of soup, because we cumaneses do not beat around the bush when it comes to enjoying a good "hervido de pescado". You can eat one of these for $5 in an average restaurant.

My food-day started early as usual, with a cup of hot black coffee, strong and no sugar. I started making breakfast early, at 7 a.m. approximately.


When my husband woke up, I had a second cup of coffee to accompany him. My pleasure.

For breakfast, I made a sweet chili and white cheese omelet.

To prepare it:

  1. Cut a handful of sweet bell peppers into thick julienne strips and fry them in olive oil and butter.
  2. Separately, beat the eggs and add 1/4 cup of milk and a tablespoon of butter for every 4 eggs.
  3. When the sweet bell pepper is golden brown, take out of the frying pan, mix everything in a bowl and add the white cheese and salt to taste.
  4. Return everything mixed to the pan and cook it in the form of a trotilla.
  5. Immediately after unmolding the tortilla, grate cheese on top (I used manchego) so that it melts a little. You can also sprinkle with freshly ground pepper.


I also made my customary sesame crusted arepas to go with it.


I wanted to make fish soup for lunch, so we went to the public market. I bought 2.5 kg of fish for 4$. 1 kg of tuna medregal and 1.5 kg of cojinovas. The tuna was for the soup. They make a very tasty broth. I love it. I used, as always, my dad's recipe. I have never had a better fish soup than my dad's. They were fresh, fresh, fresh. Look:

I cleaned all the fish. I also cleaned one for my cats (they eat the raw livers; they love those).


At 3 pm we ate our delicious fish soup, made under my father's recipe.


The process is simple:

  1. Clean the fresh fish and rub it with salt, lemon and crushed garlic. Reserve along with a little of the sweet chilli bell pepper and a few culantro leaves.
  2. While the fish is macerating, peel the root vegetables (I used white ocumo, yucca, green plantain and auyama) and boil them together with the onion, sweet bell pepper and crushed garlic. Add salt to taste.
  3. When the vegetables are almost cooked, add the auyama and 5 minutes later, the fish (with the culantro and the rest of the seasoning).
  4. The fish will cook quickly, 7-10 minutes. Turn off the heat and let the soup rest for at least 15 minutes before serving.


I pulled the culantro leaves from my little plant on my kitchen windowsill. It felt funny; it's so tiny.


The broth is light and surprisingly tasty. An incredible flavor.


When we finished eating lunch, I prepared coffee and we drank it with some bread filled with guava jam. In short, it was a very "Cumanés" lunch. I love our local cuisine.


Oh, we also bought 1 kilo of raw peanuts for $1.25. My husband washes it at home, adds salt and bakes it in the electric oven. It is crunchy and tasty; a healthy and delicious snack.


I prepared a cornstarch atol, not too thick. I added a dash of vanilla and lots and lots of ground cinnamon. We ate it while watching Pasapalabra. After that, I knew I wouldn't want to eat dinner anymore, and I didn't. I came to upload my Food Diary Game entry and will most likely have a hot herbal tea later, to help me sleep.


Wish you all the best. See you tomorrow on my next entry.

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 3 years ago (edited)

Hola amiga deliciosas comidas, la sopa se ve exquisita se me hizo agua la boca 🙈 tiempo sin comer sopa de pescado me animaré a preparar una rica sopa.

 3 years ago 

Hola, @meivys :) Muchas gracias; pues si haces sopa, te invito a probar esta receta de mi papá. No te arrepentirás. Me avisas cuando hagas sopa, para ir a probar XD Saludos y gracias por la visita :)

 3 years ago 

Amiga que rica se ve tu sopa de pescado 😋 ,saludos

 3 years ago 

Quedó buena. Nos encantó y pude guardar para no cocinar hoy; recalentada se pone aún mejor. Saludos y gracias por la visita, @joanac :)

 3 years ago (edited)

Como siempre amiga tu día lleno de comidas ricas y muy coloridas me encanta la sopa de pescado todo tiene su técnica a me hace poco me las enseñó a hacer un tio

 3 years ago 

Pues hasta ahora no he probado ninguna sopa de pescado mejor que la de mi papá, sin modestia aparte, ja, ja, ja. Tendré que probar la de tu tío 😃 Saludos y gracias por la visita, @betsyb22 🥰


You received an extra upvote from the Latino Community (78.9k SP). In order to achieve our first great goal (100k SP) we want to invite you to delegate some Steem Power to @cotina and you will receive a vote an 80% curation rewards everyday!

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 3 years ago 

Thank you so much, @cotina 😃⭐

 3 years ago 

Dice mi papá que con un buen pescado fresco y toda la verdura en su punto es difícil que una sopa de pescado no quede sabrosa, je, je. Certifico lo de los buenos platos de sopa, aquí en casa es como un insulto servirla en un plato pequeño.🤭

Justo hoy almorzamos con atún Medregal frito, mañana probablemente tomemos sopa, espero que quede tan buena como la tuya! 😉🤗

 3 years ago 

Definitivanente, sea cual sea la elección el pescado debe estar fresco para que dé un buen caldo; lo segundo es la sazón del cocinero. Sin duda, tu padre ha de quedarle excelente --su reputación lo precede, ja, ja, ja. Yo quería comprar más atún para hornearlo con papas, pero se fue todo el efectivo. Ya será la próxima semana. Saludos y gracias por la visita, @morenaluna 🥰

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