My 28-day sugar detox day 6 - how sugar affects the brain

in #health7 years ago


So this morning was a weird morning - I was awake and going through my morning routine when I looked at the clock and I had to be in class in five minutes!? Where did this time go? I have never had this happen before and I wonder if its ‘brain fog’ from my brain detoxing from sugar?
However, because of this I didn't have time to have my breakfast (which would have been oatsof course!!!)

I generally find that a good ratio for my main meals is ⅓ carbs ⅓ protein and ⅓ fat. So for example today for lunch I had Salmon (protein), mashed potato (carbs) and the sauce for the salmon was fat. However today I had an extra bg serving of carbs to fuel my gym workout! I am finding that I am needing more carbs since I have started the sugar detox.


Carb loading before the gym!

After the gym I always have a protein shake but need some ideas (suggestions welcome!) as I usually have water, protein powder (plain) , half a banana and some yoghurt - prett plain and boring! I need some ideas for some flavours that are not sugar…

I must say this time I have been lucky to not get the dreaded headaches from detoxing from sugar - but they started tonight. It is super important to stay hydrated to avoid or reduce these - something I am learning the hard way

What doe sugar do to your brain?

Abit of a shorter blog today so I thought I would find out a bit more about what sugar actually does to your brain. When you ingest sugar it activates the ‘reward system’ of your brain much like alcohol and other drugs - which leads to the pleasure factor of sugar and why we often want more. Sugar causes dopamine to be released in your brain which is like the ‘pleasure response’ and why it makes us feel good. So in simple terms this means that sugar makes us feel good and makes us want it more - it lead to the cycles of more and more cravings for sugar (I know that feeling!).There is varying research into other ways that sugar affects the brain but various research has found sugar can impair memory and learning and can contribute to anxiety and depression (I know I feel abit anxious if I overload on sugar!).

Interestingly Psychology Today suggest that ‘New research has shown that chronic consumption of added sugar dulls the brain’s mechanism for telling you to stop eating’. The obvious takeaway from this is that sugar is a major contributor to obesity because we can keep eating in and our brain wont register we have eaten enough food.
With all of these negative side effects and knowing how addictive sugar is im glad Im doing this detox and I am thinking I want to live a relatively sugar free life from now on! Sugar addiction is a real thing and not an urban legend..

Thanks for reading and supporting I really appreciate it! See below for previous entries in my 28-day sugar detox:

My 28 day sugar detox - why im quiting sugar

My 28 day sugar detox - day one

My 28 day sugar detox day 2 - how food preperation is the key to success

My 28 day sugar detox day 3 - let the cravings begin!

My 28-day sugar detox days 4 and 5 - down but certainly not out



OK - this is inspirational. Perhaps I should do it too! I'm keen to see how you go, and you realize that now your progress is on the net, there is a massive pressure to keep going to the end!! So forward march my friend!

Thanks so much :) yes that was the point of blogging about it - no I am accountable to more than just myself. I really dont want to have to write that I failed and ate a whole cake or something! hahaha

Thanks for your support

Alot of people would feel alot better if they switched out their candy for regular meals! =). The headaches you get might have something to do that you dont get as much energy now when you dont eat suger as to when you did

Yeah my calory intake has definetly decreased as a result of this. I need to work on building it back up.Its hard though because you need to eate alot more volume!

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