888 Followers - Time for a Festive Season Giveaway for all my followers

in #giveaway7 years ago

888 followers seems like a nice round number.

I'm aiming for 1000 but 888 is a good place to be.

Follower numbers can mean a lot or they can mean a little.

It is generally good to have a large number. It can convey some degree of prestige and status on the platform to have a big follower number.

But really it is more about how many people actively engage with you that is most important.

How is it that I have almost 900 followers but only very rarely get over a hundred views on a post - most times 50 or less.

Perhaps it is because I don't engage with all my followers. For the most part I am guilty of taking followers for granted.

I do keep an eye of new followers either through Steem Followers (https://steem.makerwannabe.com) or through @neander-squirrel's excellent new @ginabot on Discord.

But that generally is as far as it goes.

I don't go and greet my new followers and say hello. Out of common courtesy maybe I should?

So to make amends over the next 10 days I am going to systematically visit the blogs of every one of my followers.

And to show appreciation for taking the time and effort to follow me for anyone with 'proper' posts of the last seven days I will leave an upvote.

With the rising steem price and my increasing SP I have now reached the magic metric of the one dollar upvote so I should be able to make all the upvotes at least 10 - 20 cents in value.

I am guessing the number of followers with posts in the last seven days is going to be well under 500 so I should have some useful voting power to spare for a few lucky dip 100% upvotes.

[ graphic from @mynameisbrian 's Dead Followers tool : http://steemit.deadfollowers.info/ ]

And I will be keeping an eye out for anyone that deserves some extra festive upvote cheer - particularly anyone who has upvoted or resteemed this post or introduced new followers along the way. Do let me know in the comments in case I miss it...

So I look forward to dropping in on every one of my followers over the next ten days.

You don't need to leave mince pies and brandy out for me, but if I leave a message feel free to share a little tipple with me.

Happy Festives...

You might also be interested in some of my other posts :


Hi - I've just realized you've got a super-great blog going on here! Excellent stuff... NB - why not include a link to your 'introduce yourself' post in the ones at the end (as much a note to myself this).

Happy new year,


Looks good - I got into spreadsheets a couple of years ago, you should checkout Tableau software if you like the visual aspect - very intuitive! Good intro course on Udemy for dead cheap too by someone called Krill.... something or other.

Your where I'm going to be in a couple of years hopefully (homesteading/ not necessarily Wales) - I'm just not quite done with the whole SE urban thing yet, although if the right little plot came up somewhere I might jump the urban ship early!

I'm intending to do a series of posts about transitioning in fact, but I've got waylaid by trying to figure out WTF's going on here on steemit - I'm a bit concerned it's the most extreme form of hyper-neoliberalism, which doesn't sit well with the kind of E.F. Schumacher, Murray Bookchin (excuse spelling) eco-politics I'm into.

Or maybe it's not that bad... juries out for now....

Great blog, I've put you on my auto-upvote list btw, so keep it quality now! (no pressure!)

Congrats @pennsif


Thank you.

this is so crazy, I've actually started doing the same thing just yesterday! I've been going through my followers and who I am following and upvoting their most recent articles! Great minds think alike lol

Great stuff. I've just been to your post as my first #festivefollowerfreebie visit.

Happy festives!

Is it even possible to interact with all your followers? I have far less followers and find it hard to visit their blogs on a regular basis. I don't think is so much taking them for granted as it is a lack of time. I usually have to choose whether I spend my free time writing a post or visiting and upvoting.

I am a quarter way through visiting them all now. It is an extremely interesting exercise to explore the diversity of people on steemit.

It is also just a little depressing to see a) how many are no longer active, and b) how many are just putting out junk posts...

I'm keeping a log of it all so will have some interesting stats at the end.

Very cool, I am looking forward to the conclusions you can draw from your research if I can call it that.


and @canadianrenegade - thanks to this little conversation it's just dawned on me what a great idea working through yr followers is... I've just been experimenting with auto upvote bots (hands up - although in fairness it somewhere between self-interest and a sociological investigation) but I much prefer the interaction....

If you're into the money, I've found a couple of big players who seem to regularly upvote decent comments ($1 per comment) so there is money in it if you need to earn a living. Obviously you have to maintain integrity here.

Also I'm now going back through the people I follow and culling - narrowing your focus I think is useful.

On a purely cynical (and this can't be abuse because in some ways it's what the founders and the big boys here do ) if you found a couple of friends (or 5friends, 10 friends) and you all invested $5-10K in the platform and just made regular posts/ comments/ upvotes between you for a couple of hours a day (and of course you can do outra-group interaction too) well...

There's your bacon, right there.

I think you are on to something here. There is definitely value to finding out who your real supporters are and concentrating more on interacting with them. Rather then more of a shotgun approach.

How did you find using the upvote bots? There are a few people who I follow who put out consistent quality that I would like to just autovote because sometimes I just don't have the time to look through my feed and I miss giving them support.

Steemfollower is what you want - it seems to be working nicely - I'm partly returning a favour to a local guy who kindly auto-upvotes every post of mine.

Hi - I see you've discovered this excellent blog too - congratulations on making the short list on the 2017 video competition btw!

I have been following this one for awhile but like I said in an earlier reply with a full time job and infant twins plus getting things together for the homestead I just don't have the time to keep up with everything.

As for the video thanks! I actually am surprised to not see yours on the list. I thought it was pretty good.

Sounds like you've got your hands full.

I had to resist going into a big rant about not getting something out of that video contest - on effort and originality I clearly outranked most people on that 10 steem list. Still, it was partly an experiment - I know sociology is not popular in an individualised society - it hurts people's heads too much!

Anyways, onwards and upwards, and hopefully to the hills someday.

Great number congrats

Thank you Kevin, and thank you for the resteem.

Hello @Pennsif. I missed to support the post but I did resteem. followers are the key to success and I agree that dead followers and less interactive followers only increase followers number. I hope you will have 1000 soon.

Thank you for the resteem @azizbd - much appreciated.

Hi @pennsif. I start to follow you. Seen you lots of times in discord or in the audience on MSPwaves. So I came upon your blog by chance.

Hi @hope777, I hope the new radio show is going well.

You are from South Africa aren't you? I spent a year there when I was working as a penguin catcher.

Thank you for following.

Hi @pennsif, yes it is going well with the show. We hope it will grow with time. Yes, I am in beautiful South Africa on the East Coast, in a small coastal village, Palm Beach. I am glad that you get to know the country a little. If you want to come back and visit, I do holiday letting and organise "cheap" accommodation. See you here in the passages of steemit. ;-)

Hi @hope777. Thanks for the holiday accommodation offer - I do hope to get back to South Africa one day. I spent most of my time in Jo'burg and the Cape - alas didn't make it round to the East Coast.

Do you take steem as payment for you holiday lettings?

I love your content @pennsif, you have such a wonderful community spirit

Thank you @gardengirlcanada - it is a great community to be part of.

Congrats my friend, I've been really behind in my posting and blog visits due to the holidays. The new year is going to be full of steemit time and Holiday stories. Life is Good.
Happy Holidays

Just been watching your bull riding videos - look like wild fun!

It's become more professional over the years. A real shit show when I first came to Panama. Now at least sometimes they wear some safety gear and the pens are not so sloppy.

I was looking at my follower list the other day, It was discouraging to me to see how many were no longer active on Steemit. I have several true followers that upvote and comment all the time. I do not always get around to commenting on every post or on every comment either but I do try.
Upvoted and Resteemed

Hi @basicstoliving. Yes I am finding quite a large number of inactive followers.

Thank you for the resteem - much appreciated.

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