I am literally betting the house!

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)

I sold my home about a week ago, Feb 5th to be exact. After some serious thought I have decided to put all the extra money I made on the sale of our house into the crypto market! Trust me when I tell you that it is not a small amount (at least not for me). This wasn't the plan originally, but after all of the problems I have had with the bank, on top of this beautiful correction in the market, it seemed like it was a sign from the universe. Sound crazy? Maybe I am, but you can't win if you don't go all in!

You gotta risk it to get the biscuit.

I feel like the universe lined this up for us and if I don't take this opportunity to set us up for life then I will regret it forever! I have been studying the markets and underlying technology for nearly a year now. To me, it is the future. I honestly can't see how cryptos and blockchain won't take over the world, it's only a matter of time. We need a new way to do (trust less) business and a new money system because the old system is crumbling. Cryptos are the answer. The debt based system is crushing humanity and this is our chance to take back control and save ourselves from the fiat slavery system that slowly robs every country until it falls apart.

The world as we know it is about to change, we are about to see a re-run of the internet boom of the 90's all over again. Many smart investors will become extremely rich just like last time around. I like to refer to it as internet 2.0 LoL. All of the ways we do business is going to change. I don't have time to explain it all, just believe me when I say blockchain will change the world.

I know what most people are thinking, but no, I'm not worried that I see so much red in the market. In fact it makes me happy to get such a great sale on some of my favorite coins. I am actually hoping it drops a bit more! I really don't think I would invest so much if the market was on the up and up right now. I'm sure many of you are worried about this market, but why? If think about it nothing has changed for these companies. They are doing the same things they were when the market was on the up and up. Infact, fundamentally these coins/tokens have only gotten better over the last month! Many of them have upgraded code, put out wallets or new tech to make the cryptos even better.

The market has swings like this because of speculation buyers/sellers. If you know the coins/tokens you invested in are good solid companies then these market swings shouldn't mean much to you except great times to buy and a terrible time to sell!

I know the market looks bad but something most people don't take into consideration is a lot of the ICOs of these coins/tokens came out last year. These companies all did their fund raising in BTC or ETH which means (even though we are in a correction) they are still up at least 700% from the money they needed to start the company. So they have 7 times the amount of money they started with!! So trust me when I tell you they aren't going to go bankrupt and close down because of a normal correction, they are doing just fine.

I can't say this enough times, if you pick solid coins/tokens then these corrections are nothing to worry about.

I guess what I am saying is I truly believe in cryptos and that they will change the world. So this is my opportunity to buy up cryptos like I'm a kid in a candy store! Don't get me wrong, I am still researching whitepapers and roadmaps constantly so I know where the best places are to invest my money. But you can't go wrong with a good investment.
This is your chance to do the same....... Stop living in this slavery system, break free and create your dream life!

Stop panic selling and have faith in your investments. This is a fire sale and now is the time to BUY BUY BUY!

"Peace, love and all that hippie shit"

The STEEM Engine



I have something of the same story as you. I'm not happy but my finances and
so when the "crashed" happened I took
a substantial loan. but a but I own a property and a get rent on it. so have calculated that if I lose everything, I can pay the loan with seling the property. so now a feel better. good luck to u and me and all of rest of u :)

Good for you my friend! Dont doubt ur decision for even a minute, everything is great! just a heads up tho, we might see one more down turn in the market before it shoots up so just sit tight no matter what!.

I know most people think we are crazy but to me this is an easy decision. Right now people consider it "stupid" but when (not if) the market goes back up everyone will say we were "lucky" LoL (funny how their views will change). Truth is this is not a leap of faith at all, this is simply taking advantage of a bear market that will come back even stronger than before, i have seen this happen time and time again in cryptos and this was the first time i had a real opportunity to take advantage of it..
Make sure to send me a message when u pay off all ur debt and are living the good life 😉
See u on the flip side my friend!
following u

a do not expect to sell anything in a couple of years at least. yes am very happy with my decision we live only once. I'll follow you too, am going to scream from the roof when I sell

You and me both brother! 😉

Yes man ! Your going to be retired in 3 years , as long as after 3 years you turn all the crypto into silver and gold! (ok keep 1 btc just for 10 years from now, and then retire again lol)

on my blog i said about a mate who just got a huuuuge loan for a house and will take 45 years to pay it off.. he left with something to think about when we calculated how many btc it was for the loan.. 45 btc he can buy instead of paying of the house for 45 years. Just a test to see how conditioned to the system you are i suppose!

I personally have a free lifestyle in the most expensive country in the world, and i dont really need any "things" so the money i get ALL goes on crypto lol. CANT GO WRONG! well done man for taking the leap

resteemed and upvoted!

Thanks for the awesome comment! Glad atleast some people are on my level 😉 truth is im already retired, well i have a disability income from the military so this i dont really need this money per say.. like u, i live a free lifestyle now so things dont mean much to me, as long as i got a lil food in my belly, some shelter and a beach to surf ill be as happy as a clam 😆

I think the 45bitcoin person will be a huge winner here soon.. good for him!!! people need to understand that to be great, u must be willing to do things normal people wouldn't.

I havent heard from him since, but i dont think he got the BTC lol

@norwegianbikeman just told me a similar story! I wonder if thats who u talked to!? Lol

haha maybe he read it on my blog there lol

Like you, I have never understood the panic when markets go down. Do you panic when your favorite place to shop has a store-wide sale? Of course not! You scoot in there and grab some bargains.

Companies -- and coins -- that were doing well before the downturn will recover when the panic and profit-taking stops. They'll find a new base-level and start to rise again. If you can't hang in there (and BUY!) in a bear market, you don't have any business in the game.

