SteemFoods Discord & Telegram Moderator 3rd Weekly Report (Week Oct. 12-Oct.18) | English

in SteemFoods3 years ago

Greetings, my fellow #SteemFoods members and subscribers, @SteemitFoods & @Alikoc07._

3rd Weekly Report

If you want to find out more about my duties as Discord and Telegram Moderator for #SteemFoods, just check out my 1st report here.
You can also check out my 2nd report here.


My Duties as SteemFoods Discord & Telegram Moderator:

1- When the case requires it, I moderate the interactions within the different channels of the SteemFoods Server.
2- I answer questions from SteemFoods subscribers and other Steemit users, in both cases from any country, who share in the SteemFoods Discord Server.
3- When the case requires it, I moderate interactions within the Telegram Group.
4- I answer questions from Latin American SteemFoods subscribers in the SteemFoods Telegram Group.
5- I Make observations to active #SteemFoods subscribers (those who publish their posts within this Community) about the rules of publication, when needed.
6- I invite active subscribers to join our Discord Server and Telegram Group, in accordance to each case.
7- I keep open communication with the Administration to inform him about the details of relevant events during my moderation and about our users’ concerns.

Duties Fulfilled

#SteemFoods has joined the #Club5050 initiave by the Steemit Team, and there are some interesting news already, and more to come. You can check the most relevant ones regarding this up to now:

Regarding this contest, I posted some tips on the Group chat:



As for the Power Up contest, I have reiterated my willingness to help our subscribers. E.g.



I try to help them out by providing any useful observation. Many of them may already know how to handle things around here but there is always somebody who needs help, so I do my best to provide such help:



This contest is rather new, so I have not posted the customary tips to the group chat yet. However, I have made an observation that they may prepare nonalcoholic cocktails (virgin cocktails or mocktails).

It is my job to help you out in case you have doubts, or just want to know more, about these activities above, as well as all the other activities taking place on #SteemFoods. And I do it with much pleasure, so feel free to ask me your questions via Direct Message (DM) or on an apprpriate channel on our Discord server. If you are Latinamerican, you can contact me on our Telegram Group (also via Direct Message if you prefer).

For example, I always remind our subscribers of the deadlines for contests, so they feel encouraged to participate if they are still on time:



And sometimes, they just ask. Steemit is kind of heavy to load for some of us users, so sometimes we just try to clear doubts over an appropriate channel:

Support Offered Through Counseling and Follow-Up

On Discord:


Sometimes, on Discord, a user makes a mistake and post the link to their post on the #general channel instead of the #steemfoods-post-promotion channel. I delete the post and make an observation publicly:


Usually, most of my work occurs via Direct Messages. I can give you alist of users I have been able to help this week. Although I won't provide any screen captures, because of obvious reasons, I will certainly provide a description of the issue dealt with.

On Telegram:

On Discord:


I'm just a helping hand regarding this issue, for the administration takes care of the main part of the process here. I verify the information provided by susbscribers and tell them to wait for confirmation (and a new badge if it is the case).



I follow up to check everything's OK.


...And it is always OK, let me tell you.


Sometimes, users have not been yet verified (for different reasons) on the Newcomer's Community and they try to be verified on the SteemFoods Community, which cannot be done.


This user continues to post on SteemFoods eventhough she has been notified by the Administration that she must be verified on the Newcomers' Community first:


As you can see here, she continues to post her content without being verified.


Community Interaction, Votes and Comments

As I have already noted,

As part of my integral profile, in addition to making presence and interacting in the Discord Server and in the Telegram Group (for Venezuela and Latin America) of SteemFoods, both through shared channels and private messages, I try to post daily within the Community, to participate in contests and to socialize through comments on posts.

Although my vote is of small value, since I have most of my SP delegated to @SteemitFoods, here I show you the graph that reflects them, followed by the list of the top votes of this last week:



Here you are, the link to the tool I have used to get these statistics:

Sometimes, I have to make observations regarding percentages for beneficiaries. For example:

This user posts amazing content. I politely made an observation so she's cautios in the future. It can happen to anyone:


I have also supported with an upvote (little as it is) and an encouraging comment the participations of our pakistani partners in the Special Contest for Steem Pakistan | Promote Your Most Delicious Traditional Food| +40 Liquid Steem Reward:





Thank you so much for your reading.


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If you haven't done it yet, you can join our Discord server by clicking on this link:

And if you are a Latin American user, you can join our Telegram group by clicking on this link:

NEW: Join SteemFoods Club5050 Telegram Group here:

Join us on #SteemFoods!

Click here


Join #Club5050, the intiative by the Steemit Team, now on SteemFoods, too. Learn about it HERE!

 3 years ago 

Gracias amiga por la mención . Si ya me uni al telegram del club5050 y aún estoy aprendiendo .

 3 years ago 

Gracias a ti, @terediaz. Esto es un trabajo en progreso. Vienen cosas buenas :) ¡Saludos y suerte!

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