Meditation how and why - everything you need to know - part one

in #health6 years ago

I've been practicing meditation for fifteen years now and have come across various styles and techniques. When somebody asks me to talk about it they are asking for more than they really know and can handle because it's like somebody asking a doctor to speak about the human body, or a car mechanic to say everything he knows about cars. Meditation is a subject that is vast and complex and can not be explained or covered in detail in just one post so I've decided to make my Tuesday posts about meditation from now on, covering a small part every week. So let's get started 💚

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If you know how to breathe, and you do, then you know how to meditate. A lot of people put pressure on themselves and have strong expectation that only leads them to anger, despair, and giving up. Don't do that. The main purpose of meditating is to relax, not to become the best meditating person. No one is going to give you a gold star for doing it right or a scolding for doing it wrong. Actually, you can not really do it wrong 💚

This is an easy question. Use the one that you like, it really is that simple. There are a lot of different ones out there, to name just a few: Nei Guan, TM, affirmation meditation, progressive relaxation, Metta, Vipassana, Trataka, self-inquiry meditation, Zazen... Yes, you will know which one is the best for you when you try them all but don't get discouraged, there is no hurry and the only rule is: ENJOY THE PROCESS 💚

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While there are many different techniques, they can all be put into 3 main categories which means that those in each category are similar so you don't have to try every meditation there is (I'm not sure that anyone has actually done that) but try a few from each category just to get a general idea.

  • Open monitoring meditation
    I usually suggest that people start here because it's the one where you are non-reactive and monitoring yourself. Recognize everything that you think and feel and gently let it go. Don't try to empty your brain or push away thoughts, observe them, be aware of them but don't attach yourself to them, let them flow in and out of your mind. Some of the techniques that fall into this category are Vipassana and mindfulness meditation.
  • Focused attention meditation
    When you become satisfied with your progress in open monitoring you can continue meditating in ways that are in this category which is the most popular one and often suggested to beginners, but as I already said, I think the open monitoring is a better way for you to start. There is the most information online about this category because it's the most common one and is practiced by a lot of people. Here you will concentrate on one thing, usually your breath, or a heartbeat but it can be an external sound or a mental image. Some of the techniques here are sound Meditation, mantras, Loving Kindness Meditation, and Pranayama.
  • Pure Being meditation (also called effortless presence)
    This is what you want to learn in the future, and if meditating would have a goal, this category would be it. When you see different quotes about meditation they are talking about this. Here you are introverted, empty, quiet and able to discover a deeper state of consciousness. Techniques that are in this category are Ramana Maharishi, self-inquiry and Dzogchen.
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Yes, yes you will, but not the kind you see in the movies :) Many studies have shown benefits from meditation to the human nervous system and nowadays it's not that uncommon that psychotherapist will suggest it to their patients, even gastroenterologists. Meditation will help you deal with your anxiety better, lower your heart rate and blood pressure, improve your blood circulation and help you deal with stress better.

My next post about meditation will be here next Tuesday, in it, I will begin to describe different techniques in more detail and give you a few tips and tricks to get you started. Until then, read more about meditation, buy a book or visits some of the sites online. You can learn a lot if you visit,,, or

Try to meditate, if you haven't already. Get yourself into a comfortable position, lie down, or sit, or stand, but be comfortable, close your eyes and relax your body. Try to feel different parts of your body and listen to it, allow your thoughts to come and go and return to your daily life in a few minutes. That's all it takes to get started 💚



I think we need to get together one day when I am in Croatia and talk a bit about meditation. :)

I love meditation and it has changed my life really. And, it is exactly like you said. You can't explain somebody how you feel while doing it. They have to feel it themselves. It is impossible to describe and not all people feel the same. We all have our own personal meditation experiences. Unique to ourselves. :)

Amazing post, my amazing friend, I truly enjoyed reading about it. Looking forward to your next Tuesday. I knew there was a reason I met you on Steemit. :)

Have an amazing day. :)

Oh, we are definitely getting together, there is no discussion about it :) We have a lot of similar interests, meditation is just one of them, and what a lovely one it is...
Thank you for leaving a part of yourself in the comment 💚

Anytime, and hopefully this summer, we can have that discussion. :)

You are more than welcome. Have an amazing day. :)

I love meditation, in many ways, it was my own personal saving grace. I do it consistently every day and incorporate mantras, the ho'oponopono towards myself and others and crystal skulls in my meditations. So awesome that you posted about this! May your week be blessed

ho'oponopono is great, I use it when I am in traffic or walking somewhere, it's a great way of focusing when you cant really have peace and quiet for other kinds of meditation.
Thank you for stopping by and leaving your lovely comment 💚

I meditate every day - well nearly every day, and I must say that it makes a big difference to my life. Without it, I wouldn't be half as happy as I am.

You are quite right when you say that you can meditate the way you like, provided it is a recognized form of meditation. That works best because it is within your comfort level.

I am happy to hear that it makes a difference and that it makes you a happier person, it's the same for me.
Thank you very much for your nice comment 💚

Meditation is such a wonderful practice, and any approach that works for you is a good one to use. Thanks for this lovely reminder to sit, breathe, and relax. :)

It is a wonderful practice and the best part is, the more you practice it the more you get better in everything else, it's kind of magical that way :)
Thank you for your kind comment 💚

Thank you, I shall be following these Tuesday posts. I've decided to switch the computer off and do some meditation right now. Bye. :-)

Good for you 💚

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