The Lottery Council- Chapter XVII: Metzger Takes Charge

in #fiction7 years ago


It was one of those nor'easter's Boston is famous for... torrential rain driven by high winds off of the North Atlantic. Leyland Masters stood at the window of his office high above the streets watching the rain pelt pedestrians in the financial district below. Through the raindrops that accumulated on the floor to ceiling window panels, he could see the darkness of the skies over Boston Harbor... they were nearly as dark as his mood. Things were going poorly now and the responsibility lay at his feet- and he didn't like it.

A floor below, Jim Nolan was at work in his office, aware, yet unaware of what was to come... and soon. He went through his normal routine of work, trying to put, at least temporarily, out of his mind what he and Ann had discussed a few days earlier at their picnic. He perused half-heartedly, a sheaf of sales statistics, but his mind was elsewhere. Knowing that something was about to happen, but not knowing how or when was troubling, making it difficult to concentrate. He considered taking the day off under the pretense of a sudden illness, but feared it might draw suspicion. He didn't know how much longer he could continue the charade.

Masters stood at the window, hands clasped behind his back contemplating the future... his future to be more precise. Dr. Winstead was unhappy and when Dr. Winstead was unhappy, everybody was unhappy. Glaring through the raindrops, he wondered about Jim- refusing to believe that Nolan was a part of some conspiracy that jeopardized the council's work. He had brought Jim in and felt responsible... not just to the council, but to Jim as well. He liked Jim, he was honest and a hard worker and he would make every effort to save him from any of the unpleasantness he knew the council could bring to bear. Leyland had witnessed first hand what happens to traitors... there was one they suspected several months back and there was no hesitation when they acted... the suspected miscreant developed a terminal case of pancreatic cancer and died painfully within months. Yes, Leyland was well aware of how far the council would go to preserve their integrity.

His intercom buzzed and his secretary announced: "Mr. Metzger to see you, Sir."

"Send him in," Leyland replied grimly. This wasn't going to be pleasant. Masters didn't like Metzger, nobody he knew did- even Dr. Winstead... but then, Metzger's job wasn't getting people to like him. The door opened and Metzger entered, taking off his wet trench coat and hat.

"Raining like hell out there," he said. He was carrying an attache case that he set in a chair.

Leyland nodded glumly. "Yes, I can see that. Did you come to talk about the weather?"

Metzger smiled that unhumorous smile... there was something almost reptilian about it, Leyland thought- like a cobra about to strike. "How about a cup of coffee Leyland. I didn't come to pick a fight, we just have a couple of things we need to discuss... you know, just to make sure we're both on the same page."

Leyland buzzed his secretary and asked for a couple of mugs of coffee. "I'm sorry, Bill," he said. "This whole thing just has me a little on edge... I didn't like getting called on the carpet at Dr. Winstead's."

"I imagine not," Metzger chuckled. "What did he have to say?"

"You don't know? I assumed that's why you're here." Leyland didn't like the way this was going, Metzger was playing coy.

"Just the basics, Winstead didn't go into too much detail," Metzger said.

Leyland's secretary knocked and entered with a tray containing a pot of coffee, mugs, condiments and a tray of pastries. "I thought you might like some Danish," she said with a smile, then she left.

"Thank you," said Leyland. "Where were we?"

"Dr. Winstead is very concerned about your friend Nolan, both he, his wife and brother-in-law are acting peculiarly. He said he wants me to take a more active role in things around here." With that he opened his attache case and withdrew a manila envelope. Inside were photos.

"I still can't believe Jim is in any way against us. I know the boy- I brought him in and I think I would know. Not long ago his whole family were at the house for a barbeque... there was nothing suspicious in any of their behavior," Leyland said firmly.

"As you know, we have them under constant surveillance." Metzger took a stack of photographs from the folder. "These are of the brother-in-law, David and his sister on one of their daily walks. They're always careful not to be overheard, or act suspiciously."

Leyland looked at the photos. "I don't see anything but a brother and sister walking a dog," he said defensively.

"Look at these then," said Metzger handing him more pictures. "These are of Jim and his wife on a picnic at some near deserted farm near Lexington. Notice anything unusual?"

"Not a thing," Masters replied. "All I see is two people eating lunch and enjoying each other's company... they're still very much in love- even after all these years. In fact, I know they used to go there back in college when they were dating... they're probably just recapturing some of the romance."

"After nearly 20 years?" Metzger asked. "It looks like they're deliberately trying not to be observed or overheard, to me."

"You're too suspicious," Masters retorted. "You see a boogeyman behind every telephone pole."

"It's my job to be suspicious. That's how I'm able to keep all of us safe when people make stupid mistakes," Metzger's eyes had narrowed to slits. Leyland could tell something particularly unpleasant was coming... he just didn't know what.

"I still trust Jim," Leyland said. "I think you're overreacting to little or nothing... seeing things where none exist. I don't want to see anything drastic happen to Jim or his family unnecessarily. he's a good and honest man."

"In a situation that doesn't call for good and honest men," Said Metzger with one of his cobra-like smiles. "Anyway, the Doctor says it's my call now, and I say that one way or the other, Nolan has to go."

"What are you going to do," Leyland pleaded nervously. "You're not going to hurt them are you?"

"I sincerely hope not," Metzger said grimly. "A lot of that depends on what they do next... and up to you."

"Me?" Masters looked at the other man quizzically. "Why me, surely you don't think..."

"No, I don't think you're a part of anything... you're in too deep for that. If the Council goes down, you go along with it. Just play it smart and remember what side your bread is buttered on," Metzger said firmly. "Thanks for the coffee," the grin was back. He left and put the photos back into their folder and then put it all back into his attache case. He grabbed his coat and arose to leave. "Just remember what I told you."

With that warning he was gone leaving Leyland to ponder his fate... more importantly it seemed, Jim and his family's fate. He was going to have to warn Jim, but how... he knew that the Nolan home was under surveillance and began to suspect he was too. Damn that Metzger!


GIF by @papa-pepper



You never cease to amaze me and I'm pumped that you are having success. I have deep respect for what your doing! Go @richq11 Go!

Not much today, I'm afraid...27 views in 2 hrs! I need to make $100 a day so I can move and my followers seem to be taking the day off lol!

I thank you for your kind words... I guess my expectations have grown along with the HF. I remember being amazed at my first $25 post. But now the pressure's on!!!

Interesting story there indeed ;) You seem to be a very creative person, I am really looking forward to your next chapter of the story .. have a nice one and keep on doing your work : ) greetings from Germany, the Metzger country.
btw I think you're from Germany too xD

I put a link to the previous chapters at the bottom... this one only has two or three more. I'm an Italian from America lol! And thank you for your compliments..,. I look forward to reading yours.

Ohh lol I thought you might be german because the protagonists' name selection "Metzger", it's a common german name literally means butcher ... :D

I 've already seen that you put the links of all chapters at the end, very good to see them clearly structured. I'm gonna have a nice read for the weekend, thanks again sir, Enjoy your time in America :) Tanti cari saluti! A presto!

Metzger isn't the protagonist as you will see... I chose his name wisely- he's the bad guy!

muy bueno felicidades y gracias por compartir

Mi Espanol esta malo... Gracias!

Good going @richq11 Weekend is near... :)

Yup... Got to do a chapter of The Night Gods tomorrow- no rest for the wicked!

Looking v much fwd to both... 👻

Yay! Updates!!! I have been through some "Nor'easters in Maine. One literally shook the old mansard I lived in so hard I was scared it would fall over. Those gusts can be deadly.

How well I remember! They call Chicago "The Windy City" when it's really Boston.

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