My Life's Journey - Found a message I left for myself on Facebook in 2017 - Part 1- HappinesssteemCreated with Sketch.

in #blog7 years ago (edited)


A message an old me left for me in 2017

Just the other day I was looking through my facebook feed because of my friends on there usually post some interesting stuff to learn about. Plus there are always some funny video or stories to read. Not sure why, but somehow I ended up in ON THIS DAY section on facebook. Basically facebook lets you look at what you posted on this very same day, but in the past. And, the first post in there was the message I left for myself in 2017 just after New Year celebration.

"I think at some point all of us have to ask ourselves what is the point of life? What AM I doing here and what is my life purpose? If anything in 2017 I will search for those answers. I will find out more about ME.I believe if we don't find OURSELVES, we can't help others find themselves also. After a certain age I believe most of us think and pretend to know what that purpose is, but in reality, we are lost and confused like most around us."
Reminder to myself

I know what you must be thinking? I was way smarter back then. lol I am not sure why but I believe somehow I had to read that message again. Because for the entire 2017 I truly was on the adventure of discovery about myself, life, and a purpose I am here. And, it has been most liberating, an eye-opening journey of my life. I discovered much about myself, life, and my purpose here.

Learning about MYSELF- HAPPINESS

The most revealing were the things I learned about my myself. I learned that no matter what is happening in my life I have the control of my happiness. The only way I can be unhappy if I CHOOSE to be unhappy. Other peoples actions always tell everything about them, not me. I CHOOSE not to let other people make me UNHAPPY. And, it was the best decision I ever made in my life.

That was not the case throughout my life. I always took things to my heart and it would affect me. I am an emphatic person. That is who I am. But, I have learned to listen to the individuals trying to make me UNHAPPY, analyze what they are saying and what the true purpose of their words is. If I decide they only have the intent to "steal" my happiness I just let them pass through and out of my body. It was not strong mentally as I am today. Before I would let their words tear me up inside, drain my energy, and make me UNHAPPY. And it was my fault. I let them do this to me, but not anymore.


Now I literally analyze their words and sing Bob Marley,Don't worry, be Happy song in my head. lol Nothing bad they say or do will ever again make me feel bad the entire day. I CHOOSE not to let them bring me down. Keep your negative emotions, thoughts, and actions for yourself. Not WELCOME HERE. So many times my body would be filled others peoples thoughts and in the end their draining energy. For the past year, those kinds of thoughts did not pay rent to live in my body. I went to MY SOUL COURT and the LAW I MADE UP decided they are evicted from entering my body FOREVER. No appeals POSSIBLE. lol Everybody should have their own SOUL COURT. And, you should be the only JUDGE and the LAW. And there is only one LAW:

I will not let you disturb my PEACE, I will not let you make me UNHAPPY, only LOVE and HAPPINESS is welcome in my SOUL.

That is my personal LAW, but guys make your own. Get creative, protect your soul and your HAPPINESS. Like everything in life, my amazing friend's, HAPPINESS is practiced every single day of your life. It does not just show up at your door one day. YOU work for it and YOU protect it every SINGLE day.


How to practice HAPPINESS?

Practice HAPPINESS...Wait, what? You are probably asking yourself the same question I been asking myself when I first heard of it. How in the heck am I going to practice happiness? This crazy Croatian has finally lost it. lol Maybe you are correct, but maybe some of the stuff I say will make sense to you.

How to practice happiness? It is as simple as practicing to become a better basketball player. You simply practice it every day. In everything you do, there is something to be happy about. Let me give an example. Even until this year guys I hated to practice. Even after 15 years of my basketball career. I would get tired, and my body hurt. Who needs it really? Don't get me wrong I would practice hard every day, but was I happy doing 2 times a day almost every day. No, I was not. All I wanted was to play games on the weekend. Skip the practice and let the games come. O how wrong was I? Incredibly wrong.

I had a wrong mindset. My mindset about practice should off be about the opportunity I get today to get better so I can perform at those games on weekends to the best of my ability. I should off not been thinking about how hard this practice is, or how my body would hurt. It should off been about how when that beautiful basketball game comes on Sunday I have done everything in my power to get me ready to perform to the best of my ability. You see I focused on the negative side instead of a positive, and for those practices, I was not happy. I can admit that to myself now. Let me tell you this. For the past year, my mindset changed, I am the happiest guy in practice out there. The only thing in my mind in practice is how I am getting better. And, that makes me happy to practice no matter how hard or how much my body will hurt after.

Let me give you another simple example. Until about two months ago I did not like making my bed after I wake up in the morning. Now I make it with a smile every single morning I get up. Why? Because all the thought in my had is this? O man when I come back from practice my bed will be so nicely folded and ready for me jump and in it and rest after hard practice. Like jumping in the beautiful Adriatic sea in Croatia for summer. That is actually what I think of. I kid you not. lol

You see happiness is all about finding something to be happy about in the things you don't like to do usually. All of you know this song so let's all sing along.

