The Lottery Council Chapter VI: The Plot Thickens

in #fiction7 years ago


The email David received contained little news, so he wrote back for something more specific information about how the cancer cells were delivered. By early afternoon the next day his mailbox was full. Most of the stuff he got back was pretty off the wall, even by David's standards, but his source in California and one or two others were fairly promising. He thanked the nutty ones for their time and effort and began looking up links.

There was no shortage of articles to peruse. His California source had written about smoking: 'You know how cigarette packs contain a warning that says the smoking causes lung cancer? You notice it says "smoking" and not tobacco. There are no carcinogens in tobacco, only in the additives. People in France smoke way more than we do in the US and yet their rate of lung cancer in negligible. They have laws against putting additives in tobacco (probably why their cigarettes taste so bad).' It made sense to David. There was another link about processed foods and additives put in them... in particular GMO's from agra-businesses that manufacture seeds- Frankenseeds, they were called in the article. There was more, much, much more.

There was a link exposing Planned Parenthood and their "fight against breast and uterine cancer." The link said that the facilities in predominantly minority neighborhoods were exposing young women to carcinogens during their exams and abortions. According to the statistics, breast cancer rates were far higher in women who had abortions. As he read the articles, David learned that the purpose of Planned Parenthood wasn't reproductive health like the brochures and advertising claimed- it was the opposite. The founder, a Margaret Sanger's entire life was dedicated to preventing minorities from reproducing. It seemed to David he had read this before while researching the Eugenics movement and the Nazis.

Another method of introducing carcinogens was immunizations. Vaccines, according to the link about them, not only caused cancer, but contained mercury as well. David's head was beginning to spin. They were even going after children. He wondered is his niece and nephew had been exposed. He put his face in his hands, he couldn't read any more right now... he had to digest what he had already taken in. David knew he had to tell his sister and her husband... but how? This was overwhelming and he had just begun to go through the information. How could he act normal in the face of what he had just learned?

He would have to approach Ann first... that was clear. It would have to be done slowly and methodically, so as not to alarm her. David loved his sister and and he didn't want her frightened or hurt. He felt like he had taken on a sisyphean task- but it had to be done... not only for his family, but for everyone. David began to wonder if he was up to the task. Before he could take anything to Ann he needed evidence, not just conspiracies but concrete scientific evidence. He wrote back to his friend in California asking for more. there were a couple of other sources he felt were credible as well- he contacted them also. Then he went into the house trying to act as casual as possible under the circumstances.

"Hey Sis," he yelled, "what's a guy gotta do to get a cup of coffee around here?" He hoped he wasn't overplaying the part.

"I wondered where you were," she yelled back from the downstairs bathroom.

"I've been talking to some guys on the computer," he said.

"Any good conspiracies I should know about?" She winked as she came into the room.

"One or two," he said. "Did you know that Elvis is still alive and well?" He winked back. Ann laughed and poured them both coffee. David was beginning to feel like a shit. He was scared and hoped it didn't show. He looked closely at Ann and it was obvious she didn't sense anything... yet. They chatted for a bit and David went back to working on his computer and Ann to her housework. He asked if she needed any help, but she refused saying that she had it under control. She told him to go back to saving the world so he left feeling worse than before.

He wanted to know more about this lottery council, so he emailed a friend that was a hacker... one that David knew he could trust. Then he went back to studying the material he already had. It seemed that almost every major American company was out to cause our destruction. Between wars and cancer, it seemed like we didn't stand a chance. By dinner time he was exhausted so he took a fitful nap. After dozing off and on for an hour or so, he got up and checked his email. It was all bad.



The only problem reading about conspiracy theories is it makes the voices in MY head start acting up. Lol! "Crazy stuff? We like crazy stuff!" And then they won't shut up. Good read! Upvoted and waiting for the next part. Keep on Steemin'!

Thanks... It's a complicated story and I'm afraid if I let too much out at a time it will become hard to follow. Are you guys still doing the fiction trail awards... I haven't seen one in a long while.

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