Don't underestimate Bitshares

in #cryptocurrencies7 years ago (edited)

I've been learning about cryptocurrencies for about a year now, yet I did not actually invest in them until a few weeks before Thanksgiving. Luckily I was blessed with great association, and I made some really decent choices in where I invested. The overall experience has been a wonderful learning curve in my life. Though making good choices can be a great reinforcer to what you're learning. Mistakes or oversights can sometimes be even better teachers, with exponentially greater learning benefits. In this post I am sharing one of those oversights that I learned a lot from.

I joined the Whaleshares Community a while back, it was a great decision. While interacting with this community I've met plenty of wonderful people like @krazykrista, @freedomexist, and so many others. It was through this community that I first encountered the bitshares trading ledger. It took me a while to become accustomed to using the platform, but soon I realized it was simple and very useful. My initial purpose for the bitshares platform was to acquire the Whaleshares token. Which is an incredibly useful token given away as prizes among the whaleshares community. This was how I initially learned about The bitshares Ledger. More information you can visit:

I've been using the platform for months, and maneuvering the site has become second nature. Yet despite the amount of time on the platform. I'm afraid I never gave it the credit it deserved. It has only been recently, that I have begun to see the full potential behind this Ledger. It is my understanding that Bitshares was one of the first trading ledgers of its kind.


Bitshares was the first blockchain created by Dan Larimer, who also designed the Steemit blockchain. Which says a lot in my opinion. Bitshares can be purchased through @blocktrades along with a few others places. The transaction speeds with @blocktrades is actually pretty impressive.

When I first started using bitshares, their market price was .13 usd, hence my oversight. I've used the bitshares ledger to acquire other cryptocurrencies like Litecoin, EOS, OMG, and several other tokens.


I am, however, sad to say it never occurred to me to buy some bitshares as an investment. Even though I saw what it was capable of, and absolutely appreciated what I can do with it. The idea of buying some bitshares to save never occurred to me. I think it's mainly because I'm always using them to acquire other things that I want. Yet recently I was trying to score some sweet deal's on a few coins I wanted, and I purchased bitshares to acquire them. That is when I noticed the price have gone up to .88 usd.


"Human nature is amazing", I always say. How it never occurred to me to invest into it, I'm still trying to figure it out. Even after following the discussions held by Beyond Bitcoin, and hearing all the great information shared in those discussions. It still never occurred to me. That's human nature for you.

I highly recommend checking out the beyond bitcoin project. I follow their YouTube channel, and their insight is priceless. The discussions are usually hosted by
One If his current post: BeyondBitcoin Tweet-Off > #Tokens4Tweets Challenge | Cross-Chain Synergy Art Challenge #1 | Share Your Twitter Voice for WHALESHAREs!

One Of his current post: ["Save the Kittens" MEME Challenge Beyondbit Prizes Inside

Here's a YouTube video of their last bitshares talk:

The bitshares platform is highly underrated in my opinion. It is such an amazing tool. It offers so many different possibilities that work in conjunction with the steemit platform and it's community. Not only is it a great platform to purchase tokens, that can be used to boost your post on steemit. The Ledger can also be used to access many different currency markets like bitshares to open.litecoin market or the bit.usd to Open.Eos market.


Access to those markets offers many opportunities , but I recently found out something about bitshares that really solidified my appreciation of it.

The bitshares Ledger offers the ability to create tokens. Though I'm not in a position yet to be in need of that option. It is my understanding that the process is relatively easy. From listening to the Beyond Bitcoin discussions, it seems to me that the bitshares ledger is a great alternative to using the ethereum platform. I recently started using ethereum Delta. Though I appreciate its usefulness, I've also begun to realize how long it takes to acquire tokens. In my opinion the bitshares platform is faster and easier to use. This makes it a great alternative for anyone starting a new ICO. This option to create tokens easier, in less time, and on a quicker platform is the reason I believe bitshares is highly underrated. As more ICO's discover this option, I believe the true value of bitshares will become apparent.