Always look on the bright side of a life. Tu du tu du.. lol

This song is carrying a simple, but powerful message inside.It is really never about how hard it is, but rather it is about our mindset about it no matter what we do in life. And, I can tell you one thing for sure. You can ALWAYS find something to be HAPPY about. If you can't find happiness right now, in little things, you will have a hard time finding it later as well. I know that because I was that person not so long ago. Taking things for granted, not making my bed, not liking practices, and that is not the way to HAPPINESS. Our happiness lies inside us, and only we can make ourselves happy. It lies hidden in the way we perceive the world around us. And you know what is the greatest thing of my amazing Steemians?


We hold the "KEYS" to our happiness.

You hold the "KEYS" to your happiness. You hold ALL the power to your HAPPINESS. *** When we were kids all we needed was a puddle of water to jump in to be happy. We just jumped in, and we didn't think about how we are going to get wet. But rather we only thought about the fun and happy part of it. I think as adults we forget how to do this. Some will say you have to grow up. Growing up has nothing to do with forgetting how to be happy with little, simple things in life. And, remembering how to do this as an adult is a key to happier life. But, in order to find it you have to look for it, and practice it every day.

Practice happiness every day, in everything you do. Because everything in life gets easier with practice. Soon you will train your mind to automatically find it. You will train it to like "practice" and like making your own bed. I will finish my first part of this post with my original quote:

"It is never about the situation around us, but rather it is ALWAYS about the situation inside of us."

I truly hope you guys enjoyed reading. I tried to keep it short and trust me I was trying, but the more I tried to keep it short, the more the words came flying out of me. I had a lot to share. In my mind, I did make it as short as possible. To you who have made it all the way to end, I hope you find some lessons you can apply in your life. We do control the keys to our happiness and it is the greatest realization I came to in 2017 in my entire life. You, me, we are way more powerful than we ever give ourselfs credit for. Believe me, WE ARE.

In the second part of this post, I will be talking about how HAPPINESS plays in my search for my purpose in this life.

Thank you for reading, much love,

dbjegovic 💓💓

"Always remember that you hold the KEYS."

P.S. If you have not heard about the new amazing discord group called The Steem Engine you should definitely take a look. Amazing group of people helping each other become better Steemians and succeed on Steemit. Plus, of course, have some fun doing it.Take a look, maybe joining this success train will be one of the best decisions you made in 2018. :)



@awakentolife, my wonderful friend, you are hands-down the most positive person I know. Your simple presence -- even on the internet -- is inspiring. There is no way not to be revived by you. You remind me every day that life is a gift, an amazing experience as unique as we are ... and that what we make of it depends on our attitudes and actions.

I can only imagine what you are like in person. It is no surprise to me at all that you are 6' 7". Someone so full of your positive splendor simply has to walk the earth a little taller than most. Keep writing. Keep posting. Most of all, keep being yourself. The world needs what you bring to it. It always will. No amount of darkness can stifle even a tiny light. Keep shining and sharing your authenticity. You are the light. You are the light.

This excellent post was included in our new curation effort The Magnificent Seven -- a collaborative work by @enchantedspirit and @catweasel. You have received a 100% upvote from each of us to show our appreciation for your post. To see your creation showcased here ... and the fine company you keep ... please visit this link.

The Magnificent Seven

We appreciate your support both for our work on this project and for the other creators of exceptional content who make it all possible. (Follow @catweasel to catch our future Magnificent Seven posts. He's really not as annoying as you might think. <--- He always makes me say that.)

Are you trying to make me cry or what? Lol I think you heard me last time when I said ALMOST tearing up.. So you just went and gave it another shot. And OMG you tried and succeeded this time. Well, maybe not literally, but hands down this is THE best comments-compliment I have got in my life. YOU MADE MY DAY. Heck probably a year not only a day.

You are a truly amazing person. And meeting you on Steemit was the best reward I got. No Steem or SBD can do this. Not even close to saying close. Every day I think you can't top how you make me laugh sometimes, but here you are surprising me almost every day. And, to do so it takes a same positive, inspiring, and down the earth person, you amazingly are.

You never know one day 2 tickets with destination Croatia might show up at your door to come visit me, so we can fix your vision of Croatia. lol And, yes @catweasel is coming too. NO ARGUING. lol

Enjoyed meeting you, enjoyed every day since then, looking forward to what to enjoy in the future. :) @enchantedspirit. :) 💓💓

You discovered Steemit too! :)
Sometimes I found my old posts 5-6 years back...crazy times haha

I did that too. :)

Without Steemit I would not have the place to get all this of my mind and share it with you guys. So very thankful and happy I was introduced to this amazing platform. :)

Thank you for reading. I hope you enjoyed it. Have an amazing day. :)

Wow wow wow bro!. i too started my journey in the very beginning of 2017 to be happy and to follow my dreams and it has been an amazing ride for me as well. I too have found happiness and try to share my experience through inspirational posts like this one..
Im so glad i got to read ur story and i am so happy you found happiness my friend!
You have a new follower ;) take care bro.

The greatest thing of all is that it is NEVER TOO LATE TO START. Don't you love that about life? :)

I believe once we decide to go on this kind of journey which starts in our heart things will always get better for us. And, you will be taken for the amazing ride of self-discovery.

