The Lottery Council- Chapter XVI: Picnic- Jim's Uncomfortable Epiphany

in #fiction7 years ago


After several frantic walks, Ann and David thought they had devised a plan that would work for bringing Jim into the loop... There was a farm out on the Lexington line where Jim and Ann had spent many pleasurable afternoons having picnics while dating in college. The farmer never minded, in fact he encouraged the young lovers to use his property. This property would come in handy now, but for a much different purpose. A short walk from the road, through a narrow strip of woods brought you to a huge field, in the middle of which was a solitary tree, a large elm that was the perfect spot for picnicking. It also provided a perfect vantagepoint for Ann to watch for possible interlopers... it would be well out of reach of any parabolic surveillance equipment, provided they kept their voices low. David was to take the kids to a movie they had wanted to see. Ann and David were certain they would be followed, but everything should turn out fine... providing that Jim could be made to understand the gravity of the situation.

The Saturday they chose was a perfect New England Autumn day... the leaves were just beginning to change colors and the temperature was just right for an afternoon picnic. When broached with the prospect, Jim readily agreed- between work and council business he and Ann had little time together. It seemed like the perfect romantic getaway. They drove from their Winchester neighborhood to the isolated spot where they had parked so many years ago... it had been nearly 20 years since they had been there but nothing had changed. When leaving, Ann noticed an unfamiliar vehicle fall in behind them a few cars back... they wouldn't be alone today, she thought.

They departed the car and began through the strip of woods. Ann looked around cautiously watching for any sign of the car that had followed- she was sure it was there, she just wasn't certain where. As they got to the expansive field she was relieved to see the farmer putting on his tractor. He had aged, but was a welcome sight to the apprehensive Ann- he was familiar although it had been many years. He spied them exiting the wood and headed their way.

"It's the young lovers," he said with a grin.

"You remember us?" Jim inquired.

"Oh sure," was the response," don't get much company out here. Back for another picnic?"

"We're married now," Ann broke in. "Just reliving old times. It's wonderful to see you after all these years... gives you a sense of familiarity."

"Well, you folks just enjoy yourselves," the old farmer said with a wink. "I'm done here and headin back to the barn. You got the whole place to yourselves."

I hope so, thought Ann. "Thank you very much. It really is wonderful to see you after so long."

"Come back any time... bring the kids."

"We will," said Jim. It would be a nice place to bring them for a nature walk... if he could keep them off their phones long enough.

They walked to the big elm in the middle of the field and Ann spread their blanket out like she had done so long ago. She dreaded what was coming, but there was no turning back now... too much depended on her ability to make Jim understand their situation clearly. She had rehearsed what she would say so many times- she said a silent prayer that it would go well. After reaching into the cooler, she opened them each an ice cold beer- she needed it to bolster her courage. After some small talk, Jim turned to her and looked into her eyes...

"You didn't just get me out here for a picnic," he said. "What's going on?"

Ann looked around for any sign of intruders- seeing none, she began. "You know that job interview David had in Arkansas?" She asked.

"Yeah," he replied, "I hope he gets it. It seems like he really wants the job and it will be good for him- give him something to do, some purpose."

"It wasn't a job interview," she gulped and went on, "it was about that council thing you're on... it's not at all what you think."

"What do you mean," Jim shook his head. "What's he got his nose into this time... is this some more of his conspiracy stuff?"

Ann could see he was becoming angry. "Please, Jim, listen to what I'm saying. This is serious very serious... it means all of our lives... really." She was looking searchingly into his eyes. "Please, this is important... I can't even begin to tell you how important it is- but I have to try. I'm sure we were followed here and people are trying to listen to us, so please act naturally"

Jim sat up and looked around. He saw nothing. "Are you sure about all this?"

"Absolutely. David met with a man out there who knows what's going on. A man who knows all about the council. That man Metzger is a killer... and Leyland is involved as well." Ann stared into his eyes looking for some sign he believed her. "You know I'm the one you always call the practical one. I wouldn't make something like this up... and neither would David- not something this serious. We're all in danger."

"Leyland?" Jim couldn't believe what he was hearing. He looked up to Leyland Masters, he was a mentor as well as his boss. He didn't want to believe, but he also knew his wife. She was not someone given to flights of fancy... like her brother often was. He lay back looking straight up into the cloudless sky. It was all too much, but if Ann was saying it, it must be true. "How much do you know?"

