The Re-introduce Yourself Post - Hello Steemians!

I never read the proper instructions for writing the introduceyourself post, and perhaps if I had ticked all the boxes and put in the obligatory photo of my mugshot holding up a handwritten sign my Steemit journey might have been a little bit more smooth sailing... my views about 'identity' on Steemit probably explains better so you can read about it here:

This post is not about using the introduceyourself tag to undo the mistakes of the past, but I am sure there are many of you that want to write another post now that you are a little bit older and wiser on Steemit, and now when you are being introduced or introducing yourself to other people, that original post seems a little bit inadequate. And if you don't believe me, this is was my rather half-hearted and feeble attempt at it:

So this is my #hello-steemians post, which gives you a brief summary about me as a Steemian, what I do and what I believe in so you can get a better idea about me both as someone from the outside world, but more importantly it gives you a much better understanding of me in Steemitopia.

Like many people who started out on Steemit, I brought my interests and skills from the outside world into this community that welcomed me with open arms.

An origamist:

A UX Desinger:

A linguistics tragic:

An infographics and Datavisualization enthusiast:

A problem solver:

But most importantly, a community builder:

Not only do I want to say hi to all the new and old steemians out there, I also want to introduce you to some of the people that I think are making a big difference to steemit (and maybe you'd like to write a #hello-steemian post too?):

  • @davemccoy for his great community building and newcomers nuturing work (and I hope to work with further)
  • @mudcat36 for showing us that there is more to community building than posting, and the power of face-to-face connections
  • @carrieallen and @chrisroberts for spreading the joy of language and writing to other steemians
  • @ginabot for being one of the very few bots that everyone loves by making our life that much easier
  • @pennsif for taking #steemiteducation out into the real world
  • @karenmckersie for her #popcontests and just being such a nice person in the nicest sense of the word :)
  • @paulag for #blockchainbi and making data an important topic of conversation on steemit
  • @remuslord for sharing an interest in visualizing the steem blockchain in new ways!
  • @fabien for his support of my efforts, and his contribution to @utopian-io
  • @jefpatat for making the steemmakers happen so we can reward the makers and diy-ers on steemit
  • @ausbitbank and @choogirl for their work for#teamaustralia (and everywhere else in the world)
  • @surpassinggoogle for being himself and bringing the light of steemit to all corners of the world and @artaddict for her great work on @steemgigs

And to all the artists (this list is simply too long), photographers (also very long list), linguists (the #polyglot tag is there for you) and all the people that have spend their time producing quality contents, I am working hard on the problem of how to make steemit work for you.

I believe that if we spent more time to reach out and connect with each other, it will only be a matter of time before we will all help #makesteemitgreat-again!

So now that you are a little bit older and wiser, I hope that it is time for a #hello-steemians post to tell us about yourself as a Steemian!


This is a very thoughtful contribution and a wicked resource repository. Unfortunately my intro post also got taken by the tide back then. Perhaps there are not just fish and whales but also turtles swimming in this sea? That's ok though! You get several chances at making impressions on the blockchain fortunately and it's really nice to read when a person is applying their knowledge. Wish I knew all of this stuff when I started but then guess that would be boring too! Thanks for this :)

What I know I learnt from other people as well, so I guess part of the reasoning for sharing is so that I can learn even more :)

I am not a big believer that first impression counts for everything, so I can we should give ourselves more chances (and give other people more chances) to show what they can do and how they can contribute.

Hi there. I never did the introduction thing either. This is a good idea, but I'll probably;y procrastinate a bit longer.

I think once the developers at or provide better ways to present a user's profile then we probably won't need to do this... but I think having to trawl through someone's posts to get some idea of who a person is probably doesn't help improve interactions and trust between steemians.

thank you very much @plushzilla for including me in this resource

The focus this year for me is going to be a little bit different. I am still hoping to write some posts but to me helping people realize the importance and benefit of #blockchainbi takes a little bit more priority. I am enjoying the conversations with @remuslord and his data visualization posts is going to help bring in a wider audience and give us more to think about with our own presentation of information/data :)

I do love @ginabot! She is pretty amazeballs... Saves a lot of time. She's on duty when your not. Just catch up later! But dont miss a thing. (Source - Discord)

I like it a nice way to expand on who a person is after the initial failed introduceyourself post a lot of us make.

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