Ragtag Garden, Part 40 - Season 1 Wrap Up

in #gardening7 years ago (edited)

I finally found a bit of time to get the Ragtag Garden put to bed for the winter.

I hadn't checked the bin for at least a week. I'd left a few smaller radishes behind when all the bigger ones came out in the last harvest. It's purely a 'push the limits' type experiment. I've had absolutely zero expectation of growth.

The weather has been holding steady with mid to high 40's during the day, and mid 30's at night. No freezes yet. Barely any frost in the last week. Let's see how they're doing.

They seem happy enough in their little micro-climate. I haven't watered them for ages and don't plan on it. There seems to be enough ambient moisture to keep them from wilting.

A closer look reveals that they actually did grow a bit of new greenery. Color me surprised! I put the lid back on and left them snug in their mini-greenhouse.

The tomato, sweet banana pepper and the pole beans are obviously done. We've had a couple of light frosts over the last month, which brought a definitive end to their season. I left these alone, too. Mostly it was 'fussy' work and I was short on daylight. I can clean these up another day.

The transplanted brussels sprouts also succumbed to the frost. I pulled these up since they were still green and started a pile for the raised bed compost-in-place project.

The cabbage and the other brussels sprouts also met the same fate as the transplants. I didn't get any harvest from any of these plants. It was solely my fault for overcrowding them. Next year will be better, because I plan on HAVING another season. The garden may be Ragtag, but the plan doesn't have to be! (This year's plan was stick some stuff in the dirt and cross my fingers. LOL!)

The chairs were the last things I tucked away. It seemed a good way to put an official end to Season 1 of the Ragtag Garden. It's eerily similar to where we started, comparing the spring and fall pictures. Time to switch gears and put some focus on Revved Up Ragtag overall goals.

Thanks to all the great Homesteader and Gardening folks here for being the best support system one could ask for. Y'all rock!!


It started here - Reclaiming The Backyard Firepit
Which turned into this - Ragtag Garden

Here's A Scorecard For Newcomers

The expansion of these two projects has now become The Ragtag Saga:

Revved Up Ragtag, Part 1
Revved Up Ragtag, Part 2
Revved Up Ragtag, Part 3
Revved Up Ragtag, Part 4
Revved Up Ragtag, Part 5
Revved Up Ragtag, Part 6
Revved Up Ragtag, Part 7

Stay Tuned For The Next Installment - Coming Soon!

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A successful season awaits you as you close down the original ragtag. What a pleasant surprise to find the radishes growing in their microclimate. Wonder what else would grow under those conditions.🐓🐓

You're reading my mind... wondering what else would like it in there. The big test will come later on in the week for the radishes, as after Tuesday, the temps are plunging - highs in the low 30's. Brrrrr...

Sprouts of some kind? Some carrots? Beets? Who knows fun experiment! You are an enigma wrapped in a mystery always finding new treasures! Lol

Actually, carrots are a good idea.(Beets, too, and they're on next year's wish list.) I had some in there earlier, but the birds got the sprouts. With the lid on, they might just have a chance. With the cold snap coming, I may have to wait til early spring to try 'em, but it's worth considering. We'll see how the dirt in the bin reacts in freezing temps.

Wow, a mystery wrapped enigma... Cracking up here! Now, I'm tempted to go find some weird, exotic specimen just to see what happens. ;~]

Your garden is looking so much better from when you started. We have had really bad weather over the last couple of weeks, we have snow at the minute :( I havent been out in the garden, it will be a mess.Ill try this weekend but if its still slippy I'll have to wait.


You be careful with the treacherous weather. Slippery walks are no joke!

I never step out side when its icy as I will most certainly be over, thank you :D

Awww, now I have to wait until next year (insert pout here)
I have so enjoyed reading all these posts and can't wait until you start up again next season.

Lol! Knowing y'all are peeking over my shoulder is a lot of fun and it keeps the creativity flowing. This garden was/is as much yours as it is mine. Maybe more, because I probably would have stopped early on if left to my own devices. ;~D

Plans going forward are already percolating...

So sad it's the end...It was a nice journey with you. I had fun watching your garden and updates.

I know, right!? (That's why I stalled putting away the chairs. It looks too barren without them.)

I had so much fun doing this because y'all were keeping me motivated. The good news is ... I have LOTS more buckets! Next season should be even more interesting! ;~D

you didn't get any harvest from any of these plants
But you got a great experience, and you made this experience useful for everyone here.

Good point and thanks!

This is me this evening! Wish I had your winter!

Wow, that IS winter! Hope you're keeping snug and toasty!

We've been getting that white stuff more in Feb & March recently. The weather patterns have been so whack the last decade, it's harder to guess what's normal now. ;~/

Yes it took me an hour but got it all shoveled. I do have a snowblower, but this snowfall was not heavy enough to use it. LOL, I would look like I was lazy, by not shoveling.

Nice work! Sometimes it's easier to just shovel manually than to mess with the machinery. Heck, if it's not too deep, a lot of the time we don't even shovel, because snow is less slippery than ice. Talk about looking lazy... LOL!

Nice wrap up @ant-deb, I think I may start agian soon!

Thanks! I'm glad it's done and I can shift my attention forward now.

We'd love to see what you're doing! Lots of support and advice, so jump in!

Alas, the poor cabbages...
It's interesting that the radishes are still hanging on. I guess they like their little micro greenhouse.

I think the cabbage knew they weren't especially wanted from the get-go. LOL! Ah well, they'll be good for composting.

That bin set up has been a hoot. Every time I lift the lid, I expect dead plants. Little rascals are stubborn...!

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