Of course I'm not giving investment advice, nor do I pretend to be qualified to do so. I'm just a simple person who has found the bitshares platform to be very useful, and from listening to people who have much more experience than I. It seems apparent to me that bitshares has some serious hidden potential, and it's absolutely worth doing some research on.

Here's a few post great post on Bitshares. I found while finishing this post.

There is so much information in this following post. So many articles shared in this post. Absolute must read

  1. By: @steempower
    Bitshares - State of the Network - 2nd January 2018

Anther super sweet post.
Stan Larimer on the State of Cryptos Today

Thank you for sharing with me.
God Bless. :)


Bitshares was the first decentralized exchange and I love that it has a proven track record. I've only used Ether Delta a couple of times but it was so much harder to get the hang of which really made me realize how epic Bitshares DEX is. Go Bitshares!

The hardest part about saving bitshares, is that I end up using them to buy other things. There's always sweet deals on bitshares.

Muy bueno su post, yo también tarde un poco en invertir en criptomonedas, pero una vez que lo hice se me abrieron muy buenas oportunidades y pude multiplicar mi inversión, mucho éxito y siempre para adelante.

Gracias. Me alegro que igual te fue bien. Todos los postados que recomende en este articulo son buenisimo. Vale la pena cojer un segundo y verlos todos. Te deseo mucho exito.

It is hilarious that it was just a useful tool and not something to invest in... sometimes the obvious can escape us. I think 'useful tools' are really the best thing to invest in... you likely would agree.

If you were using Bitshares to buy EOS... you are likely doing ok. I sold my EOS and held my Bitshares... so... you win some... you lose some.

FYI - Bitshares was created by Dan... Stan is Dan's dad who is currently in charge of the Bitshares operation.

Well. I think from the promotions they're are doing. It'll be interesting to see the price in a few months. :)

for real... I am excited for it... and by no means do I think it is a bad investment at 0.83 or whatever it is by now.

Ooops ill fix it lol

Thanks for this, never exactly understood bitshares until I read yours. Which altcoin would you compare bitshares to?

I'm not sure because bitshares is original and unique. When I was learning to use etherdelta, bitshares seems very similar. In fact I prefer how bitshares Works compared to Ether Delta. I'm not even sure if etherdelta is working currently, I actually have a little bit of ether that is frozen on their Ledger.

Thanks for sharing your exp, i also hodl bit of BitShares they lookin promising...

Yeah they're pretty useful. Definitely enjoy using them. I've scored some pretty good deals using them. I just wish I had the sense to save some.

Thank you this.

I have just encountered Bitshares when someone kindly gave me some as a gift.

Is there a good beginners step-by-step intro guide anywhere?

That one is a little difficult. There are quite a few post on steemit. I think you two would be the best resource for that. I've been using them for months now and still there are few things that I have to figure out. But it just takes getting used to once you understand how it works it becomes second nature. And I find it to be a little forgiving in that if you make a mistake most of the time you can catch it before it's too late.

upvoted my friend :)

I've been following beyond bitcoin for a little while but haven't been able to watch the thing live yet, they give some great advice, although most of it still goes over my head to be honest haha, I have never thought about buying bitshares either, guess I'll have to re-evaluate! :)

I understand, I've been using them for months and it never occurred to me to save some.

Really great post @dreamingirwin. This truly is a learn as you earn platform. LOL.

Amen. Starting to realize that cryptocurrencies should be a class taught in school. It is the ultimate math class.

I love the BTS platform! I started buying at $0.05 cents as one of my first investments and have used margin all the way up the recent run

I am not sure that many people are aware that you can instantly create loans to yourself. Assuming it continues to rise BTS will become my bank - with me as both bank manager and customer...


That is actually the next step in my learning of BTS. I know it's possible I just didn't quite understand how it worked. There's a ratio to that right? I know they will lend you bit USD but I wasn't sure how the word lending worked. You got my interest any remarks? :)

on the buy BTS/USD exchange there is an option to sell $ - will have to look tomorrow, my passwords are away locked in a drawer and doesn't seem to appear with a locked account

Yes there is a ratio, you can decide how aggressive to be

it's very simple - once you know how it works... - I highly recommend playing around on the exchange, it's very intuitive if you are prepared to take the time...


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