When a Knock at the Door Becomes a Nightmare...Young Children Strip Searched by a CPS Investigator in front of a Male DeputysteemCreated with Sketch.

in #familyprotection7 years ago (edited)



Imagine your daughter being dragged upstairs by a stranger and being questioned privately in her room with the door closed without your permission. Imagine your children being stripped searched and having their bodies checked in front of a male officer. Imagine a stranger pulling down your son’s pants right in front of you to check his private parts. All of these events happened in one home during one visit from a CPS Investigator. How would you handle this? What would you do? How will your kids ever feel safe in their home again? How will they gain trust in you again to protect them?

This is the story of Holly Curry and her family. She is a homeschool mom of six residing in Kentucky. It all started with one mistake she made while out with her children. As they were on their way to karate lessons she decided to stop at a cafe to get her kids some muffins. She left them in the van with the doors locked and air running for about five minutes. When she returned to the van there were two police officers waiting for her. They briefly talked with her about leaving the kids in the locked van but didn’t charge her with a crime. They did inform her they would have to file a child abuse report and that the Kentucky Department of Human Based Services would be sending an investigator to her home.

Now I for one would never leave my children alone in the van while I run into an establishment. It only takes a minute for something to happen and you just can’t take any chances with how the world behaves. However I wouldn’t come out and say a parent is abusing their children if they decide to do this. The officers did see she left the air vents running on a Spring day and was in and out quickly with food for her kids. That doesn’t spell out abuse to me it just says she needs to rethink leaving her kids by themselves in a running vehicle.



The next morning as she was homeschooling her children, she was greeted with a loud knock at the door. Yes, it was the CPS investigator named Jeanetta Childress. Without stating her name, showing credentials or a warrant she insisted she needed to come in and see the children immediately. When Holly refused to let her in she told her she’d be back with a police officer. A few hours later she showed up with a male deputy and no search warrant.

Holly told the officials that without a warrant she would not grant them permission to enter her home. But both the investigator and the deputy threatened to take custody of her children if she did not let them in. By them using this scare tactic, Holly wasn’t for sure if they really had the power to seize her children. So to keep this from happening she lets them in. That’s when all hell broke loose and the Curry family’s lives were changed forever.



As soon as she entered, Investigator Childress grabbed Holly’s oldest daughter and dragged her upstairs to interrogate her privately without Holly’s permission. Then when finished she brings her daughter back downstairs and insists she had to “take a look at the kids now”. She wanted to strip search all six of her children to check for bruises. Three of her children are girls, remember there is a male deputy present who sees all of this. She first rips the youngest child from Holly’s lap and removes her diaper to check her body. She then proceeded to conduct an intrusive strip search on all of her children.

When the investigator asked Holly’s son to take off his shirt and shorts he looks at his mother to see if that was okay. He had been trained by his parents that it is not okay for someone to undress him or ask to see his private parts without permission. When the investigator sees the boy looking at his mother for approval, she jumps in between them and tells the boy “show the cop your muscles”. As he’s doing this she pulls down his pants and checks the front and back of his underwear.


Can you imagine something like this happening to your family. A stranger comes in your home and violates your rights and privacy. She damaged the feeling of safety and security that those children had in their own home. She broke the trust and confidence that those children had in their mother to keep them safe. They will never be the same, nor will they ever forget being violated in such a manner in front of a male deputy as he stands and lets this happen.

When I first read this I was so infuriated and heart broken. I have four young children that I homeschool and they feel safe and secure in our home. They trust that mommy and daddy will do whatever we need to do to protect them. We have learned from reading the stories and accounts under the @familyprotection tag that no matter what DO NOT LET THEM ENTER YOUR HOME!!!! No matter how many scare tactics they use to get in DON’T GIVE IN UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE!!! If they try to come in with force, my husband and I are prepared to give force right back to them. I know it sounds risky but I also know if they take our children we may NEVER see them again. That’s the mind frame we have to have as parents. If your kids leave your sight with these people, that could be the last time you EVER see them or it could be the last time they will be as though they were. We have heard the stories about how these children grow up into fearful adults that have nightmares. We have seen how they brainwash them and they are never the same.

