Preppers' Curation Day- Weekly Edition 5

in #curation6 years ago (edited)


Image Source- Pixabay

Prepping Curation

There are many posts and curation pages displaying a wide array of topics, but yet have I discovered one solely dedicated to prepping, preppers and survival; and if there was one before I have not seen an update in months. So, in my endeavors to curate more topics under the main umbrella of homesteading, self-reliance, off-grid living and more, I will be doing a weekly post every Monday dedicated to preppers.

Topics I will be searching for include (but not restricted to):

  • Prepping
  • Survival
  • Self-reliance
  • Self-sustainability
  • Bushcrafting
  • Food prepping
  • Protection (of home, family and possessions)
  • DIY Health
  • 2nd Amendment concerns
  • Gear and supplies
  • Skills & DIY Instructions

Now keeping in mind these posts will be written by other steemians, considered good quality and not plagiarized.

When I find new posts in the above mentioned topics that meet criteria I desire the posts to have, I will post in upcoming Preppers Curation Day Weekly Editions and let the author know of the sharing and curation.

I will be looking through the Preppers Discord group and channels and taking recommendations from fellow preppers in the same group and community.


How Much Food Do You Have On Hand? by @preparedwombat

Those of us who live in industrial or post-industrial countries tend to take food for granted. It’s relatively cheap and plentiful, to the point where many of us have bulging waistlines. But it wasn’t always like this, and it won’t necessarily be like this going forward. Our grocery stores are packed full, but only because of a robust interconnected supply chain. Just-in-time inventory management was a new concept a generation ago, now it’s standard operating procedure. Grocery stores routinely have very high rates of turnover for their inventory. Having a 2-day supply of food on hand is typical for them. I saw a study from the UK a while back that found that the typical British household had three days of food on hand

So how much food do you have on hand in the event of an emergency? Are you prepared?


Back Acres: Small Knife Sharpening with a Pocket Sharpener - Regular, Serrated, and Gut Hook by @jackdub

The Lansky Blademedic has many tools for knife sharpening. There are a lot of different ways to sharpen knife edges. I like this sharpener because it easily fits in the pocket or backpack. It sharpens my stainless steel and carbon steel knife blades at home, and on the go. I like to give my EDC knife a quick sharpen once a week when moderately using the knife a few times a day. This pocket sharpener is designed to sharpen regular, serrated, gut hook, and filet blades.

Learn all the parts of a knife as well as how to properly sharpen a knife for its best efficient use in this post.


Taught Addie How To Use A Chainsaw by @fixedbydoc

Addie has been afraid of the chainsaw since we got one 5yrs ago. She finally decided to learn how to use it. So we spent the afternoon cutting firewood. I dropped 2 trees (dead ones) to show her how then she dropped her first one ever. Before that though she practiced cutting the ones I dropped into billets. Here are some pics of her going at it. And a video of her dropping her first tree.

Learning new skills on the homestead are too important to let your fears take control. See how @fixedbydocs shows his wife how to safely use a chainsaw.

See this past week's curation posts below

Curation Schedule

See my full post here


Update on SBD and Seed Raffle by @sotall

Preppers Discord Server, which you can join by this invite link -



thanks for the posting :) just one thing though you added an S to my name so the link doesnt work ;) no worries though...

Sorry about that, fixed now

Read 'preppers' and gave an upvote. I actually read the post after the upvote :-)
I haven't come across many survival posts on steemit till now. I am more into survival than prepping but then again the two are so interconnected in this day and age that it is fast becoming a blurring line.
You brought up so many interesting points, not the least of which is that fact that we take the food that we buy from the market for granted. In fact not all that long ago to be able to actually buy food was also considered a privilege.
For us the food is not even considered a privilege but a right. Which no doubt it is but then again it would serve us all well to remember to be grateful.

I would take it by your comment you are more into the bush craft style of prepare by learning more then buying more. Very good I live on a homestead and my lines have blurred so much I just call it life. Look forward to seeing growth in the category along with many others on steemit.

I was searching the tag bushcrafting earlier this morning as I was preparing this post, but unfortunately there were no recent ones that I could use.
I really wanted a bushcraft post this week. I am intrigued with it and love reading post and how-to's or DIY posts about the skill.

Only ones I have found end up being under homesteading since their is no following in bush craft. Mainly spoon carving style post but that would still work for bushcraft. Jonesey posted 28 days ago a spoon carving from an axe under wood working.

Kind of....but living in the city has mellowed me out and prepping is also becoming my thing now.

SOmewhere down the line prepping, being self-reliant, self-sufficient, a homesteader, off-grid living and the list goes on seem to entwine and merge or overlap.

@goldendawne, I think a lot of it is the way tags work on Steemit. Everyone wants to make sure they get their 5 tags in and a lot of time, the tags chosen are blurred from what the content actually is. I saw one post today where they were teaching newbies to sort down the tag list by payouts and to make sure they get at least 2 or 3 of those tags in their list. Sheesh, lol.

When searching for new posts on homesteading, I am starting to see a lot of posts on subject completely off base that has nothing to do with homesteading. (sports cars, games and such)
As you look down the list, notice how many actually have the tag homesteading showing up in the list. Most of the posts don't use homesteading as a first choice. I tend to use "ctrl f" to jump to the posts that use homesteading as the first tag. It gets me closer to what I am looking for usually without wading through the cars and games.

I have found that homesteading runs over so much into prepping on so many points from tools and gear to different sets of knowledge used that it is hard to have one without the other since you never know what you will have to deal with on the homestead and being prepared for that drops you into the prepper category. I use a lot of the same tools daily on my homestead that I also pack with my gear for a trip to the Appalachian mountains and either one of those can include encounters with wild life along with medical emergencies so the defense and personal protection along with medical skills run into both situations along with daily life. I have noticed that this category has been very dead since I have been here and just figured it had not developed interest yet especially in the bush craft style categories.

Which specific category has been dead?

Yes, homesteading is a big umbrella for many other categories: gardening, self-sufficient, self-reliant, off-grid, etc etc but I have found that making an actual definition of homesteading can be difficult as it means many different things for many different people.

If I hadn't gotten a triggered downvote with no comment from @preparedwombat on a gun rights article I would feel better about it.

My son and I have been putting our awls and waxed twine to good use these past few days hand binding leather journals to trade on the blanket at our favorite skillshare gathering next week! Thanks for sharing these valuable resources :)

Hey! I just wanted to let you know that I linked and mentioned this article with proper accreditation in my most recent post! Thanks for the great curation effort :) Have a good Sunday!

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