Day 230: 5 Minute Freewrite: Wednesday - Prompt: Wet

in #freewritecontest6 years ago

Day 24 - Selfie Freewrite Celebration Contest!


This is my entry for the Day 24 - Selfie Freewrite Celebration Contest - Prize 105 SBD, hosted by @freewritehouse.

You can also find today's freewrite prompt by visiting Day 230: 5 Minute Freewrite: Wednesday - Prompt: wet, hosted by @mariannewest.

Maria was hanging the wet laundry out in the early morning light. She hoped she could get it done all in one day because she had plans for the weekend and didn’t want to be stuck in the house doing laundry. The dogs began barking in the pen. Maria looked around, but she didn’t notice anything out of the ordinary.

After a few seconds the dogs became panicked and started making more of a fuss. Maria looked around again but this time she saw what they were barking at in the distance. A big black bear was making its way through the gardens, looking around and clearly checking out the yard.

Maria panicked herself and looked around for a place to run. She might have gotten away if she hadn’t hesitated, but she did. She made eye contact with the bear and she knew the bear could see the fear in her eyes. She moved to the left and the changed her mind and turned to the right.

Losing her balance, she fell into a sheet she was hanging and became tangled up. The more she struggled to get out the more tangled she became in the sheet. By the time she got her arms loose from the sheet she was completely frightened that the bear was coming near her. She tried her best to pull the sheet off her head, so she could see; waving her arms wildly.

The dogs barking quieted to a lingering growl and Maria managed to remove the sheet from her eyes. She could see the backside of the bear running away. She let out a sigh. She thought for sure she was going to be eaten by a bear, but she wasn’t.

She was thankful for being as clumsy as she had been today.


Thanks for reading!

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Thanks to @snook for this super cool gif!


I'm so glad the bear ran. Sheesh, you had my anxiety up high! Nice work on suspense!

Thank you!!! I am very glad not to be living where they have bears!!!

I was starting to worry. Thanks for letting us catch our breath and breathe a sigh of relief. ;-) I was sure she was bear meat.

Today, our prompt mistress has given us a new one that focuses on the word cherry. Feel up to the challenge? Here is the prompt:

Thank you!!

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