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RE: My Personal Story of Sexual Abuse in My Family.. Introduction - How Different Would My Life have Been Had We Been Turned Over to CPS??

Thank you for your courage in posting this, and I have no doubt that you will find the courage to continue, and to tell the story you clearly need to tell.

Be blessed.


Aww thanks my dear! I appreciate that.

You're welcome!

I'm fortunate that I don't know anyone going through this at present, but I've known people who got caught up in similar situations in the past, and I know just how important your work is, and how vital it is to make the problem better known.

Take care,

I guess working at Juvy for 12 years helped a lot. I worked with a lot of victims that makes my story sound like a nursery rhyme. Working with people who are a lot worse off than you sure does a lot to get you off your own pity-train and helps you realize just how fortunate you were to escape the abuse. We cannot allow ourselves to be prisoners of our past!! Thank you so much for your encouragement and support. The next post is probably going to be the hardest as I still struggle with being able to forgive my uncle. He seems to be the center of the abuse.

Do what you can when you can. You'll make the post you need to make and it will help people. Of this I am certain.

One thing to keep in mind, and I know first hand that it isn't easy, is that abusers wouldn't be abusers if they themselves didn't have deep-seated pain from past trauma. This is not an excuse, nor does it exonerate them for their behavior, but it makes it possible to view them from a place of compassion, even if only momentarily at first, by realizing that truly, there but for the grace of God go I.

One of the most profound experiences I have ever had was the day I meditated on forgiveness toward my rapist. That incident sent my life into a downward spiral that it took me years to overcome, and true to form, I told no one, including my own family and friends. In fact, the first person I ever told was Marek, my husband, which if nothing else speaks of my level of trust in him as a person.

But when I chose to be willing to forgive the man and his act, I suddenly had a very clear impression that, while he appeared to be an adult male on the exterior, he was really a scared little kid on the inside. And I did feel compassion for him, for whatever in his life had sent him on that dark path, and prayed for his full healing, as well as my own.

And something lifted from me that day - I can't describe it, but what happened on that day long ago no longer holds any power over me, and that is a true blessing.

Thank you my friend! More people need to read this. Yes doing these post has healed wounds I didn't realize still needed healing. Thank you so much for your understanding and shared insights. More people need to read these comments.

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