The HSLDA is suing investigator Childress and the deputy that assisted her in federal court for violating the Curry’s Fourth and Fourteenth Amendment Rights. I hope justice is served for this family because that investigator did way more damage than any good to those precious children. What she did was illegal and unnecessary. She came searching for a reason to take their children away and in the process she violated each one of them. Here is Holly telling her story...When a knock at the door becomes a nightmare...

So now we see how far they will go to disrupt family’s lives, ruin the trust and confidence in a loving home and try to take your children. I cringe when people say “the government is for you, they can’t do you any harm.” People need to wake up on the other side and realize this is real life and real people are suffering by their actions. The government has so many people fooled by starting up all of these welfare programs and support programs. They want you to think they are for you and care about you but really all it is is a disguise. All they are doing is getting access to your life and your personal information that they can use against you at their will. We don’t apply for nor accept any type of assistance from them. No thank you we don’t want it!

Let’s support family and the protection of our children. I strongly recommend you follow @familyprotection and get familiar with these cases so you will know WHAT and WHAT NOT to do should you ever find yourself in a similar situation. We are building up this account to help spread awareness and to support those families in need by helping them financially and showing them they are not alone. Any donations you willingly give are greatly appreciated. We have been informed by Mark @markwhittam that he and Linda @canadian-coconut are already working with a family in need. You can follow @familyprotection to stay informed.

Normally I like to take my own photos using my own family and post pictures that fit what I am writing about. However from now on when dealing with these types of subjects I will take the lead of others to protect the identity of my family. I will only be using photos pulled from online.





This post has been Resteemed and Upvoted by @familyprotection

Governments around the world,
are using "Child Protection Agencies"
to take children away from loving families
and place them in foster care or group homes
or put up for adoption.

Thank-you @crosheille for supporting @familyprotection

I am so glad to be able to support such a cause and to help bring awareness to what is going on. Families need to know to be prepared. Families like the Curry’s need our support.

Another example of abusive behavior from CPS. I hope this woman gets punished, although I very much doubt it. These people operate above the law.

I really hope she gets punished as well. But as you stated these people do operate above the law and that is a very scary truth. To know the things they can get away with is very disturbing. Whether she gets punished or not her job is already done, the confidence and trust in this family has been damaged.

These poor children have been sexually abused by the CPS investigator, as well as the Police Officer. Worse, this abuse was conducted under color of law, and I hope the kids are able to cope with this without needing special counseling. That counseling can often be cover for further attacks on the family, and I would strongly encourage this family to commence investigating strategies to improve their defenses against institutional assault.

That being said, the mother repeatedly underestimated the danger she and her family were in.

I strongly urge folks homeschooling, or facing the myriad assaults such agencies might launch, to not make similar mistakes.

If CPS comes to your door, and you send them away 'to get a warrant', you better get legal counsel involved right then. When they come back, it is too late to seek counsel, and having failed to seek counsel, the mother was able to be manipulated due to her ignorance of her lawful obligations and rights. One protection would have been to digitally record the assault. Posting a notice that video and audio recordings are made on the premises is advisable, although local regulations vary, and the advice of legal counsel is required to negotiate regulatory landscapes.

Just having the notice posted might have prevented this abuse from occurring.

None of this excuses the assault on this family by Orwellian governmental agencies.

If you're trying to prevent your kids from being indoctrinated by globalists by homeschooling, or just intent on doing your own indoctrinating (which is perfectly within your rights, regardless of whether I agree with your views or not), you should be proactive about preparing to protect your family against further assaults by a system that is intent on injecting your kids into their indoctrination program.

