SteemFoods Discord & Telegram Moderator 6th Weekly Report (Week Nov.1st - Nov. 8th) | #Club5050 |English

in SteemFoods3 years ago

Greetings, my fellow #SteemFoods members and subscribers,

@SteemitFoods & @Alikoc07._

This is my 6th Weekly Report for -SteemFoods, as Discord and Telegram moderator. At the end, my proof of compliance with the #Club5050 rules.


Most of my work for #SteemFoods happens behind the curtains. I don't show private messages here. However, if you need any information or confirmation of any kind, I'm willing to share as much as I can without compromising the privacy of direct messaging with users who come to me for guidance.
Needless to say, when I am unable to provide an answer, I turn to @alikoc07 for confirmation and/or clarification of details and he is always efficient and willing to help.

Previous Reports:

If you want to find out more about my duties as Discord and Telegram Moderator for #SteemFoods, just check out my reports 1st Report, 2nd Report, 3rd Report, 4th Report, and 5th Report.


Major Updates and My Participation Regarding These:

Season 3 of The Food Diary Game Has Begun (Read Post)

As always, I have been answering questions about the rules and conditions to participate during this 3rd Season. This is a summary of what users wanted to know.

  • Can you participate in The Food Diary Game if are not in the #Club5050? The answer is yes, for curations by @steemitfoods are active for all our users.

  • Can I participate in this Game if I don't post everyday? The answer is yes, but we expect to see daily participation.

Contest 36 Has Been Released (4 days ago)

Attending to users interested in participating in the Contest 36 is what I have been doing the most this week. This is the summary of the requests I have been attending to:

  • Screenshots of the balances in the Steem Transfer Search application from Steemworld.
    Many users in Venezuela have Internet connection failures and so it is difficult for them to open these pages.

  • Doubts about which screencaptures should they use.

  • Doubts about the % they should set for @steemitfoods. Usually it is 20%, but as this is a "Lesson-Contest", our administration has decided not to ask for a % as beneficiary for the official account. It is up to the users who wish to do so.

Today I have left the last reminder so far:



As of November 3, 2021 the 30-day rule went into effect for the use of the #Club5050 hashtag.

Today @SteemitFoods has published informative posts regarding the use of the #Club75 and #Club100 tags. You can read them HERE:


New Users:

We have 13 new users in our Discord server and 37 new users in our Telegram Group (for Venezuela and Latinamerica).

We have 13 new users who have joined our Discord Server this week: Luisa Maria, Margepa, Prolee, ijealady, mlrequena78, lanena, noelisdc, offia, mile16, mesola, darivictoria, and jenniferocco.

New Telegram Group for Venezuela & Latinamerica

This is the link to our new Telegram Groop for Venezuela and Latinameria:

We won't be using the previous group because of a chnage of propietary.

We have gone from 96 to 133 users in our Telegram Group. And we are looking forward to welcoming the ones who have not entered yet.

There has been a lot of activity in the group this week. Users have been asking questions and also helping each other. I appreciate the participation of @Alikoc07, who has ben interacting a lot in the group. I also appreciate very much the collaboration of my colleague @Astilem in the moderation of the group and attention to the users.

Summing up, users have been interacting more both in the public and private channels, and many have now joined #Club5050 or will do it soon.


Community Interaction, Votes and Comments

As I have already noted,

As part of my integral profile, in addition to making presence and interacting in the Discord Server and in the Telegram Group (for Venezuela and Latin America) of SteemFoods, both through shared channels and private messages, I try to post daily within the Community, to participate in contests and to socialize through comments on posts.


Guidance Provided (most relevant outside Steemit, i.e. Discord & Telegram):

Discord (DM): @karelis01, @madeleal, @darivictoria, @pecintabunga20, @lanena, @taillah, @fransheskaromero

Telegram (DM): @lilip, @kunwal, @joelqui, @decuartae, @denissemata, @dianacatalina29, @terediaz, @mile16, @joanac, @marytp30, @dugle30div, @leladulces, @reinamia, @alirys, @riveradc, @ricardor, @yudetsis16, @tremaria, @andrea89

Discord #delegation-discussion Channel

@sailawana delegated 200 SP and has now a Silver Partner badge.


@kunwal has delegated her first 50SP and has now her Bronze Partner Badge.


@marito74 has delegated 500SP and has now her Gold Partner Badge.




+ As for support inside Steemit, you can check my comment history HERE.

Although my vote is of small value, since I have most of my SP delegated to @SteemitFoods, here I show you the graph that reflects them, followed by the list of the top votes of this last week:




Complying with #Club5050 Rules

My Rewards During the Last 30 Days


My Power-Ups During the Last 30 Days




Thanks for your reading.


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If you haven't done it yet, you can join our Discord server by clicking on this link:

And if you are a Latin American user, you can join our NEW Telegram Group x Venezuela & Latinamerica by clicking on this link:

Join SteemFoods Club5050 Telegram Group here:

Join us on #SteemFoods!

Click here


Join #Club5050, the intiative by the Steemit Team, now on SteemFoods, too. Learn about it HERE

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.21
TRX 0.14
JST 0.030
BTC 69618.00
ETH 3376.33
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.76