"Just what David has told me. He's in contact with the man in Arkansas, Jack something. They have some encrypted form of communication, so nobody can eavesdrop." She was beginning to feel better, knowing that Jim believed her. She needed him, more now than ever and she needed him to believe her, no matter how improbable the story seemed.

Jim thought for a moment, "Leyland," he repeated. Metzger he had no problem with, he didn't like him anyway, but his boss... What else?" He asked

"The council doesn't select people to get experimental cancer drugs- the council selects people to be given cancer." Ann went on, laying out everything that David had told her. Jim listened intently as she searched his face for emotions as the story unfolded... there were none. "Another thing," she went on, "the house is bugged. We're under constant surveillance. Have you noticed that van that's always parked on the street in front?"

"Vaguely," he responded, deep in thought. "I've seen it there, but didn't pay any real attention."

"I think it has listening devices and maybe monitors for viewing inside the house."

"You mean they can see everything we do?" He asked incredulously. "Everything?"

"Pretty much," came the response. "David says even the yards. We can't mention any of this at home, or in the cars. That's why I wanted to bring you here... so I could tell you somewhere safe."

Jim covered his face with his hands and remembering he may be watched, he removed them quickly. "What can we do?' He asked meekly. He was going to have to depend on Ann for much now... Ann and her brother.

"Right now, just go on like nothing has happened. I've already begun transferring money into untraceable stuff. We're going to need more. According to this Jack, these guys at the council are huge... we can never stop them. We just need to focus on getting us and the kids out alive. Jack will help."

"So our lives depend on a guy we don't even know... Great!" Jim shook his head again. "Well, this has been a swell picnic," he grinned at her sickly.

She smiled back. "We can do this," she said. "We have to." They ate in silence, neither had much of an appetite. "There is something else," she said at last, "Jack needs the passwords to the council computers. If he's going to keep us alive, he needs to know as much as possible... and so do we."

Jim thought for a moment and reached for Ann's purse. After taking out an envelope, he wrote the passwords he knew. "This first one is for the state and district... the second is for the regional office. I hope this doesn't get us all killed."

"This Jack is supposed to be some master hacker. I'm sure he knows what he's doing... at least David does." Ann was beginning to pack up. Jim rose and helped. They looked into each other's eyes. "I love you," he said seriously, "Very, very much... and I'm so sorry I got you into this. I was just trying to help- us and all those people out there." There were tears in his eyes. The enormity of what was happening was beginning to set in.

"I Love you too Baby," she said back. She could see he was in an emotional state and needed all the support she could muster. He had always been her strength and now it was up to her to furnish enough strength for them both... Jim and the kids would need her more than ever- and she would not fail. "Very much... and it's going to be all right. We'll make it all right," she said trying to convince herself as much as him.

The ride home was quiet... not only for fear of surveillance, but because both were deep in thought. Ann thought about their next move. Jim wondered about this Jack guy and how much they could trust him. They would have to depend more on David now... a prospect Jim wasn't very comfortable with. He liked David, even loved him as a brother... but there was the whole conspiracy thing. Then he remembered what Leyland had said: "Just because something is a conspiracy theory, doesn't mean there's nothing there." He felt worse. When they arrived home, he saw the van... Lurene's Catering... a new one, thought Ann wryly. What was a catering van doing parked in front of their house? The closest neighbor was 100 yards down the street... so it was true and they weren't being discreet about letting him know.


GIF by @papa-pepper



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doggo loves this series- really can't wait till next chapter!

Well written.

Thanks... I can't wait to see how it turns out!

Thanks... it's coming along pretty well, I think.

It's always a pleasure to read these chapters, dear friends! ^_^

Thank you dear Silvia... I always wait for you to comment! I think I can tell the rest in 3-4 more chapters... Then it's The Night Gods II

More chapters, yay! I need to catch up!

You'r really bringing it here on Steemit right now! Congratulations!

Thank you, my friend... I'm trying. It's funny, after many years of the rigidity of academic writing, I find it so freeing to be able to do what I want (and even I'm starting to see a little improvement)

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