[Roofs of the world: watercolor, pastel, markers] Part 7

in #elegance6 years ago

So I began my course on drawing the roofs of different cities in the world. The course is constructed in such a way that simultaneously lessons are given in three directions and on the same topic. I decided that I will sum up the method of comparing different techniques within a single topic. I will paint with watercolor, pastel and markers.
The first part is under the link:
[Roofs of the world: watercolor, pastel, markers] Part 1
[Roofs of the world: watercolor, pastel, markers] Part 2
[Roofs of the world: watercolor, pastel, markers] Part 3
[Roofs of the world: watercolor, pastel, markers] Part 4
[Roofs of the world: watercolor, pastel, markers] Part 5
[Roofs of the world: watercolor, pastel, markers] Part 6

Today I paint with a watercolor «Nevskaya palitra». I draw on Moulin du Roy. And from the very beginning I did not like the way the sky lay on paper (with some kind of pellets and stains) ... but after drying, the incomprehensible pigment spots disappeared ... so I do not understand what it was)) I usually draw on Saunders Waterford and there I do not watch that, but today I was too lazy to cut the roll into sheets, and the Moulin du Roy sheet was already ready for work!

I start to work with the sketch. I have a picture of the roof, but it's empty. The teacher allowed me to somehow revitalize her, so I will have two seagulls on the roof. Since the gulls are lighter than the sky, I will use a masking liquid - I cover the seagull with a masked liquid.

Now I turn to the sky and the sea. I turn the sheet 180 degrees and place the sheet at an angle to the table so that the water drips from the sheet. I can get a more beautiful gradient due to the fact that the water itself flows down. The sky will be lighter near the roofs and the sea. I use blue, cadmium lemon, ultramarine and cadmium orange. Before applying the paint to the paper, I wet the necessary area with clean water.

I add emerald paint to the palette and paint the sea on still wet paper. In those places where I have a belfry, I remove the excess paint with a damp synthetic brush.

Now I take cadmium orange, red, ultramarine, burnt sienna and changing the color periodically, I make prints with a brush on the shingles. I use a flat brush of different sizes.

I turn to the chimney. I make a shade based on natural sienna and yellow ocher. I add purple and ultramarine to the shade. In the shadow under the roof, I add the burnt sienna to the mixture. The same colors I use to draw a belfry. For the bells I take the emerald and plan them. I'll work on the shadows after this layer dries.

I breed all the same colors of watercolors and fill the roofs in the foreground. I wait for the paper to dry out a little and add the shingles. They spread a little, and it's wonderful. I add shadows to the belfry and under the roof.

Now I turn to the details and work out the chimney.

I work on seagulls. I use ultramarine and burnt sienna. In those places where the seagull has black plumage, I add a drop of neutral black paint. The main thing to remember that you can not make deaf black spots!

I return to the roof and continue to work through the details. I add some more paint to the roof tiles. I take the brush-liner and draw lines along which the shingles lie.

What struck me was the number of brushes I used in this work. This is a record for me, I usually draw the whole picture with 1-4 brushes. I will not say that I liked this moment, but it was very unusual to choose a brush for the size of the tile. And most of all I was pleased with the brush-liner. I have it in the kit for a long time, but I did not use it.

I like the piece on the left side of the sheet, but the right part is somehow empty ... May be I can sign the place where the photo was taken? What do you think?..

All my paintings can be bought for sbd/steem

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P.S. It is hard to write in English, because my native language is Russian. But I'm learning. If you notice serious errors in the text that interfere with the correct perception, please let me know about them.



Oh I love this :) great use of water colours and wonderfully painted. #steemitbloggers

What a lovely painting! Your lines are so cool. And how cute are those seagulls? Excellent work! 😃

Thank you)))


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