SteemFoods Discord & Telegram Moderator 5th Weekly Report (Week Oct. 25th - Nov. 1st) | #Club5050 |English

in SteemFoods3 years ago (edited)

Greetings, my fellow #SteemFoods members and subscribers,

@SteemitFoods & @Alikoc07._

This is my 5th Weekly Report for -SteemFoods, as Discord and Telegram moderator. At the end, my proof of compliance with the #Club5050 rules.


Most of my work for #SteemFoods happens behind the curtains. I don't show private messages here. However, if you need any information or confirmation of any kind, I'm willing to share as much as I can without compromising the privacy of direct messaging with users who come to me for guidance.
Needless to say, when I am unable to provide an answer, I turn to @alikoc07 for confirmation and/or clarification of details and he is always efficient and willing to help.

Previous Reports:

If you want to find out more about my duties as Discord and Telegram Moderator for #SteemFoods, just check out my 1st report here.
You can also check out my 2nd report here, my 3rd report here, and my 4th report here.


Updates and my participation regarding these:

There Has Been a change in the rules for using the tag #Club5050. Here you are the last post by @steemitfoods regarding this:

What are the Benefits of the Rule Change in the #club5050 Tag? 🆕

I have helped all the users who have contacted me to clarify doubts regardingthe correct use of the tag #club5050. Here you are some examples:


Besides helping users via Discord and Telegram on both public and private channels, I visited, voted and commented as many posts as I could in order to promote the right use of the tag #club5050. E.g.

  • Example in English:


  • Example in Spanish:



There have been doubts regarding the percentages we must set for beneficiaries

Summing up, 50% of the rewards from your every entry-post to the Food Diary Game must be set for @sf-charity; when it comes about contests, you have to set @steemitfoods as beneficiary of 20% from the rewards of your entry-post (this may change). As for the rest of the posts, like recipes or reviews, it is not mandatory to set a beneficiary.


New Users:

We have 9 new users in our Discord server and one new user in our Telegram Group (for Venezuela and Latinamerica; now we are 95).

Among the new users, @Realworld23, @taillah, @kinghearts, and @bushramalik were interested in getting their Steemit users verified on #SteemFoods.

So far, 2 have been verified:



Also, two users have come to our Discord server to notify their new delegations to @steemitfoods:


Club5050 tags on #SteemFoods:

What are the tags related to #Club5050 that you can use on #STeemFoods? Some users have doubts.


Summing up. these are the tags: #Club5050, #steemfoodsxclub5050, and #steemfoods-powerup. You must use at least the first one (#club5050). You may want to use the third one for your Power-Up posts. And you must remember to use them always among the first 5 tags of your post.


Balance on the correct use of the #Club5050 hashtag.

First of all, two things are clear: 1. The #club5050 initiative is a brilliant strategy that helps to strengthen Steem from the grassroots, by requiring users who want to benefit from the use of the tag and the healing opportunity it brings to make significant power-ups. 2. The rule change ensures that other users who were already contributing to the strengthening of Steem with weighty power-ups at the beginning of each month can also benefit from the correct use of the #club5050 tag (it is fair and they deserve it; in fact, several of these users make power-ups for 100% of their Steem income).

That said, we have that several users have come to consult supposed doubts about the correct use of the #club5050 tag. It happens that in the vast majority of cases there really was no confusion, but resistance to the disadvantage that meant them the rule change from 7 days of review to 30 days or month. People who initially complied with the requirements ceased to be eligible when the range of review days was increased from 7 to 30.

Faced with this scenario, our leader asked the pertinent question. Here is the screenshot where we can see that the new 30-day scheme will be fully effective as of the second half of November. In the meantime, let's say that those who comply with the previous scheme (of 7 days) can continue to use the hashtag #club5050, while curation will be performed at their discretion.



Community Interaction, Votes and Comments

As I have already noted,

As part of my integral profile, in addition to making presence and interacting in the Discord Server and in the Telegram Group (for Venezuela and Latin America) of SteemFoods, both through shared channels and private messages, I try to post daily within the Community, to participate in contests and to socialize through comments on posts.

Guidance Provided (most relevant outside Steemit, i.e. Discord & Telegram):

@bushramalik, @reinamia, @kinghearts, @wahyunibukhari, @taillah, @bushramalik, @eumelysm, @marcelys1, @morenaluna, @leladulces.

+ As for support inside Steemit, you can check my comment history HERE.

Although my vote is of small value, since I have most of my SP delegated to @SteemitFoods, here I show you the graph that reflects them, followed by the list of the top votes of this last week:



Here you are, the link to the tool I have used to get these statistics:


Complying with #Club5050 Rules

My Rewards During the Last 30 Days


My Power-Ups During the Last 30 Days


I have made 23.46 SBDs in the last 30 days. That is 274.428 Steem:


I have powered up 526.754 Steem to my SP. I was able to do this because I had kept some SBDs.


Summing up, I needed to power up almost 200 Steem, however, I powered up more than 500 Steems in the last 30 days.


And I have open orders because I am planning to power up more ASAP.



Thanks for your reading.


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If you haven't done it yet, you can join our Discord server by clicking on this link:

And if you are a Latin American user, you can join our Telegram group by clicking on this link:

Join SteemFoods Club5050 Telegram Group here:

Join us on #SteemFoods!

Click here


Join #Club5050, the intiative by the Steemit Team, now on SteemFoods, too. Learn about it HERE

 3 years ago 

A great report you have shared here which help to the growth of our community

 3 years ago 

You're too kind, @jyoti-thelight :) Thanks for your words.

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