But then I'm a long-term investor at heart, not a speculator. I don't invest in ventures looking to make a pile of money. I invest to support companies and projects because I want them to prosper, thrive and succeed.

The psychology of investing is a fascinating study. People invest for a lot of different reasons. It helps immensely when you do invest to know who you are ... and why you choose the way you do. If nothing else, it saves a lot of sleepless nights.

Lol, i loved this

Do you panic when your favorite place to shop has a store-wide sale? Of course not!

I wish i would have thought of saying that!! Such a perfect saying!
Like u i am mostly a long term holder, 80% of my portfolio is long term, i play with 20% just for shits and giggles, kind of the speculative side of me.. thats where i buy coins that i would never hold for more than a few months but im hoping are pump and dumps or the ones that have good upgrades coming up in their roadmaps.. buy the rumor sell the news 😉 .... that 20% is also where i take my profits from occasionally.. i think it works out great that way!

hey @moderndayhippie congrats on your new lifestyle! I just know it will be awesome for you and your fiance

So many people don't actually read what they are reading! You said very clearly that if everything went ass over tit, you would still be secure, and that is why you can relax with your speculation. You have invested into your security and it is in place, so now you can take on some risk.

I've resteemed your post as I like the balance in your living and your thinking. I hope to read lots on your new hippie lifestyle as it is something I wish I had got around to, but never did. It will be another eight years before I can get around to it now.

Enjoy the road, while poor old me has to prepare for my trading meeting. Live long and prosper, man ;). Thank you.

Your post was resteem by Whale ResteemService @booster007

Keep it up!
All the best!

Send 0.100 SBD/steem For resteem over 4000+ followers / send 0.200 SBD/steem resteem over 9500+ Follwers Send your link in memo ! @boostupvote Attached !

Haha, you definitely took a big risk, but the reward could be even bigger (And most likely it will).
I also have the same mindset about red markets... If it's red, then it's time to buy. This way you can make huge profits, because everything is undervalued when this happens.
I've invested in a few coins throughout this crash, but I'm hoping we will see one last dip, so I could invest into one more coin at even lower prices.

Exactly my friend! I am actually holding out on another dip right now too.. ive been laddering in all my buys and hoping to see bitcoin go as low as 5000... even tho i think it is gonna swing lower i still bough quite a bit at these prices cuz they are still great and i dont wanna get too greedy and miss out..

Yeah, I also didn't want to miss out on this so bought a little bit in case the prices continue to go up. If it went down below 5000, I would be more than happy in that situation!

I bought my bitcone on 6200 and 6800k a was thinking to hold a bit more but was and the price went up. so am happy whit the price but maby is going down more.

Shit, id be happy as hell to pick it up at 6200.. i had the money in the bank on that day but they were holding it to make sure it cleared for 24hour.. as if another banks check would bounce or something? Fucking assholes.. so by the time i had access to my money it was already into the 7 range :( thats why i am holding off to buy.

yes i was stressing like crazy to get the money out of the bank to.
its sucks when the tell u 48 hours it's 2 years in crypto

Yeah it is!! LoL.. my stomach has been in knots hopeing to see one more swing down so I can catch a good price (weird feeling to want the market to fall more lol).. Not trying to hate on you or anything, the market will definitely be fine.. I just would love to grab a 5k or 6k bitcoin and $100 litecoin.. Either way we will both win from our decisions! I am so happy to be in this with someone else.. makes it even better! ;)

a now. I was so happy when the market went down.
then a had a chance. a can take a drop to 5k. in the long run like u say its going to be find.

Right!! Even 6000 a piece is a deal.. but 8700 is a bit more than i want to spend on it.. id rather pick up more alts than pay that..

Me too! I have been laddering in my buys, but i have been holding out on a purchase of a few full bitcoins until i see one last dip! Altho im not gonna lie, i am getting a bit anxious that i might miss out on this correction if i wait to much longer.. i just know I will hate myself if i pick up one btc at 8700 when i couldve picked up two for 10! What to do!?!?!?!?!?! Lol..

Haha, the market is really unpredictable right now... I'm waiting until tomorrow and if the market doesn't go down, I won't wait any longer, because I'd probably miss out!

Beep! Beep! This humvee will be patrolling by and assisting new veterans, retirees, and military members here on Steem. @shadow3scalpel will help by upvoting posts from a list of members maintained by @chairborne and responding to any questions replied to this comment.

Cryptos are the future.

The Steemit platform is almost unlimited in it's potential, and anyone who didn't jump on board now is going to be kicking themselves ;)


Cryptos definitely are the future, I can't see any way around that no matter how hard the governments fight it. And I agree about steemit too.. I actually did an article about steem and and steemit about a month ago saying that exact thing ;)

Hey my friend.
I am still in hospital.
I saw your post. I began to read it then I stopped.
I feel I will have my rhird heart attack if I continue reading your risky investment.
I wish you best of investment .
Take care
God bless you
Red rose


I am sorry to hear u are still in the hospital my friend. You have had 2 heart attacks already? That is scary, i hope u heal quickly.
I am sorry if my posts scares u, but i am not worried so u shouldnt be either.. infact, what i want it for is to give it away and help people in need.. i am not greedy and will never live the rich lifestyle ever again, i just want to be able to help people 😉 so i know the universe is on my side.
Get well soon friend..

God bless you and your family.

Wow... Amazing decision! I take my hat off to you - wish I could do the same. All the very best to you!! Look forward to seeing your name up there one of these days.... soon! ;) Cheers, my friend.

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