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RE: Preppers' Curation Day- Weekly Edition 5

in #curation6 years ago (edited)

Read 'preppers' and gave an upvote. I actually read the post after the upvote :-)
I haven't come across many survival posts on steemit till now. I am more into survival than prepping but then again the two are so interconnected in this day and age that it is fast becoming a blurring line.
You brought up so many interesting points, not the least of which is that fact that we take the food that we buy from the market for granted. In fact not all that long ago to be able to actually buy food was also considered a privilege.
For us the food is not even considered a privilege but a right. Which no doubt it is but then again it would serve us all well to remember to be grateful.


I would take it by your comment you are more into the bush craft style of prepare by learning more then buying more. Very good I live on a homestead and my lines have blurred so much I just call it life. Look forward to seeing growth in the category along with many others on steemit.

I was searching the tag bushcrafting earlier this morning as I was preparing this post, but unfortunately there were no recent ones that I could use.
I really wanted a bushcraft post this week. I am intrigued with it and love reading post and how-to's or DIY posts about the skill.

Only ones I have found end up being under homesteading since their is no following in bush craft. Mainly spoon carving style post but that would still work for bushcraft. Jonesey posted 28 days ago a spoon carving from an axe under wood working.

Kind of....but living in the city has mellowed me out and prepping is also becoming my thing now.

SOmewhere down the line prepping, being self-reliant, self-sufficient, a homesteader, off-grid living and the list goes on seem to entwine and merge or overlap.

@goldendawne, I think a lot of it is the way tags work on Steemit. Everyone wants to make sure they get their 5 tags in and a lot of time, the tags chosen are blurred from what the content actually is. I saw one post today where they were teaching newbies to sort down the tag list by payouts and to make sure they get at least 2 or 3 of those tags in their list. Sheesh, lol.

When searching for new posts on homesteading, I am starting to see a lot of posts on subject completely off base that has nothing to do with homesteading. (sports cars, games and such)
As you look down the list, notice how many actually have the tag homesteading showing up in the list. Most of the posts don't use homesteading as a first choice. I tend to use "ctrl f" to jump to the posts that use homesteading as the first tag. It gets me closer to what I am looking for usually without wading through the cars and games.

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