"Meditation HOW and WHY" - everything you need to know - part six: BREATHING techniques

in #health7 years ago

Welcome to the 6th part in the series "Meditation HOW and WHY". You can read the first five parts following these links:

PART 1: Introduction to meditation and general categories
PART 2: Mindfulness meditation technique
PART 3: Vipassana meditation technique
PART 4: 3 categories of benefits
PART 5: Guided meditation technique

Today I will write about different breathing techniques. We are breathing every second of our lives and we do it automatically but there are ways to change our breathing pattern. Every meditation starts with some form of controlled breath. This is not just shifting of focus but also the relaxation of our whole body by simple exhaling and inhaling. There are various breathing techniques, I will explain those that I personally use on regular basis and recommend to beginners and experts alike.

1. Breathing 4-4-4 - "equal breath"

This technique is sometimes referred to as equal breathing since every part lasts the same amount of time. It is very common because of its simplicity and everyone is able to do it.

Inhale through your nose and count to four in your mind, hold your breath while counting to four and exhale through your nose by counting to four.

This is the basic pranayama breathing style and it is all done with your nose, not with your mouth. In time, you can try doing it by counting to five or six.

2. Breathing 4-7-8 - "relaxing breath"

This is similar to equal breath but your counting will be different. While doing this, place your tongue behind your upper teeth. It should stay there as long as you are breathing this way.

Inhale through your nose silently and count to 4 in your mind, hold your breath while counting to 7 and release it through your mouth by counting to 8.

While exhaling through your mouth you will be making a strange wooshing sound, that is completely normal. Repeat the process 4 times.

3. Breathing 3-3 * 3 - "stimulating breath"

This breathing technique will raise your energy and stimulate your whole body. You will breathe rapidly through your nose while keeping your mouth closed.

Inhale short and fast three times through your nose and then exhale short and fast three times through your nose.

Your diaphragm will be making short movements and you should do this no more than 15 seconds before returning to your normal breath.

4. Breathing while alternating nostrils - "Nadi Shodhana"

This breathing technique is used to unite both sides of your brain, you will be using your nose and keeping your mouth closed.

Place your right thumb over your right nostril and press it. Inhale through your left nostril. When you are at the top of your inhale, remove your thumb and with your ring finger press the left nostril. Exhale through your right nostril.

You can repeat this cycles as long as you feel comfortable. It will leave you feeling refreshed and energized.

5. Abdominal breathing

This is one of the best techniques to relieve you of stress and tension. You will be using both your nose and your mouth.

Place one hand on your chest and the other one on your abdomen. Inhale deeply through your nose and expand your abdomen without moving your chest. Exhale deeply through your mouth.

You should be able to do six of these breaths in one minute and practise this breathing technique for about ten minutes.

6. Shining breath

This will be a tricky exercise for you, but I have confidence that you will master it in no time. You will be using only your nose with this one.

Take a deep breath through your nose and then a short powerful exhale also through your nose. Whenever you exhale contract the muscles in your lower abdomen.

Repeat this cycle for ten breaths. Each cycle should last for about 2 to 3 seconds.

When you sit comfortably and prepare yourself for meditation, choose on of these techniques and use it. Do not use all of them right away. Here is a list of benefits that each technique will bring you. It will help you decide which one of them to use and when.

Equal breath - takes your mind off various thoughts, calms the nervous system
Relaxing breath - helps in reducing stress and anxiety
Stimulating breath - raises your vibration and gives you an "energy boost"
Alternating nostrils breath - it will make you feel more awake and alert
Abdominal breathing - reduces stress and tension and brings calmness
Shining breath - it will wake you and shake you up by warming your whole body

As I said in the beginning, these are good breathing exercises for you to start with. Experienced meditation practitioners use them even after they learn some more advanced ones. In the future, after some more posts about various meditation techniques, I will write another post with breathing exercises that are more difficult. For now, these ones are all you need for your perfect meditation experience. Depending on your meditation practice, pick a breathing technique that best suits you, and let me know in the comments how it goes. I am open to all your questions and am glad to help whenever I can. Keep your smile on lovely people and enjoy your meditation.

Unsourced images are under CC0 License and are free for personal and commercial use. You can find them at pixabay.com

For more information about breathing techniques, these ones and the other ones, follow these links:
Three Breathing Exercises And Techniques
6 Breathing Exercises to Relax in 10 Minutes or Less
Deep Breathing Meditation Technique
Breathing meditations


I'm so glad to discover you're doing this series! Meditation has been probably the most important skill I've ever developed in my life. Maybe only reading has been more important. It is absolutely the key to good mental and emotional health, and also does a lot for physical health. It even makes you smarter. The more people who meditate, the more equipped we all are to solve the world's problems.

Oh, I so agree with you. Meditation is the answer to many problems, and I too wish that a lot more people would meditate 💚

Thanks for this! I've come across a few breathing techniques here and there while practising yoga, so I know they can be very powerful, but I've never actually focused just on the breathing. I will definitely try these.
I think breathing is something that is usually taken for granted, as we do it all the time!

Yeah, we take breathing for granted and often bread in the same old way :)

This is a wonderful article. Sitting and meditating can be a challenge but once started it will take us to a different world. Thanks for describing about various breathing techniques. Following you to read your future articles. Keep the energy flowing. 😊

I am glad you like it. Thank you for stopping by 💚

breath has been the secret to the return of my health this year!!!! stress is a vicious attacker and your body can handle so many physical things.... until stress is part of the mix! and then everything else starts to crumble!

now... my body is still under "attack" but - i can handle it SO much better by deep breathing :)

great post!!! i use 4-7-8 :)

but...I'm here on official pirate business ;)

remember on March 1 when I said I was gonna celebrate my 500th follower with all of the PYPT people who pimped their post that day?

I didn't forget ;) I was just out of the country for some time! hehehe now i'm back and tip! simple
enjoy!!!!!! :)

(by the way - the tip service seems to be lagging tonight - so hopefully it will be in your wallet by tomorrow morning!)

I am so glad you are using 4-7-8 and that it is doing you good! Best of luck and success to you in the future!
Thank you for the tip 💚

Yerrrrrr very welcome, lassie!!! I hope I be seein' ye on the morrow at PYPT!

Aaaaand I finally understood the numbers I see on my meditation app ahahaha !!!! Thanks for that :D
I don't usually do just breathing so never tried those - I go for guided, narrative, meditation - and as I told you before, guess what, it works! :D

Yeah, guided meditations can be amazing, I love them a lot. 💚
Happy to help you figure out those numbers hihi :)

what a great post! I love seeing people sharing mediation and breathing techniques, it is such an important aspect of life that everyone can truly benefit from by incorporating into their own lives <3
alternative nostril breathing and the 4-7-8 are my personal favorites! Also I love the visualization technique of "watching" the breathe travel in and down to the root chakra - swirl about and and come back up passing through each chakra on it's way out and letting the retention pause hold space for the crown chakra :) thanks for sharing these awesome methods!

Oh yeah, I like that one too :) I usually visualize it going through my chakras down and filling them with love, and when it goes back up again it collects gratitude and releases it into the Universe with every exhale.

oh I like that :) very cool

This is just what I needed! I'm starting to experiment much as I can these days with meditation processes and you came in with this post like straight from the sky! Thank you, very well explained! Gotta go try this stuff now :)

Synchronicity is a funny thing indeed :) So glad I could help. Good luck!

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