My Personal Story of Sexual Abuse in My Family.. Introduction - How Different Would My Life have Been Had We Been Turned Over to CPS??

in #familyprotection6 years ago (edited)

I first started writing for @familyprotection 3 months ago with a series of articles relating my experiences in working with abused youth as a Juvenile Detention Office of 10 years and an adviser to youth and young adults during my 3 years at Job Corp. I had to stop writing these stories after the 5th article as it was hard to relive working with these "street kids" that got caught up in "the system." I now realize why I chose to work with these youth, especially the females that had been sexually abused and why I get so emotional just thinking about the abuse they went through.

I too was brainwashed into thinking we were actually helping these children before doing extensive research on just how crooked our system is and has always been. The whole child protections system that was set in place, was not to help youth but to be able to steal them from their families and do whatever they choose for profit.

I was going through some of my old writings from my college course in Drug and Alcoholism in the Family just the other day. I ran across a story I had written about "My Family of Origin" which included some of my memories and experiences as a child. I then started reading some of the comments from my instructor on my story comments . Here are a few of his comments that hit home: "This is not a healthy family!" - " So she sacrificed her daughter for him and helped create another offender?" - "The mom also probably abused him." - "out grew or got fed up with?" - "Because he was her victum."

Just reading this and knowing what I know now, I realize how different my life would have been had my mother allowed my dad to report the rape of my sisters by my brother and my uncle. Would I have been separated from my father whom I adored and considered my protector, my 5 sisters who were my playmates and still my best friends? Would I have still had the desire to work with abused youth? Would my own daughter and and son ever been born? Or, would I have ended like the very youth I worked with to empower? Would I have been from foster home to foster home or sold off to sex traffickers? Was I too sexually abused by my brother and or uncle and too young to remember anything but having nightmares about my brother holding a knife to my throat and threatening to kill me? Was this my chosen path or just the hand of fate?

I realize now that my story has to be told before my wounds can heal completely. I know this story will have to be told in segments as even now, I am starting to feel old resentments popping up against my mother and oldest brother and an uncle I never knew why I hated being around. They are all deceased now, so maybe it is time to put this all behind me by documenting and sharing in hopes that it will help others to remember, document and release to a supportive community that is understanding, compassionate and caring without judging.

I hope to get the first chapter published within the next few days. In the meantime, please say a prayer for me that God gives me the strength and courage to face my past and the words that will be the most beneficial to the reader.

If you would like to read some of the previous stories of "My Life as a Detention Officer," You will find the links listed on this post by @canadian-coconut:

CPS and Foster Care Abuses: -- INDEX of PUBLISHED STORIES now on the Steemit Blockchain

Please take the time to read, upvote and resteem the above post to show your 100% support for this cause. Also, please visit the blogs of these authors and consider doing the same. Most of these cases are still on-going and any financial support you can give them could make a difference in whether these family units can be saved!

What Is @familyprotection? What Are The Rules? How Do I Donate?

@familyprotection was started approximately 3 months ago. If you are concerned about where these funds are going, please take the time to read this post:

We are Family Protection, Keeping Families Safe, Together

@markwhittam grew up in the care of CPS and then many years later he and his family had to flee their country under threats from the state to take their child because they home schooled.

Linda, @canadian-coconut, started @familyprotection because she has helped several families who have been torn apart at the hands of the legal kidnappers aka. Child Protection Services.

It is up to us as a Community to uncover the truth and spread this truth worldwide!

If you or someone you know have children that are now wards of the state and/or government, we encourage you to share your story. If you are an underage youth caught up in this insane cycle of abuse and control..Please share your story..If you have friends in abusive situations..Please have them share their story. We here at have caring people that that are willing to help you in anyway we can.

If you wish to donate in support of this project, please do so by sending your donations in the form of Steem, Steem Power and or SBD to @familyprotection

Show your support for @familyprotection, @markwhittam, and @canadian-coconut by visiting their blogs, leaving comments revelent to this most worthy cause, upvoting and resteeming as many of these posts as you feel drawn to do.


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Active Posts by The Three Hugs



Sending you lots of love and prayers @thethreehugs. This is an immensely important topic. Your contribution will/ has empowered many people towards good healing. I am fiercely drawn to @familyprotection. I think there may be buried events that are yet to be unlocked from my past. Or, something important that draws me into these sharings. At this point, I don't know. Me nor my family have ever been involved with CPS. Yet i fear them with great certainty of their evil ways. May your words come easily. May you feel clear, and calm through the process. May your contribution offer great healing to you and many others as you move forward. Wishing peace & joy to you 💗

Thank you my friend! Sometimes we just have to go with what is in our heart. Journaling definitely helps bring out these repressed memories. There has to be a reason you fear them. Just grab a pen and paper and start writing about memories that brought on that fear. You will eventually remember. If not, do as I did, if you have older siblings, ask them!!

