The Daily Whistle Stops, Issue #8. (1/5/18)

in #curation7 years ago (edited)



The Daily Whistle Stops is a curation post brought to you by @thesteemengine! This post features the best posts from our members selected by our master curator @enchantedspirit!

All of these posts were submitted in our Discord server's post-promotion channel, and have been hand picked to receive a full upvote from our group account! If you'd like to see your post featured here, simply submit it in The STEEM Engine Discord server! Not a member of The STEEM Engine initiative? Check out our intro post for more information about our group!


The Curator's Choices

Ok, first up we have some words from Our Revered Leader. @ethandsmith's podcast is just delightful. It's always nice to hear how people sound. It helps you get a more dimensional picture of who they are. I was impressed as could be with the professional job he did with his presentation. I think you will be, too. (And I didn't have to do any major suck-up work to be able to write all that!!)


The STEEM Engine Express Podcast:
Episode 1



@karencarrens is amazing. Her Bookmarkable series is a treasure house of information on all kinds of fancy things to do with your electronics. I'll probably never use most of it ... but then again I might. I had to be forced, kicking and screaming, to abandon writing with #1 pencils and turn to writing with my computer years ago. It was an aggravating learning experience, but now I can write practically as fast as I think. If you're an aspiring movie producer with a Smartphone ... this selection may be just what you're looking for today. You're welcome.


Bookmarkable Series:
How to Turn Your Videos into
Masterpieces Using Just Your
Smartphone [FREE]



Well, Duro woke up a couple of days ago, stepped into the pure joy of his own existence ... and wrote this exuberant post that will inspire you to choose happiness for yoursef. Treat yourself to his motivational speech ... and then Awaken To Life!!!


My Life's Journey
Found a message I left for myself
on Facebook in 2017 - Part 1



And here's another post to restore your faith in human goodness. We make a difference in our world one person, one passionate idea, one act of kindness and support at a time. If you ever wonder, What can I do to improve the world? -- the answer is never, Nothing.

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My Charitable Giving
Farewell A Dollar A Day, Hello Pennsif's Pot



Steemit has problems. We can all agree it does, and it probably always will. Life itself is about finding and solving problems. So here's an idea solution from @ironshield for one we all face. It may not be the answer, but it's a starting point. Sometimes ... that itself is a gift!

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My Idea for Paid-For Whale Curation


And if you're going to survive long-term in Steemit, you need to understand how it works ... and to some extent, learn to "play the game." Here is some advice for doing that based on real life experiences we've all shared. @littlenewthings has something to say ... and you may need to hear.

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Survive in Steemit long term


In every controversial story, there are always at least three sides -- the offended's version, the offender's version ... and the objective truth. That said, let me warn you we are about to step into really deep water here. I have some issues with minor parts of this story -- just as a reader. "About five minutes" seems a little short to me for someone to notice kids left alone in a running vehicle, call the police and the police to actually show up. I'm thinking more like fifteen minutes ... maybe twenty. We know how easily you can lose track of time.

However, the rest of the story as it unfolds here -- assuming it is anywhere close to accurate -- is outrageous and disturbing. I am hearing more and more stories like this about unconscionable government intrusion into the lives of citizens conducting their own peaceful lives and minding their own damn business.

I never thought I would hear about such routine abuse in this country, but then a while back I never would have believed an airline passenger, sitting quietly in a seat he had paid for would be dragged bodily down the aisle and thrown off the airplane because he (lawfully) refused to surrender his seat to some airline employee that needed to make his connection to another flight. (This actually happened, was caught on video, and it was dealt with accordingly.)

In the interests of full disclosure, let me say I classify myself politically as an "independent progressive." I lean left far more often than not, but that "independent" part can also mean my opinions swing all over the map. Simply as a rational and concerned human being I can say this kind of governmental over-reach is intolerable. Too many people whose judgment I trust and whose opinions I respect are saying this is a problem -- one that needs attention now.

When one person's rights and liberties are trampled without consequences, none of us is safe. Our government, IMO, needs a serious course correction, top to bottom. People need to know their rights ... and maybe have a lawyer they can phone immediately in case of a problem. This is a terrible thing to say, but "the police" are no longer there to "protect your rights." This is something else that needs to change. Read this story and come to your own conclusions. At least be aware of this festering concern. Silence is no longer an option.

