The King and The Hangman (Part 3)steemCreated with Sketch.

in #writing8 years ago

King Heliranneran sat across from his daughter, who was staring back at him defiantly. The Privy Room, set aside for serious discussion, had been cleared of Cousins of the Court. Only the King and the Dark Night were at the table.

I hope he didn't hurt your feelings. he said by way of giving some ground to his daughter and to take the edge off of her wildness.

I didn't seduce him for feelings. These humans are like animals in the lack of connection during the Act. It takes away from the emotional pleasure, but the feeling of being used as an object more than makes up for that. She sensed her father's discomfort and needled him, needing him off-balance for her upcoming argument. You know that Mother liked you treating her like a toy from time to time.

You know that what happened between myself and your Mother is not only none of your business, but has nothing to do with this discussion. he countered, recognizing her opening move. If you are to be Queen in my place, the People must respect you. They will not do that with a Person that mates with-

She cut him off. I will not be Queen. I don't want to be Queen. I never wanted to be Queen.

He sat back in shock for a moment. How could he not know this, as close as their beings were?

She sensed his confusion. My lusts are the central focus of me, Father. I will not be Queen and conform to the restraints of that duty. She asked Would the Fay heed a Queen whose life was focused only between her legs? No, but that is who I am

Heliranneran realized that her primacy of feeling for sensuality had overwhelmed almost all of her other emotive signals. He could feel her happiness and core emotions, but not any intellectual motives. The other People, who not as closely connected to her being, would be even less able to sense any part of her being past her sexuality.

Even so, it was her duty to be Queen. Their bloodline was the last of the First Hero. She didn't even let him finish that argument.

No. It doesn't matter. No, I will not not do it. Look at the scandal I have wrought over my life. I do not want to be Queen. Do you think I enjoyed that horse inside me? That hurt so badly I could not enjoy a Person for two weeks after...but I needed the stableboys to see, and to tell you, and to tell the People.

She continued I knew that the People would not trust me because I violated all the bonds, Father. I would have enjoyed the lust of this Man on it's own, Father, but that he just insulted you and all of us made it worse in the eyes of the People. They will never trust me, and I don't want them to. How often have you banished me, Father? How soon before I did something worse?

She was almost crying now, I am sorry for the hurt I've caused you, but I will not be Queen

By John Dickson Batten [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

He yielded his argument for the moment. He had no idea in which way to proceed. Who would lead the People? He took the time to concentrate on her feelings. She wasn't only defiant, but hurt and apprehensive.

Tell me, Heart of my Soul, did he hurt you?

She sighed. He didn't care who I was, just that he wanted to relieve his lust and that I was willing and had caused it in the first place.

She giggled, He tried to pay me. At the rate he would pay a common Human whore, too... I would have been been insulted, but that he was such a poor lover. He just wanted to finish and be on his business. Honestly, Father, I think I knew what would happen when I went after him. It's just that I'm hurt he didn't care that he had had me. Being treated like a whore by a Human would force the People to speak against me. That's why I went.

Heliranneran made his decision as King, not Father. I hereby renounce your claim to the Throne. I will inform the Court directly. She flew over the table and hugged him tightly in joy. He returned that hug as Father, not King, and rejoiced at the sudden surge in her own being.

Through her tears, she told him, I will be a better daughter than princess. The scandals won't be as bad now, Father. At least they won't be as outlandish and garish

He was about to ask her for suggestions about seeking a new Heir when the Captain of the Guard begged interruption. The Captain led in Prince Melkos. They had pressing bad news; Heferanilan, the First Cousin of the Court had challenged the Hangman to a duel over sullying the Princess.

{Next time - Will a duel in the Court Room end the negotiations?]

The King and The Hangman (part 1)
The last King of the Fay must decide whehter to allow a Human warlord to pass through his lands

The King and The Hangman (part 2)
Negotiations tense even further as the King's daughter sets her lustful eyes on this Human at Court

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