Deflecting the initial incorporation of your kids into the system is not the only thing you will need to do to protect your family. Be prepared in advance for subsequent attacks on your family, or you will fail to meet them with optimal strategies.


Amen. And one reason my husband and I keep reading these no matter how painful is to make wise actions like you've suggested second-nature if we are ever in such a terrible situation.

Yes absolutely! We have to be ready to make wise actions!

This definitely was a form of sexual abuse and shame on the deputy for allowing it to go that far.

I agree that homeschool and unschooled families need to be extra cautious and on our toes because they are always looking for reasons to “acuse” us of some type of abuse. This is why @familyprotection is such an important cause to support and helping to bring awareness.

I really like the idea about the video notice. We personally are looking into getting a security surveillance outside of our home. You can never be too prepared.

A big step on being proactive is learning your rights and learning what these people don’t have the right to do. I think a lot of people fall victim to these types of abuse because they just don’t know what rights they have. If we can get past the scare tactics they use and hold our ground I would think they wouldn’t push as much. But then again they are known for going to extreme measures to get their way.

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This post has been upvoted and resteemed by @thethreehugs

What a terrible and horrifying story. I can only imagine how I would react were I put into the same position. Those poor children. One can only hope that they have not been scarred by this and that they do not hold it against their mother. My heart also goes out to that poor mother. I can only imagine her inner turmoil and potential guilt she must feel, fearing that her children will not forgive her, even though it was not really her fault. Put in her shoes, I know it would tear me up inside.

One can only hope that justice is upheld in this case and that the CPS agent and the officer are punished to the fullest extent of the law. We cannot have rogue agents going about and hurting those they are supposed to protect. May this be a step on the path to shutting down these kinds of actions for good.

I so agree! It’s sad that she was put in a situation where she couldn’t really protect her children from such violation. I pray too they know it was not her fault and I hope this doesn’t damage their relationship.

I hope justice is served as well because it would send a message to these services that they will not get away with injustices like this. They are out of control and their tactics need to be shut down. Thank you so much for commenting.

I am totally at a loss for words what a shocking and horrifying story and experience for Holly and her children, to be that is an abuse of power and totally unwarranted

Yes JJ it is very horrifying that this type of abuse actually happens. It’s seems that’s what these “services” do best, is to abuse their power. It’s very heart breaking.

Heart breaking indeed and so shocking I kljust hope that things can change and improve

We can but hope and pray

Thank you for bearing witness to these crimes by the State!!!

Absolutely @lyndsaybowes! The more they come to surface the more families will be prepared to defend themselves and know their rights.

These stories are always painful to hear. I had to turn the video off because I put myself in the shoes of the victims and it get's personal. Thank you for continuing to post information like this, to get the word out. This will be exposed someday and they already are. @ironshield

I feel the same way @ironshield. As I was watching her video I kept seeing my children go through it and it was so painful. The more we get the word out the more families will be equipped to fight against these injustices.

My blood about boiled when I read this story in HSLDA's newsletter. If there's anything I've learned over my life as a homeschooled kid, it's to not EVER let anyone in without a warrant, no matter what they threaten. And in the few hours between when someone leaves and comes back, it's wise to not only be not home, but to have a lawyer waiting.

I'm so paranoid when we go out in public. Leaving the kids in the car is definitely a no-no, no matter how reasonable it should be to do so. I remember one time my husband brought the car up to the front of the store to pick me up, left it running and walked about fifteen feet to the door to help me with the shopping cart while our baby was strapped in her car seat inside. Some busybody stopped to tell us off about how dangerous it was for us to have left the baby in the car. We were right there the whole time!

That is very wise advice @lturner! Try not to be home when they return and have your legal counsel ready.

Yes I would never leave the kids in the car alone, it’s too dangerous and risky all in one. In your case you both were right there by the car, I could see if your husband went way in the store to come get you. There is always someone watching and some will be bold enough to state their opinion.

Thank you for commenting and sharing your advice.

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