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When a Knock at the Door Becomes a Nightmare
Young Children Strip Searched by a CPS Investigator
in front of a Male Deputy



As a mystic, I have learned that Life will often underline a lesson. The inclusion of the following post in the same batch, on the same day as the one I just wrote about feels like exactly that to me. It speaks to the same issue ... and the growing distrust and fear people have from their neighbors' behavior and "the authority's" response. This is not a good situation in any possible way. (What gives other people the right to act like this?) @lturner writes eloquently from personal experience. It, too, is a story that needs to be told.


The Day The Truant Officer Knocked


Ok, we're back on safer ground. And this is really interesting. (I love astronomy!) Here's a little snack for you science-y types. Maybe it will inspire you to dive into more of your own research. What else do you have to do with the day?

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Amazing & Weird Exoplanets #2


Oh, wow. Cooking techniques. Now we're talking!! I love cooking. (I even considered attending professional training in that once.) The Weasel ... yep, old @catweasel ... bought me an electric crock-pot pressure cooker for Christmas. At least it's more "elegant" than a vacuum cleaner. Or a car-to-house battery recharger.

(If you hang around, you'll soon notice a strong connection between that man and anything to do with food ... eating, recipes, preparation, appliances, etc. He helps with the "eating" part. Everything else is my job.) I'll have to look further into this.

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Modern culinary techniques,
in my way: Sous Vide



Ok, @dreamingirwin, I won't underestimate Bitshares. Don't understand much about them either, but this article helps. I put it here in case our readers, too, might learn something new. I have seen the future. It is funded by crypto.


Don't underestimate Bitshares


Ok ... and finally, I know no issue of The Daily Whistle Stops would be complete without a few well-chosen words from Steemit's own answer to Andy Rooney. Today, ol' Mr. @sultnpapper is muttering ominously about winter weather, Steem, The Steem Engine and the whale who lives under his roof. Read the article. You'll see what I mean.


Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 1/4/18
Global warming warning ... STEEM is hot



The author of this list of curated posts by members of The STEEM Engine is @enchantedspirit whose mostly metaphysical writing can be found on her own blog.





Thank you guys for adding my post to the curation post. @enchantedspirit had done it jet with amazing commentary. I got to say this. It would not be the same without her. Plus, I believe her commentary on my post was the nicest comment I received from her so far. I almost teared up... I kid you not.. 6.7ft Croatian tearing

I love this group and where it is heading. We may just begun but we are making long strides. Proud of all. :)

I kid you not.. 6.7ft Croatian tearing up.

I'd have paid good money to see that. I'll see if I can do it again in the future. Have one of those AMAZING DAYS you're always wishing for other people. We love you bunches, @awakentolife

Maybe next time I will post a picture with my comment. lol Recently my every day is like this. I worked of it and it paid off big time. Now I only want to do the same for other people. Sharing is caring :)


"Now we're talking!! I love cooking." It's true. @enchantedspirit loves to cook. And I love to eat. It's a match made in Heaven.

Trust me, I'm a doctor.


You've done a superb job on your article commentary, @thesteemengine! I've resteemed and upvoted this great Issue.

great work!! Happy to upvote and follow..and thanks for upvoting me!

Happy to be included! And my wife @lturner also! Thanks much! @ironshield

What a lovely introduction. Pressure cookers are also magical, @catweasel sure knows very well what he does to give you that hahaha. Thanks for the mention! :)

Thank you again @thesteemengine for featuring my post in this daily curation trail! I agree that silence is no longer an option and voices need to be heard, the truth needs to ring free. @lturner and I noticed we were writing for the same cause at the same time. I am so glad these stories are coming to the light so families can be aware and know how to prepare.

I am really honoured and excited to receive the great Gina Bot notification and saw the notification was about this post!

Most of the articles here are superb but the strongest highlighted post is the one you have pin-pointed about the abuse by authorities towards civilians.

Children stripped in front of a male deputy??? What have this country become?

I could still remember in my younger days that this once magnificent country used to speak against such tyranny on other war torn, 3rd world country.


Great! I caught most of these at their publication time! You've put together a great group today! You do a most excellent job and we are thankful for it. :)

Thank for including my charity giving post.

Another most excellent set of posts in this edition.

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