" May your words come easily. May you feel clear, and calm through the process. May your contribution offer great healing to you and many others as you move forward. Wishing peace & joy to you." Thank you for your sincere wishes. I needed that this morning as I am attempting to write Part 1 of my story and I am as "clear as mud" right now as to where to start and how to write this to make it age appropriate without having to label it NSFW.

If it has to be nsfw so be it. You are very brave. I admire your courage. And, appreciate your encouragement. Lots of love. 💗🌻💗

Aww thanks my dear but I'd rather keep it cleaner in order to help the younger group. Besides I don't wish to attract the perverts and sex addicts. I don't need or want that kind of attention or energy. 🌈🌴🌝

It is very sad to know that even as a worker, social service inserts a chic in you to change the way you perceive reality. I want to take the opportunity to thank you for your contribution and especially your help

You are most welcome! And yes, they put you thru extensive "brainwashing" training and teach you to "do as you are told without questioning.

Do you think some healing comes from creating your own family and giving your own children a happy childhood?

Yes I do in a lot of ways. Both of my children turned out amazing!

Allow me to thank you for your contribution here and also thank you for your courage in telling your story, in order to also help the people who need it, here we are for you, also to help yourself we will give you the necessary support. A lot of strength for you, and to leave everything behind. I would like to see what we do with the rewards obtained here we bring food to street children check my blog

Thank you! I appreciate your kind words of support.

@thethreehugs I think you sharing these things is as positive for the community as it is for your healing. Will pray for your strength even though the strength you show is quite commendable already.

Now this is a red-pill:

I too was brainwashed into thinking we were actually helping these children before doing extensive research on just how crooked our system is and has always been. The whole child protections system that was set in place, was not to help youth but to be able to steal them from their families and do whatever they choose for profit.

When people hear this they might feel daunted or overwhelmed but know we can never defeat this evil if we deny it even exists. Wake up, people! You speak the word of God because you speak truth, vertias. Keep it up! Great post. Thank you.

Thank you my friend. God bless.

You are brave and strong to talk about these past incidents, but I think you are right by sharing it will help you to heal and will also give hope to others who might be in difficult circumstances.


Thanks my friend. This means a lot coming from you!

Big hug for sharing this.. I will follow the next posts.. <3 I hope you will find closure soon!

You are such a doll!

You are brave to talk about all these things. Yet in a way I envy that you can now talk about it with the abusers no longer being around. There are things I'd like to share more openly, but cannot while those involved are still around. There are those who might make judgements on me for that, but it's not that simple. It's good to see an example of why taking children from a certain situation is not necessarily the right thing for them. Many would not understand that.

Thanks my friend and yes, most people would not understand. Thanks for your support and encouragment! sorry my vote isn't worth much right now. Time to let the steem build up a bit.

Thank you for your courage in posting this, and I have no doubt that you will find the courage to continue, and to tell the story you clearly need to tell.

Be blessed.

Aww thanks my dear! I appreciate that.

You're welcome!

I'm fortunate that I don't know anyone going through this at present, but I've known people who got caught up in similar situations in the past, and I know just how important your work is, and how vital it is to make the problem better known.

Take care,

I guess working at Juvy for 12 years helped a lot. I worked with a lot of victims that makes my story sound like a nursery rhyme. Working with people who are a lot worse off than you sure does a lot to get you off your own pity-train and helps you realize just how fortunate you were to escape the abuse. We cannot allow ourselves to be prisoners of our past!! Thank you so much for your encouragement and support. The next post is probably going to be the hardest as I still struggle with being able to forgive my uncle. He seems to be the center of the abuse.

Do what you can when you can. You'll make the post you need to make and it will help people. Of this I am certain.

One thing to keep in mind, and I know first hand that it isn't easy, is that abusers wouldn't be abusers if they themselves didn't have deep-seated pain from past trauma. This is not an excuse, nor does it exonerate them for their behavior, but it makes it possible to view them from a place of compassion, even if only momentarily at first, by realizing that truly, there but for the grace of God go I.

One of the most profound experiences I have ever had was the day I meditated on forgiveness toward my rapist. That incident sent my life into a downward spiral that it took me years to overcome, and true to form, I told no one, including my own family and friends. In fact, the first person I ever told was Marek, my husband, which if nothing else speaks of my level of trust in him as a person.

But when I chose to be willing to forgive the man and his act, I suddenly had a very clear impression that, while he appeared to be an adult male on the exterior, he was really a scared little kid on the inside. And I did feel compassion for him, for whatever in his life had sent him on that dark path, and prayed for his full healing, as well as my own.

And something lifted from me that day - I can't describe it, but what happened on that day long ago no longer holds any power over me, and that is a true blessing.

Thank you my friend! More people need to read this. Yes doing these post has healed wounds I didn't realize still needed healing. Thank you so much for your understanding and shared insights. More people need to read these comments.

Very brave @thethreehugs. You not only help others but also yourself.

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