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RE: I am literally betting the house!

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago

Yes man ! Your going to be retired in 3 years , as long as after 3 years you turn all the crypto into silver and gold! (ok keep 1 btc just for 10 years from now, and then retire again lol)

on my blog i said about a mate who just got a huuuuge loan for a house and will take 45 years to pay it off.. he left with something to think about when we calculated how many btc it was for the loan.. 45 btc he can buy instead of paying of the house for 45 years. Just a test to see how conditioned to the system you are i suppose!

I personally have a free lifestyle in the most expensive country in the world, and i dont really need any "things" so the money i get ALL goes on crypto lol. CANT GO WRONG! well done man for taking the leap


resteemed and upvoted!

Thanks for the awesome comment! Glad atleast some people are on my level 😉 truth is im already retired, well i have a disability income from the military so this i dont really need this money per say.. like u, i live a free lifestyle now so things dont mean much to me, as long as i got a lil food in my belly, some shelter and a beach to surf ill be as happy as a clam 😆

I think the 45bitcoin person will be a huge winner here soon.. good for him!!! people need to understand that to be great, u must be willing to do things normal people wouldn't.

I havent heard from him since, but i dont think he got the BTC lol

@norwegianbikeman just told me a similar story! I wonder if thats who u talked to!? Lol

haha maybe he read it on my blog there lol

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