SteemFoods Discord & Telegram Moderator 21st Weekly Report (Week Feb. 14th - Feb. 21st /2022) | #Club75 |English

in SteemFoods3 years ago (edited)

Greetings, my fellow #SteemFoods friends and subscribers,

@SteemitFoods & @Alikoc07._


This is my 21st Weekly #Report for #SteemFoods, as Discord and Telegram moderator.

I am #Club75 and have been powering up with all of my rewards every week. At the end, my proof of compliance with the #Club75 rules.



Previous Reports:

If you want to find out more about my duties as Discord and Telegram Moderator for #SteemFoods, just check out my reports 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, and 20.


Highlights on #SteemFoods This Week

* We must remove the hashtag sfcharity50pc both from the titles of our posts and their tags.

I have been helping the Administration by telling some users to remove this tag.

You can learn more about this HERE.

* Contest 39 closed yesterday, Sunday 20th, 4:59 UTC.

Participants had to "Prepare a Special Recipe for Valentine's Day". I tried to upvote, comment and resteem every entrance. I read every post, and I was happy to see so many beautiful posts and delicious recipes. Besides,we could see a lot of happy couples and families. It was really nice. THANK YOU to all who contributed to fill Steemit with love vibes :)

* Our Administration is working on reducing the amount on pinned posts so users can have access to most recent information faster.

If you want to start posting to #SteemFoods, it is important that you read, at least, the latest posts by our official account @steemitfoods. In this way you will be a responsible user who contributes to the good functioning of this Community, besides having more chances of success in your posts.

Here's the single post where you can get all the information you need about the Clubs: [ 1️⃣] Single Post: Club5050-Club75-Club100 Fully Information Package Most Updated Version 💯](

* Now you can add the tag #food among the first 5 tags of your SteemFoods post. In this way, you have the chance to get vote support form the Lifestyle Community Curator Team:


Source Post by @steemitfoods

Even when you use the tag #food, you still have a chance to get your post upvoted by @steemitfoods. This means, if you use the tag #food among the forst 5 tags of your SteemFoods post, you get double chance to get vote support :)

* This is the most recent post for user verification on SteemFoods, which I have posted on the #steemfoods-verification channel on our Discord Server:

If you wish to be part of this great Community, you just have to post your selfie to the comments section of this post. Make sure you hold a piece of paper containing the title "#SteemFoods" + your Steemit user + your country + the current date. As simple as that.

You remember that in order to get vote support from @steemitfoods you must be in the Clubs: 5050, 75, or 100.


It is a much appreciated courtesy to introduce ourselves with our Steemit username whenever we join Discord Servers or Telegram Groups. Remember that our usernames are not usually the same on the different platforms and social networks.

  • Please, write the names linked to our Community correctly:

The Community is SteemFoods, which may use the hashtag and become #SteemFoods


Our official curation Account is @steemitfoods.

# S t e e m F o o d s         &         @ s t e e m i t f o o d s

If you wish to delegate SP to this Community, which we always appreciate and so do our users, you will delegate to @steemitfoods. This is so important as there are other accounts with similar names on Steemit, and a little mistake could mean your delegation goes to a different account.


New Users:

  • 2 users showed up this week on our Discord Server: rk, Nellita, Ali Raza, imamsamudra, and Huzaifa Naveed, who was so gentle to introduce his Steemit user @huzaifanaveed1--Thank you so much, @huzaifanaveed1 :D
  • We are now 117 users on the Telegram Group SteemFoods Venezuela & Latinoamérica.


Regarding Verification

Please, remember you only need to post your selfie to the comments section below the latest post for SteemFoods User Verification System instead of making a separate Introduction post .
For your selfie, make sure to hold a sign containing the title #SteemFoods + your Steemit user + your country or region + the current date.

  • I have verified two users this week:
@musafir.insp from Indonesia


@tanjim01 from Bangladesh


Regarding Delegation

I haven't helped to handle any delegations to @steemitfoods this week. Fortunately, we are already beyond 300K global SP. Great! :D


Community Interaction, Votes and Comments

As I have already noted,

As part of my integral profile, in addition to making presence and interacting in the Discord Server and in the Telegram Group (for Venezuela and Latin America) of SteemFoods, both through shared channels and private messages, I try to post daily within the Community, to participate in contests and to socialize through comments on posts.

For all the support provided inside Steemit, you can check my comment history HERE.

Although my vote is of small value, since I have most of my SP delegated to @SteemitFoods, here I show you the graph that reflects them, followed by the list of the top votes of this last week:




Here you are, the link to the app (developed by @justyy) I have used to get these statistics:


Complying with #Club75 Rules


No Withdrawals During the Last 60 Days


My Power-Ups During the Last 60 Days

Total SP powered up: 628.048 STEEM.


You can check my Steemit Wallet here.
You can check my SteemWorld Page (developed by @steemchiller) here.


Thanks for your reading.


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If you haven't done it yet, you can join our Discord server by clicking on this link:

And if you are a Latin American user, you can join our NEW Telegram Group x Venezuela & Latinamerica by clicking on this link:

Join SteemFoods Club5050 Telegram Group here:

Join us on #SteemFoods!

Click here

Support us by following the @steemitfoods account on Twitter HERE.


Selamat atas laporan bagusnya

 3 years ago 

Thank you so much, @musafir.insp 🙂

 3 years ago 

Thank you so much dear for summarizing all the reports...

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