My 28 day sugar detox days 12 - 15 -Gratitude for the Steemit community!

in #health7 years ago


Hello Steemians!

It's been a few days since I have given an update on my sugar journey. Well I haven't had a lot to blog about so didn't want to bore anyone! I made it halfway through the challenge! Im so proud.

I have so much gratitude for the support and encouragement I have received from the Steemit community - it has been really helpful! Not only through my own blog but also by engaging with others who are doing similar challenges - there is more people than I thought struggling with quitting sugar. Blogging about my journey has been very powerful and I think it has been just the boost I needed to actually follow through with this! It's amazing how powerful being accountable can be.

One of the big updates though is now I am out of yoghurt and also bananas I am now ‘sugar free’ which was my plan after 14 days. I had the last of my yoghurt this morning on my oats and it tasted so sweet! (It's only the plain ‘unflavored kind too!). I think my brain and body aren’t used to sugar like they used to be. Once this challenge is done I am already starting to think about doing a ‘bulk/shred’ type blog where I am to put on a certain amount of muscle. However I think I need to focus on finishing one challenge before I move on to another one. This will definitely be a challenge and will require dedication and determination. Stay tuned!

As I mentioned in the last post I have lost weight - and I am still losing weight, i'm down to 71.4kgs. The biggest reason for this is not getting enough calories in. When I was having sugar I could easily have 1000 calories with foods such as lollies, chips, cakes and biscuits but they were offering no real nutritional value. So my next aim is to get my calories back around 3000. This is going to be difficult because that's a lot of food when it's all healthy.


This is how I feel right now

Although I am pretty much sugar free it is still a daily battle (and I'm sure this will become easier). Having a sweet tooth is my ‘default’ and I often find myself reaching for sweet things without even realising and then having to stop myself. The other big thing is keeping hydrated - as soon as I don’t drink enough water I get really bad headaches!

Thanks for reading everyone, and again I really appreciate your support you guys are amazing!

If you are interested in following my journey from the beginning please follow the links below:

My 28 day sugar detox - why im quiting sugar

My 28 day sugar detox - day one

My 28 day sugar detox day 2 - how food preperation is the key to success

My 28 day sugar detox day 3 - let the cravings begin!

My 28 day sugar detox days 4 and 5 - down but certainly not out
My 28 day sugar detox day 6 - how sugar affects the brain

My 28 day sugar detox - day 7

My 28 day sugar detox days 8 and 9 - light at the end of the tunnel

My 28 day sugar detox days 10 and 11 - fading away


Absolutly bro ...i like it

HMM, feeling well?

By the way are you ok?

Because your image is a skeleton.

LOL, good one!

Big congratulations to you. And I mean it, I can't do without sugar

I believe you can!! I didnt think i could either!

LOL to the skeleton, best illustration to a blog post I have seen for at least this week! And well done to have quit sugar! Trying to eat less sugar but have so far had to much of that sweet tooth to try to quit totally... Keep it Up and keep posting!

Haha its honestly how i feel. Most people moan about being fat!

Thanks for the kind words 😊😊

Keep it up! Thanks for connecting with me on my blog too! You'll find that a lot of different kinds of food taste really sweet once you've given up sugar for awhile. I like to keep some figs or dates around, and they taste like candy to me now. Also, go ahead and eat healthy carbs because very often, they can curb sugar cravings.

Thanks for the kind words! Yeah I need to carb load I cant eat 3000 calories of lettuce!

Thanks for reading I really appreciate all the support :)

Hey Conrad! As promised I am here reading your experiences. Thanks for sharing them.

Yes, the water thing is so important, especially the quality of the water. In my case I am adding Potassium, Magnesium and Sodium to all the water I am drinking. Usually is an imbalance or a lack of these minerals the main reason for the headaches.

Good luck with the rest of your journey and consider extending this challenge to make it a part of your life as well!

From one sweet-tooth human to another sweet-tooth human ;)


PS Eat more good fats to make sure you get enough calories on you ;)

Thanks @tlahui! I just have bottled water here in Spain no one really drinks the tap water!

Yeah I think I am going to make this a way of life because I feel healthier and I know how bad sugar is for us!

Thanks for reading

Having just talked to you about protein amounts a few mins ago, my next question - how many grams of fat vs carbs? As @tlahui says, when you;re eating less carbs, you do need to increase your good fats.

I eat a lot of good fats (maybe to many if theres such a thing) and also probably to many of the bad fats...

Its all just trying to figure out exactly what is going to work - I will say that my fat intake will probab;y end up being quite high

It might be that the right ratio is what you need to find, then the grams will flow on from there. 3000 calories at say P 30%, F 40%, C 30% for example would be 225gms P & C, and 113 gms F, which is prob more protein than now, for a start.

As long as you can digest them, and they're good fats, I don't think you can really overeat them that much, or you would feel sick.

We might have different definitions of good fats too. I define them as the ones our ancestors could have made themselves --> animal fats, coconut oil, EV olive oil, whole avocado, nuts and seeds. Bad = canola, seed oils, margarine, anything you couldn't make in your own kitchen.

It might take a bit of experimenting, but you'll find your right balance after a while.

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