I am glad I got to share this story with everybody. I hope it is inspirational enough to make people want to do the same. Thank you for reading and looking forward to your life's stories as you have a new follower as well. :)

Have an amazing day, my new friend :)

Happy or not happy... Yes, indeed it is our choice to make. So since we can choose, why not choose to be happy. I know choosing to be unhappy may sound "stupid" when we put it this way, but many of us (including myself) have made this choice before. It is a learning process which everyone of us can master it. So let's all learn to choose to be happy and be happy always!

That is a really good question, Eliza? Why aren't we all choosing to be happy? I asked myself why it took so long for me to CHOOSE it. I believe I just did not know how to be HAPPY. Glad I got on this journey of self-discovery and broke some barriers I put up myself.

I always had the KEYS, but did not know how to unlock the door. I believe many people are struggling with this today and I hope this post can help them learn how to open the doors for themselves. :)

Thank you for a great comment. Always love to see them on my posts. Have an amazing day. :)

We always have the keys. Just that we don't have the manuals and instructions. That's why we need to learn and go through the process of finding ourselves.
Have a great day to you too!

I could not agree with you more. All have to go through the process of self-discovery in our own little special way. :)

Hi, Duro! You know I am so glad to see you back and spreading your words all over steemit.

Happiness is a choice and I did laugh about the bed. I must have a nicely made bed or i cannot crawl into it. It just feels wrong!

I choose to be happy. I work on it. Yes, there are days it doesn't come easy, but, it also take more energy for me to be miserable =, so I choose the happy.

Keep on pushing this forward! We love hearing you!

Thank you, my amazing friend, for always leaving such a great and supporting comment. I truly do appreciate it. :)

I just feel so much better to jump into a freshly made bed. Like I said it is like jumping into the beautiful ocean.. hehe :)

There are some days it is not easy, but the more we practice the easier it gets. We train our mind to look for it every single day. I am glad you are chasing it every day. I want you to have that perfect smile in your profile picture every day. :)

I will do my best to not fall off again, and stay active for good from now on. And, with you guys, it makes it much easier. :) @dswigle

Congratulations! This post has been chosen as one of the daily Whistle Stops for The STEEM Engine!

You can see your post's place along the track here: The Daily Whistle Stops, Issue #8 (1/5/18)

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Great post, thank you!

For me, mindfulness practice and meditation are very effective ways to practice happiness. There is this amazing quote by Albert Einstein, that comes to my mind. I believe it relates so well to the described effort to carry out even disliked tasks in life with a positive mindset:

“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”

I absolutely loved this quote from Einstein. He sure does have some great quotes and this one is amazing. Thank you for sharing it with me.

I am incredible believe in meditation and I Have been practicing it every day. I actually have a teacher leading me through this form of Tibetian meditation. It has I am sure played a big part of my happiness today. The feeling of calmness after the meditation is indescribable. You have to feel it to understand it yourself. :)

Thank you for one amazing comment. Have the best day ever. :)

A daily meditation practice works wonder for my wellbeing, energy level and creativity. I haven't experimented with many different methods though, definitely something I want to explore a little deeper this year ;)

Thank you so much - I wish you the same!

You are absolutely right Durko...........another great essay. Enjoyed reading it very much XOXO

The only thing that is depressing me now is winter............ I don't know how I will survive until May, lol. The plan is, that by January 2019 I have enough money to go live in warmer climate for the whole winter, lol.

Thank you. I am glad you agree and always leave such a supportive comment on my posts. :) Love it. :)

Winter can be depressing unless you learn how to play in the snow. If you have a fireplace just keep the warm thought in your head every time you get out in the cold. If that doesn't work just move to Hawai. :P lol

Where would you like to move if you had enough money right now? :)

I am actually not cold, when I am inside. I just miss summer, the flowers, bees, trees and water. Going with our twins to waterpark and take photos of nature everywhere. I do take photos at wintertime too, but my fingers get frozen and last time my camera fell int he snow. Luckily it's okay now. It fried pretty fast.

If I have money, I would most likely go to some yoga retreat in Costa Rica. My daughter with the twins and my son in law just went to Cuba yesterday. even that wold be nice. Although they went only for week. I believe next year will be better and I go anywhere I want. This is an example of yoga reatreets:

Great to see your life's journey back on your blog. I think having a great mindset can be the key to influencing your everyday actions. I'm glad you're enjoying going to practice even more now!

I'll definitely be considering these thoughts as I start the new year! Thank you so much for including a link to @thesteemengine. We're definitely glad to have you and I look forward to seeing more of your great posts in our group!

Thank you, my Steem Engine brother.I am glad I am back and getting some stuff out of my head and into some of my posts.

Thank you for reading. I hope it was an interesting to read as it was a bit of a long post? But like I said I just had a lot to say. lol

Thank you for a great comment. Have an amazing day. :)

I agree. Happiness is determined by our own outlook. Often. We can be the authors of our own happiness or our own despair.

I could not agree more, my friend. We truly are authors of our happiness. :)

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