SteemCommerce - Businesses accepting payment in steem (v 1 @ 15 December 2017)

in #business7 years ago

Following on from my recent posts about businesses taking payment in steem I have gathered together a list of all the businesses that have declared themselves 'steem friendly'.

It is quite a mixed bag so far, and the businesses are thinly scattered. But it is a start.

As a community it will show encouragement and support if we can demonstrate the steem love and buy from these businesses.

In the first instance, and until it is much easier to sign up for a steem account and to get hold of steem, steem based business will have be sustained and nurtured from within the existing steem community.

So take a look, and see if there is anything that takes your steem fancy...

Businesses accepting payment in steem (v 1 @ 15 December 2017)

Bricks & Mortar

Online - General

Online - Specific

As well as these sites above there are also around 40 sites listed on that register as taking steem.

These include interesting sites such as Ballistic Bodyboards, DrApis Portuguese raw honey and PexPeppers Hot Sauces.

I am going to research all these sites further and include them in version 2 of this list as appropriate.

This has been a fascinating post to research and write. I feel I am only just scratching the surface. There is so much more to develop in the area of SteemCommerce.

While compiling this I came across an old post by @donkeypong . There is a gold rush coming - we just need to find the Jercos Entrepreneurs...

To encourage the wider adoption of steem for payments there will need to be more work both on the payment mechanism side and on the legal, accounting and taxations issues.

Maybe people like @lukestokes with his professional experience of online shopping systems and other developers with expertise will be able to contribute in this area as the demand grows.

I would also be interested to hear from people on steemit with experience in the financial and taxation areas to begin to explore guidelines for businesses wanting to take payments in steem.

This list is very much a rough format first draft. I am sure I have not found all the businesses taking steem so far.

If you run a business that does, or would like to, accept steem payments please post in the comments below or DM me on Discord @pennsif#9921. Likewise if you know of any businesses that should be on the list that I have missed let me know.

You might also be interested in some of my other posts :

[ graphic by @pennsif ]


Aweome post man! Looks like we're on the same mission man, that's been my focus as well, working on compiling a list. I'll have to check out coinpayments too, I didn't realize they hosted a list. Let's keep spreading the word and helping the currency to gain traction!

Thanks @phelimint. It could be good to exchange ideas sometime soon. Are you on Discord?

Yeah, I'm on there and I'm totally into a combined effort. Radios on now we'll tee up at some point man.

Nice initiative @pennsif, much more to come!! ;D

Cool, do let me know of any business additions from Sweden. I'll get them on version 2 of the list.

That's an excellent post @pennsif, I'm sure the list will continue to grow. Appreciate your time and effort in putting this together :)

Resteemed :)

Thank you @eggmeister - I am interested to see how this takes off.

And thank you for the resteem.

No worries bud :)

Yo @eggmeister, good to see you again!

Yes, apologies for not replying sooner. My steemit attention is a bit 'hit n miss' at the moment. Too many commitments lol. How's the flying?

Rippingly awesome. We've had a few days of amazingly good weather here lately, so @captainobviou3 and I have made the most of 'em. We should probably push this to another thread, I'll do a catch-up post soon so we can connect there. :)

Okie doke :)

Thanks for the post, I really hope steem payments will expand theyr activities in the near, and you are helping this!

I will be interested to hear if you start getting many steem payments through your Etsy shop.

Thank you for the resteem.

I'll keep you updated in case something will move on!

A GREAT initiative @pennsif! Looking forward to this as it goes forwards!

@starkerz I definitely agree with you. @pennsif is just doing what I was thinking for several days. We need something a plugin or how developers call it technically, to help more businesses accept steem and/or sbd. Thanks for sharing this initiative @pennsif .

My the way @starkerz I mentioned you in my latest post. You should definitely be there in the Hall of Fame. And we could interview the steemian early adopters to speak about their early experience on the platform and all the things they went through to make steemit a better place as we see it now, and we will be surprised will all developments coming.

Here is the idea fully explained. Looking forward to your thoughts on this.

Regards, @gold84

Hi @gold84 as you think the idea of the post is such a good one, I guess it must have just slipped your mind to give an upvote?

Or maybe you are just trying to hijack the comments to promote your own post? Surely not...

@pennsif I thought I did so. That is why I mentioned you in the comment, very interesting what you are doing. I was so busy when writting the post, that forgot to do so.

Thanks for the reminder.

Regards, @gold84

That's cool, thank you.

Thank you @starkerz for your support. It will be interesting to watch how much take up this has.

Could become bit pay or something like that but for steem. Maybe u end up lobbying bit pay for them to add steem to their payments services as a feature (man I am sure the community would love it if u achieved this) or maybe u reinvent the wheel and create a project to improve upon bit pays weaknesses using steem. The latter is a much bigger project...

Psyched to be on the list and to chat with you via our website the other day. This whole crypto payments thing has been super fun (and profitable) to explore, stoked to see it getting some press!

Good to chat the other day. Will be in touch soon.

The Garden of Eden also has a shop online that accepts steem!

Thanks for the info, I hope steem will be the next bitcoin!!!

the panday is coming!!

Ha ha ha so true

Here's hoping...

What no outlets in Wales.

Sorry! I got here via a comment you made on the anti-keynes kids book (which I thinkis great) - then got side tracked into your other posts - ah Wales -

I was just wondering how much awareness/ support for steem there might be down that way in the whole eco village scene. I was at Lamas (excuse spelling) over summer - seems like the most likely place you'd find a strong anti-fiat sentiment, then again there's quite a big virtual disconnect sentiment going on there too.

Obvs I know that Wales is a lot bigger than just the eco scene (if you actually see them as welsh -rather repatriated english.?) - it's just that whole low impact potential aspect of Wales that interests me.

I'm in Kent/ Surrey btw - did my first degree in Swansea.

Currently struggling with the ethics of selling up my two bed flat here in Surrey and maybe buying an "estate' Wales. I could kill the mortgage but somehow it just doesn't feel right....

Where did you get the regional steemit.stats from btw?

I know of the Lammas Eco-Village and I move a lot in the eco / alternative circles in West Wales.

Indeed I do think it might be fertile ground for steemit.

We are in fact holding our first Wales steemit meetup at a People's Market in west Wales in the new year. I am hoping we can pick up some interest for steem there.

By chance I'm meeting up with someone in a couple of hours from now to show them steem.

I got the Wales stats from @stephenkendal who did some trickery on the database to get the Wales data for me.

It's a nice part of the world! Lammas was great: the right kind of intelligence. I hope the Steem meet goes well, I'm sure it will. Thanks for the guy's addy, I might ask him to do the same for Kent.

Happy Sunday! The newest Weekly Homesteading Newsletter has just been published and your article has been featured in the issue! Thank you and have a great day!

That's great, thank you.

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